1. First Cup

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Min Yoongi tapped his fingers impatiently against the wheel of his vehicle. He hated being late, especially when he was in a rush to meet his boyfriend, Jackson. He tapped and tapped until he couldn't stand it any longer.

What is taking them so long?

The McDonald's worker stuck her head through the window with a unconcerned expression. "One more minute sir."

He groaned and relaxed his hands. Tapping will not make them brew the damn coffee any faster.

He opened his phone, not surprised to see six notifications from Jackson.

MyManz💕: Hey, meet me at 7:45 at my studio okay?

MyManz💕: Oh, please don't forget the coffee!

MyManz💕: and don't spill it either! you always drive too fast😂

MyManz💕: Just text me when you're here😊

MyManz💕:You haven't responded, r we meeting or nah?

MyManz💕: Babe😡

Yoongi sighed and quickly texted his impatient boyfriend that he would be a few minutes late.

He glanced up at the McDonald's window, seeing nothing. He was about to pull out of the drivethrough but the worker stuck her head through the window.

"Sorry sir, we're actually out of Caramel, but we made a mocha."

Yoongi clenched his fist as she handed him the mocha. The mocha wouldn't do, Jackson couldn't stand anything but caramel.

"I don't want your f*cking mocha."

He tossed the mocha on the driveway and drove away abruptly.

They made me wait fifteen minutes for nothing, Jackson will be pissed.

His eyes skimmed the small stores as he drove on his way to the studio praying for a coffee shop. He then remembered the new one that was supposed to be opening sometime soon.

"Let's just hope they are open." He told himself.

He pulled into the new coffee shop, The Drip.

He hurriedly made his way to the counter and he was greeted by a young female whose name plate read, Kim Soelhyun.

"Could I get a Carmel macchiato please?"

She nodded. "Yes, but you are our first costumer." She told him "which means you get one free coffee everyday until the end of the year!" She waited for a smile to show on his face.

He swiped his credit card against the machine.

"Ah I'm flattered." He said sarcastically, he didn't have the time for this. "Although I don't drink coffee, I ordered this for my boyfriend."

She nodded, looking almost uncomfortable "Well give it to your boyfriend maybe?".

He took the prize and shook his head. "It's alright, I'll keep it. It'll give me an excuse to see you every morning." He said, winking and walking away to one the the large sofas.

He didn't turn around to see her expression, he assumed she was whipped for him immediately  all to his amusement.

He waited about a minute before the cashier called his number, she seemed to be the only one working.

"Here you go sir." She said, surprising him. Not a hint of red in her cheeks, not a single falter in her voice. Did she really not find him attractive?

He frowned in discontentment. " Could I get your number?" He asked, testing the waters again. Truly, this girl couldn't be serious. He didn't even want her number, he just needed the confirmation.

She shook her head defiantly. "You have a boyfriend."

He blinked a couple times and then his phone buzzed. Ah yes, Jackson would be mad if he were late.

He broke eye contact with her then walked back to his vehicle irritated. One could say he had an ego, Jackson said it was his most attractive trait.

First time I've gotten rejected. It doesn't feel right.

Yoongi finally pulled into Jackson's studio. He walked into the big building carrying Jackson's steaming drink and walked into his office.

"Sorry I'm late." He said setting down the drink in front of Jackson who didn't look up from his computer.

"You're more than late Min Yoongi." He grumbled.

Yoongi shrugged and sat on top of his desk. "Well I got you something that might make it worth it." He slid the coupon he got from The Drip, waiting for Jackson to smile with delight. He didn't.

"What's this place? What happened to McDonald's?"

"Screw McDonald's, you got free coffee every morning for the entire year; all because I was the first costumer." Yoongi smiled please with himself.

Jackson rolled his eyes and sipped the hot drink, spitting the contents onto his desk. "That's disgusting."

Yoongi frowned. "You're probably not used to real coffee bea—"

"Dammit Yoongi! Can't you just get the drink I asked for? How do you think I'm supposed to work on this shit?! I give you one simple task and I do all the work and bring home the money to pay our bills and rent but you can't get one order right?" Jackson stood up and toss the coffee in the trash as well as the coupon.

Yoongi balled his fist but didn't say anything expect whisper he was sorry.

"Just get out." Jackson demanded.

Yoongi hated when he got like this; irate when he didn't have his way.

Then he mentally smiled. He figured he would buy another coffee from The Drip, and pour that coffee into a McDonald's cup. He could either get berated or he could be saving himself a lot of money, and besides, he wanted to see what was up with that cashier.

He picked the coupon out of the trash swiftly before leaving his boyfriend alone.

He got back into the car and sat down, the white receipt sitting on top of the passenger seat catching his eye.

He turned the receipt over and the cashier had left a note.

"703-455-1267, text me when you're single ;) "
He smiled, maybe he had one stop before he went home.

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks Sm for reading my story!

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