Chapter 42: my house is on fucking fire

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Jimin clicked at the computer screen growing impatient.

"Give it a second to load small guy." Jungkook said from behind him. We were all crowded around the computer screen that held the footage tapes of Jackson destroying our shop.

When the buffering finally stopped, the horrendous act started playing out on the screen.

At first, I was feeling really defeated, because you could only see his back, but then he turned around fully, and often, checking if any cops were after him.

We all shouted yes when Jimin paused it on his face in clear view.

"We got him." Namjoon said sighing.

"It isn't over, we still need a lawyer and this won't necessarily stop him from releasing my picture with more threats to follow." I said getting a little irritated at the situation again.

Namjoon put his hand over mine "Hey, let's take it one step at a time...and hopefully it won't get to this that point but if it does you can always stay with me and I'll protect you."

I noticed Jungkook clenching his jaw at that. He wanted to be more involved in my life but I do believe Rm could do a more efficient job in protecting me. I mean he is six years older than Jungkook, but it's not like I need protection anyway.

"Thanks Rm." was all I said.

"So now we take him to court." Jungkook said standing up. "I'll get a lawyer on the phone and that'll be that."

I stood up as well "It's fine, Jungkook."

He seemed on edge.

"Can't I do something?"

I put my hand on his shoulder "You need to go. Clear your head, take a breather. You shouldn't have to worry about me and I've consumed so much of your time already. I don't know what's going on with you lately, but I think you're too invested to where you're missing out on important things for yourself."

Jungkook blinked and sighed, he was agitated.
"You don't understand. I want to help you. Who cares about me I'm just some loser who dealt drugs for pocket change." He took a deep breath "Soelhyun, you're all the hope I've got right now. And if someone is threatening you you better be damn sure I'm going after their ass. I don't think Namjoons got the guts, and I don't think you can truly protect yourself no matter what you say. I couldn't care less you're three years and seven months older than me. I'll still kill a bastard if they touch you."

"Well that got dark." Jimin chirped "I say let Jungkook help, we need all hands on deck."

I stood there not really knowing what to say until Jimin said "Well?" And then I broke out of the trance and nodded.


Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair and gave me an apologetic look before he left the house.

Namjoon walked up to me looking confused. "What was that all about? That was so tense and awkward I felt like I should've left." He laughed to himself. "Jungkook's cute, acting tough and all."

I glared at Namjoon for the first time "Don't talk about him like that. He's just a little ambitious, and there's no harm to that."

Namjoon raised his hands, palms outwards "Didn't mean to offend."

It took less than a week to finally get Jackson to go to court. The trial is tomorrow, and these pst days have been hectic.

I've been meeting with the excellent lawyer Jungkook set up for me and all the work has been manageble.

However the death threats and acts of hate were growing each day, one night I had to call an officer to check out my house.

I gave in and asked to stay with Namjoon that night because Jungkook was right; without a weapon I couldn't protect myself against the crazy fans.

Speaking of Jungkook; after my lawyer arrived he disappeared. I guess my speeches got to his head and he finally decided to catch a break. He texted me telling me not to worry and that he was giving me space.

The only thing I had left to do was get a good nights' rest before tomorrow.

And now that I had the house to myself, I could accomplish that.

I shut every light off and I turned the house to cold so my warm blankets could help me fall asleep faster.

My dress suit was ironed and hanging up ready for tomorrow. I was going to be on TV, because Jackson's trial was not private.

As soon as I hit the sheets I knocked out.

However, that didn't last long, because after an hour I smelt smoke.

At first it was just a little, then the smoke was the only thing I could smell.

I figured I left my window open and someone was smoking, but when I turned on the bedroom light I saw it, black smoke was seeping from between the door gaps.

It was a fire. My house was on fucking fire.

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