4. Jungkook

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"Goodmornin babe." Yoongi plopped himself on top of Jackson's desk.

"Nice to see you on time this morning."

Yoongi shrugged "I had extra time I guess." He slid Jackson his morning drink: the coffee from The Drip he had poured into an empty mcDonalds cup.

Finally Jackson was pleased. "Thanks Yoongi." He said giving Yoongi's thigh a firm squeeze.

He did exactly what Jackson expected him to do, he enjoyed the coffee.

"What are your plans for today?" Yoongi swung his legs back and forth as they didn't touch the ground when he sat in Jackson's desk.

"Really busy, I probably won't be home until midnight."

Yoongi stopped swinging his legs "Again?"

"Well yeah babe, I gotta get this song out by the morning, and I'm going on tour in two days. Don't you think it's pretty selfish of you to ask for more of my time?" He snapped.

Yoongi looked down at his knees. "I know, I'm sorry it's just you seem to be gone almost every hour of the day." He he chuckled although nothing was funny "Who knew dating a celebrity would be so hard."

Jackson ignored him.

"I guess I'll just be sleeping alone tonight." Yoongi said as he made his way out of Jackson's office.

Another slow day. And Jimin didn't even come to work today. He told me I could take his pay today, but I didn't mind him being gone with Taehyung here and all.

I put in my earphones and sat down. Within less than ten minutes I heard the bell of the glass doors open. "Suga, the store opens at 7:40 not 7:15." I said without even looking up.

I was wrong.

A young man rushed into the store. Looking behind him quickly, making sure no one was following him.

"Ca— Can I help you?" I was confused.

He was breathing hard and he ran his fingers through his black hair as he sat down.

"Excuse me sir, is everything okay?" I asked again in a small voice.

He finally noticed me, standing there hovering with confusion and concern.

He nodded. "Yeah.... Everything is fine." He said. He was lying, I could tell.

Then I noticed the blood on his clothes.

"Sir, you're bleeding." My eyes were wide.

He looked down at his stomach region wincing. "It's nothing....really. Wha— What do you guys sell here?" He was trying to change the subject.

He looked younger than me, which made me feel more comfortable of course.

I placed my hands on my hips. "We sell coffee. But who are you running from?"

He gave a deep exhale "Please just go make me a drink or something I don't really want to talk about this right now." He was still whipping his head around to see if anyone had seen him flee into the coffee shop.

"Okay, but when I come back you're going to explain yourself. This store doesn't open for another thirty minutes so whatever your reason for barging in has to be good."

I whipped up the only thing I knew how to make so far. A caramel macchiato. It was what Suga had ordered and Jimin showed me how to make it in case Suga dropped by.

I brought out the hot coffee to him. "That'll be $3.75."

He took the drink greatfully but then stared into a distance. He sporadically shoved his hands in his pockets feeling around. He then looks up at me with a sorry expression "I forgot my money."

"Are you kidding me kid?" I asked crossing my arms.

He looked down at his drink. "I'll come back with money."

I shook my head "it's on the house, you seem to need all the help you can get."

He smiled "Thanks...and I'm fine, really." He wasn't convincing.

I pulled out a chair across from him, there was no one or nothing else to keep myself occupied with so I figured he could keep some decent company.

"Since I let you have the coffee tell me who was chasing you."

The kid sipped on his drink and sighed. "Just a bully or three."

I nodded my head, poor kid. "Why are they chasing you?"

He shrugged "beats me."

"And then they roughed you up" I said looking at the blood "And you got away?"

He nodded.

"They took your money?"

He nodded again.

I sighed. Bastards.

"What's your name?"

"Jungkook" He hiccuped after drinking the coffee too quick.

I handed him some napkins. "Clean yourself up, I don't want to see a drop of blood on that chair."

He nodded obediently.

"So do you need a ride or something?"

He looked up at me with big eyes. "Yes, oh yes! You see I don't live far it's just they might still be out there." His eyes still peered out the glass doors.

"Okay, well let me turn the sign off and grab my keys. I'll give you a ride."

He smiled wide in appreciation "Thank you so much Soelhyun!"

I hesitated hearing him call my name. I had forgotten it was on my name tag. "I've got nothing better to do anyway."

"What's your address?" We stepped into my car.

"I'll show you." He must live close.

I waited for at least a minute, watching him.

"Umm, is there something wrong?"

I nodded "I'm just wondering wether you mellinnials like to put on your seatbelts?"

He laughed a little, easing up. "Sorry." He pulled the belt over him, allowing me to drive.

"No problem kid."

"Kid? You Mellinnials? How old are you exactly ?"

I laughed. I tend to act older than I am. What can I say? I've got an old soul.

"I don't think I should be sharing that information with my costumer."

"Your costumer? So I'm a thing now? And you own me?"

I laughed again, this kid— this guy was funny.

"Drive straight?" I asked
He nodded.

"What I mean is that I'm professional. My name is Soelhyun and I'm giving you a ride because I'm nice. In return you are going to buy coffee only from the best coffee shop in town understand?" I chuckled to myself.

"Oh yes ma'am." He solutes, mocking me.

I roll my eyes. "Which house is yours?"

"Just drop me off here please."

I pulled over to the side. Why he wanted to walk I couldn't understand. He saw my confusion and clarified.

"My parents are super uptight. They'd definitely flip if they saw I got a ride from a stranger."

"Ah I see. Well hope those kids leave you alone Jungkook."

He smiled "I'll stop bye with the money I owe."

I nodded. I didn't need his money, but I just like seeing returning costumers. So hopefully he'd stop bye sometime.

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