9. Dude zoned

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Namjoon's POV:

I pulled out the chair for Soelhyun to sit down. I took her to the new shop, & Pasta, across from The Drip because it was already 8:30.

We would've been done by 8 if Jimin would've remembered to stop the coffee machines. We had brewed way too much coffee and left the store open so the costumers would use up the rest. Jimin hated wasting.

Soelhyun stared at the menu trying to figure out what she wanted. We were both in our clothes from work and she seemed really relaxed.

Either Soelhyun is always easy going or she doesn't consider this a date. I chuckled to myself because she's never had a boyfriend before which means she's probably not too good at discerning whether a guy is into her or not.

"What's funny?" She asked smiling.

It was that smile right there that made me feel at ease. I didn't even know her for very long but I like her... a latte.

I shook my head smiling to myself "nothing."

"Oh come on, I want to laugh too. What is it? Another stupid coffee pun?"

I put my hand over my heart as if I was offended "You don't like my puns? I guess I'll just laugh to myself then."

she laughed "Namjoon you're something else."

"I get that a lot."

The waiter came by asking for drinks. I ordered a water while Soelhyun orders a beer.

The waiter nods and goes away.

"So you like to get a little crazy after work?" I teased her.

She laughs "It's been a long day dude, I need a break."

Dude. She definitely doesn't considered this a date. Which is okay, because it makes me more comfortable to ask her out in the future.

"So why did you guys decided to open so early? Just you and Jimin?"

She presses her lips together in thought. It's a trait I only found adorable until I saw Soelhyun do it.

"Well, Jimin and I have been friends for eleven years now and after going to college we lost communication. Two years later we end up in the same state, find each other, and decide to open a coffee shop. Why? Because we were both bored as hell and needed to do something significant as twenty two year olds." She says before taking a long sip of the golden liquid from her cup.

I nod. "Then five days later I show up."

"Exactly." She smiles.

The waiter comes back and asks for our entree.

"Wanna share?" She asks me and I nod.

I tell her to order whatever she wants and she happily orders our dish.

We are three minutes into a good conversation when Soelhyun points at someone coming inside the restaurant.

"Hey, I know that kid." She says.

I turn to look in the direction of where she's pointing.

The kid must've noticed her because he comes over and waves.

"Hey Soelhyun!" The guy chirps.

"Hey Jungkook. What brings you here so late on a school night?"

"I was at school late because of exams so I decided to pick up some dinner and I'm waiting for my partner for my project to come."

Soelhyun nods. "Want to join us while you wait?" She looks at me "it's cool right?"

I laugh and nod. "Of course, a friend of Soelhyuns Is a friend of mine."

Jungkook pulls up a chair and joins us.

"Am I interrupting your date? I can leave if you want." He smiles cheekily.

I shook my hands in front of me. "No need Jungkook, we'd love your company. I'm Namjoon, I work with Soelhyun."

Jungkook nods " Ahh thank you mister. Should I call you mister? I'm nineteen." He says proudly.

I shrug. I didn't feel like our age gap was big enough. "Nah, call me Namjoon, or hyung if you really want to."

Jungkook nods obediently.

"So you said you're waiting for your partner, you guys doing some sort of project?" Soelhyun asks Jungkook.

Jungkook looks down at the floor "yes." He's hiding something.

The waiter drops off our food and looks at Jungkook. "Drink sir?" He asks.

"Milk would be nice." Jungkook tells the waiter.

Soelhyun licks her lips as she admires the huge bowl of pasta.  "Oh my gosh there is so much food!" She squeals out of excitement.

Note to self: it takes very little to make Soelhyun excited.

"Jungkook, do you want to eat this with us? There's no way we'll finish it." I ask him

Jungkook smiles wide. "Really? That'd be okay?"
I nod.

Jungkook and Soelhyun dive into the steaming pasta as I ask the waiter for small plates for the table.

After about fifteen minutes a man in dark clothes comes in and approaches our table.

"Jungkook." The man says. He has a terrific after shave and smells heavily of smoke. His hands are stuffed in the pockets of his long black coat although it's not cold outside... not even the slightest bit.

Jungkook turns around, looking smaller than he did before. "I'm ready."

He starts to get up but Soelhyun grabs his wrist. "He's your partner?"

Jungkook nods and smiles reassuringly. "See you tomorrow okay?"

He slings his bag over his shoulder then stops and turns to me "Nice meeting you Namjoon, take good care of Soelhyun for me!"

I nod and with that he's out the door with the mysterious man.

"And Jungkook is a high schooler right?" I ask Soelhyun who's staring in the direction of where Jungkook just left.

She nods. "That man with him was no high schooler though. Didn't he look suspicious?" She had a little bit of white sauce on the corner of her lip.

"Yes he looks like he belongs to a gang or something. I wonder what type of project they are up to." I said as I folded a napkin to wipe Soelhyun's mouth.

I dabbed tentatively at her lip then returned to my seat.

She scrunched her lips. "Thanks Namjoon."

We were silent for a couple minutes. I knew what she wanted.

"Alright fine. Let's pack up the food and follow them."

She looks at me with big eyes. "Really? You'd be willing to do that?"

I smile. I couldn't say no to her. It wasn't  possible. "Of course. I'm just as worried about him as you are."

I called the waiter over and he packed up the food.

"This better be good Jungkook." I said to myself.

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