15. Tent

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"Done!" I yelled as I balled up my uniform and threw it in the corner. It was time to close up shop, I was so thankful to be done for the day.

"Ready for the weekend already?" Namjoon asked smiling.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "More than ever! Who knew working here would be such hard work! I don't know how the Starbucks employees do it."

Namjoon shrugs and begins reorganizing the spices. "Got huge plans for the weekend?"

I shake my head. "Nah, I'm just going to unwind and relax. What about you?"


"Hey, can we go to dinner again? I kind of screwed up the last time we went." I thought back to the incident with Jungkook.

Namjoon smiled. "Are you asking me out?"

I laughed. Namjoon is adorable. "Sure man, whatever you want to call it."

I grabbed my things and made sure to avoid the areas where Namjoon had mopped.

I didn't do a good job.

I slipped, of course, throwing my bags in the air as I crashed onto the ground.

"Dammit!" My whole back side was soaked.

Namjoon ran over and suppressed a laugh. "You didn't see the sign?" He raised his eyebrows to the yellow warming sign.

"No I saw the sign alright, it was that stupid sign that made me fall." I laughed at myself too, I wasn't clumsy these boys just won't stop mopping everywhere!

Namjoon gave me a hand to help me up. I grabbed his strong hand and proceeded to slip like I was standing on ice. The problem is that he used wayyyy too much water.

He grabbed my waist to steady me.

Once I was stable I created space between us. "Thanks Joon." I said breaking eyecontact with him.

He was giving me a look I couldn't read, staring right into my eyes.

I swallowed hard and turned from him "I'll just pick up my stuff and I'll be ready kay?"


Namjoon's POV:

I rushed from behind the counter when I heard Soelhyun crash to the ground.

I didn't want to laugh since she had saved my behind earlier with that woman who wanted to sue me.

I went to help Soelhyun up, she seemed to already be laughing at herself.

I gave her a hand and I won't lie, I enjoyed every second of holding her small hand.

She kept slipping so I... I just reached out to steady her I didn't even mean to grab her waist but it was too late.

I hoped she couldn't see my face getting red or hear my heartbeat because as cheesy as it sounds It felt like my heartbeat was crashing against my ears.

She held eye contact with me for about two seconds, which felt like eternity to me. She smiled as she turned away from me "Thanks Joon."

Joon. That painful reminder she only sees me as a friend. Hopefully with time that changes, I don't know how long I can stand seeing her with that Suga guy, no matter what their relationship is.

"I'll just pick up my things and I'll be ready Kay?" She said to me.

End of POV

"No, I got them." Namjoon picked up my things and we walked out to his car.

He opens the door for me, such a gentleman, and put my stuff in the back.

"Where to?" He asks me.

I purse my lips in thought then I slap my hands together. "Korean barbecue sounds good doesn't it?"

He nodded smiling. "It sounds great."

He pulls out of the driveway and we head to the store. I was so thankful it was warm and the sun was setting, it allowed my backside to dry.

At a long light I saw a tent placed in the woody area I hadn't seen before. I squinted at it as I noticed a person coming from the tent.

"Kind of a weird time to go camping huh?" Namjoon asked me.

I nodded. I felt like that person looked so familiar.

He turned his head in my direction and I gasped.

I did recognize him, because he was Jungkook.

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