13 Just Friends

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Namjoon and Jimin were talking in a low voice when I walked into the shop.

"Good morning to you two too." I said waiting for them to notice me.

"Oh!" Jimin's head popped up noticing me. "So we both want to know, how was your date?"

Namjoon was tapping at Jimin's arm begging him not to ask me but Jimin blurted it out anyway.

I laughed a little. "So that's what this is all about?"

Jimin nodded "We want the details! I saw Suga cry, did you break his heart?"

I pulled on my apron and smiled "Not hardly."

"So...you went on a date or whatever?" Namjoon asked me.

I shook my head. "It totally wasn't like that. I'm not goin to throw his business out or anything but we're just...friends." I couldn't stop replaying the memory of Suga leaning in to kiss me.

I hated myself for rejecting him but it was the right thing to do. Suga doesn't like me like that, he just doesnt.

"Oh." Namjoon said nodded. He looked somewhat relieved.

The doors opened and I knew it was either Jungkook or Suga. Only those two jokers came in to the store before opening.

Jungkook walked into the cafe, he wasn't wearing his school uniform.

I wasn't sure if I should be mad, forgiving, or act like it didn't even happen.

Mind your business.

Jungkook walked up to the cash register, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry."

"For? You were right, I should've minded my business and you can handle your own shit, right?" Okay, so I was sill a little upset.

"Soelhyun, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to lash out on you. I'm just in a difficult place right now and I got no one."

I sighed. "I understand. You want something to drink?"

"You forgive me?" He asked looking into my eyes.

I nodded "I do, I really do. Sorry...for calling you a kid."

He shrugs it off.

"So...can I ask why you're not in your school uniform or would that be invading your privacy?" I smiled a little.

He laughed "I dropped out Tuesday."

My eyebrows jumped up. "Jungkook I have so many questions....but I'll let time answer them. You sure you don't want anything to drink?"

He shook his head "I'm alright. Just in case you were worried I took care of that money and the guy doesn't have your picture anymore."

"I'm glad to hear."

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something else but Suga walked in.

He walked straight up to Jungkook and stared st him like he was some misplaced artifact.
"Excuse me." He said rather harshly.

Jungkook turned around to face Suga who was much smaller than him, but then again Jungkook is very tall.

Suga didn't back down although he had to look up to face Jungkook.

"Yes?" Jungkook asked. I got a feeling that he didn't like Suga, and vice versa.

"Can't you read kid? The sign says that the store is closed."

Jungkook laughed "And what makes you so special to where you can be here before it's open?"

Suga dug in his pocket then pulled out a coupon "I'm their first customer, which means I am more important than you are."

Jungkook squinted his eyes at Suga, sizing his small body up.

"Well luckily for both of you, neither of you are special." Namjoon said from behind me "The store opens on twenty minutes, come back then."

Both boys grunted as they walked away and Jimin charged at Namjoon.

"Namjoon why?! You just kicked out our two most sexiest customers!" Jimin whined.

"That's a double superlative Jimin."

"What?" Jimin gaped at him.

"Most sexiest... that's not proper grammar."Namjoon said sounding disgusted.

Jimin threw his hands up and walked back into the kitchen.

Namjoon looked over at me "I'm glad you and Jungkook are cool now."

I joined him behind the counter "Me too, I just wish I had a glimpse of what's going on in his head."

Namjoon shrugged "So how long have you known Jungkook?"

"Met him just a couple days ago. His first impression was sure something." I thought back to when Jungkook ran into The Drip, fleeing from his bullies. Now that I think about it, maybe they weren't bullies but drug dealers.

"And you like him?" Namjoon asked cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah he's a nice guy from what I know. The guy seems to like to keep his secrets."

"So....are you two a thing or..?" Namjoon arranged the tea bags.

"No! No, he's just a friend." I told Namjoon laughing to myself.

Just like Suga. Just a friend...right?

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