Chapter 51 my baby (Final)

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The car pulled into a nice modern/fancy neighborhood and finally drove into the garage of a wide, baby blue town house at the very end of the strip.

My hands were clammy. I was actually nervous to see her again, and it's only been a year.

"Wait!" I pulled myself closer to the driver's seat "I should shower before I see her. I mean I already showered today, but just in case I still smell like prison mattress I should shower again."

Rm rolled his eyes "You smell fine. And you're just nervous. Calm down, it's not like she's expecting the prince or anything."

I sighed and sunk back into the seat. No matter what I said Rm wouldn't listen to me.

"We're here." Jin said unclicking his seatbelt.

I rubbed my hands along my jeans praying I wouldn't be an awkward mess when I saw her. I mean, I was totally unprepared mentally for this.

"Just sent her a text, she's coming to open the door now." Rm said to Jin.

I started taking deep breaths, my heart was running and my body wasn't doing a great job keeping up.

"Coming!" I heard her yell to us from the inside.

"Does she know I'm here?" I asked tugging slightly on Rm's sleeve; a nervous habit.

He shrugged "She could probably guess. We don't visit her too often, and she knows you got out today."

I didn't know which one was worse. A surprise or her expecting me.

She opened the door and froze in place.

Her expression looked as if she was overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions. Her hair had grown so much longer, now it flowed towards her waist, and her bangs had to be pushed out of her face. She looked slightly more mature, and determined.

Just looking at her I couldn't believe I considered abandoning her and our friendship. I was thankful to Jin and Rm, they were right.

"Jungkook, is that really you are am I seeing things?" She was giddy with excitement, relief flushed throughout my entire body. I was no longer nervous.

I half walked half skipped up to the stairs to pull her into a hug. My arms naturally laced around hers and I felt the urge to cry of happiness but I couldn't.

She pulled away first, and gently ran her hand along my cheek. "Wow, prison treated you well." She said snarkily. Her sense of humor is what I missed most about her.

She pressed her lips together comically "No seriously, I prefer clean shaven Kook much better. Come in and get some lemonade." She said poking my side playfully.

I followed her inside and Rm and Jin were behind me grumbling about how she didn't even notice them.

"I like your crib." I said looking around the house.

"I know right? At first I hated it because it was missing life and it didn't really feel like home. Then I decorated it more but it still felt like something was missing." She turned around to look me in the eyes "When I realized it was you that was missing I decorated this section with all the crap you like. So all your stuff is already ready for ya here, and now you can move in easy peasy." She smiled wide, proud of herself.

I frowned. "I don't know how to tell you...." I was going to pull her leg just for the fun of it.

She stopped walking around and looked right at me "what's wrong?" Her eyebrows furrowed together with concern and dread, as if she was preparing for the worst news.

"I— it's just that I'm dating now, and I was going to move in with my girlfriend." I looked away from her, so I wouldn't give anything away.

Out of the corner of her eye I saw her in utter shock.

"You're what?"

I shrugged "My girlfriend, she's really excited for me to move in and all..."

Rm and Jin rolled their eyes understanding the situation.

Soelhyun took a step closer to me "I thought... I mean, since when? Do you love her?" She sounded so hurt, I wanted to just tell her ITS HER.

"I think so." I still couldn't meet her eyes.

She gently cupped my face in her hands so I had to suffer and look her in the eyes.

"Well then you're just...." she leaned in towards me, I felt my cheeks heating up as if I had a head cold "a dick." She said with a hard K, her lips brushing against my cheek as she stepped away from me and turned her back to me. "You don't kiss a person and tell them you love them right before getting kicked away for a year to confuse them and start dating someone else behind their back! And to think I was loyal and turned down so many...." She continued to grumble.

I cracked a smile, I couldn't even joke around with her she was so ridiculous. For months I tried to force myself to get rid of the subtle feelings I had for her but the more time we spent together the stronger they grew. I didn't want to ruin our friendship but I almost couldn't stop myself now.

I wrapped my arms around from the back of her, holding her hands at her stomach.

"It's you." I whispered into her ear smiling my head off while simultaneously embarrassed Jin and Rm were watching my every move.

She whipped around to face me. "Wha— oh....." Her confused expression melted into a laughing one. "You're so stupid Kook. I didn't know that we were dating? Or that I am your girlfriend?" her eyebrows rose in suspicion "Mind enlightening how that came about?"

I shrugged "should I tell my girlfriend I shouldn't move in with her then?"

Soelhyun looked up into the ceiling as if she were in deep thought "Well I think it'd be pretty badass for your girlfriend to date a criminal."


She shrugged "Yeah whatever."

And this time, she kissed me.

I felt her smile against my lips and she pulled away just to look me in the eyes "I missed you Kook." She whispered.

"I missed you too baby."

"ENOUGH." Jin shrieked as Rm had his face buried in Jins shoulder to protect himself from cringing to death.

"Get a room!" Rm said through Jin's shirt.

"Get a house!" I yelled at them both.

"Oh we will, we're out of here!" Jin said more to RM than to me.

Jin ran out the door and Rm followed right behind him leaving Soelhyun and I alone for the first time. Well, not the first time. But the first time that we were on the same page romantically.

I felt giddy and and ready to catch up on every minute I was away from her.

I brushed some hair behind her ear and she giggled. "So how do you feel about a double wedding? Jin and and me?" I asked softly.

She smiled so sweetly, then raised her hand high in the air only to swing it at me, slapping me hard in the face.

"I hope I slapped some since into you. Jungkook, it doesn't matter how manly you look and even after prison, you still show your age" she scolded me "so let me teach you. the order is: first date, then you propose, then IF and only IF I say yes we talk about marriage...let alone a double marriage; which I'm down for IF I say yes." She smiled smugly and I rolled my eyes leaning in to kiss her before she stops me again.

She pulled away leaving me in a pout pose. "Oh, and get things straight. I'm three years older than you. You're most definitely my baby"

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