Part 44 $1.3 million

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"Can I talk to her alone?" Yoongi asked Jimin.

"No." Jimin said standing up.

I didn't disagree with Jimin. There was no need for me to treat Yoongi with a drop of intimacy; we weren't friends, and we wouldn't ever have a romantic relationship. There was nothing but circumstances that we had in common.

"What?" I asked plainly.

"I just want to apologize that you're suffering because of Jackson. I feel like all of this is my fault." He said hanging his head a bit.

I didn't say anything, because it was his fault. It was his fault he got me entangled in his life and threw me away, while simultaneously having his boyfriend after the people I cared about.

He expected me to respond and when I didn't he came closer. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No. You've done enough. Actually, you've only made things worse."

He was taken back.

"Those text messages, if you wouldn't have been so stuck on protecting your psychotic boyfriend I would've already had him in the prison system, and my house wouldn't have been set on fire. I almost died Yoongi! Do you think you can just drag your pathetic self in here and expect me to forgive you? I don't want to see you again. You hurt me once and I forgave you. You manipulated me and used me but I forgave you then too. And then you you had everything we needed to get rid of him and you go to him again. What's the matter with you? Can't choose? I'll do it for you. Get out of here and I never want to see your bitch-ass face unless it's in court. You've proven over and over again you only care about yourself; if you actually cared about me, you'd make some fucking sacrifices for God's sake."
He bit his lip, hurt.
"So that's actually it?" Was all he said.

"Does she need to repeat herself?" Jimin asked Yoongi standing up.

Yoongi finally gave up "I'm sorry I wasn't enough Soelhyun. I'll stop wrecking your life like I'm wrecking mine." He started to walk away.

"And you know what?" I wasn't done "Stop with all this self pity shit. You were completely enough and more than. You chose not to be, and that's on you. You didn't wreck my life, I did. I chose to fall for the biggest shit head on the planet. That was my decision and now I'm taking responsibility for it. So you go, but don't go giving yourself credit for my life."

He started walking again.

I was certain I wouldn't see him again.

Jimin started clapping. He was proud of me. Jungkook would be hysteric with happiness.

I shook my head "No Jimin, thank you but I don't feel so great about that you know. It's's time."

He nodded. "Oh it's been time honey."


I woke up to Jimin talking in his sleep. Jhope was slumped against the small couch and Namjoon was right next to him. The sight made me smile.

"Wake up." I said to the three. We had a big day today, today was the trial.

My doctor signed my release form informing me everything was normal.

And my dress suit didn't burn, although Jimin had to take it to the dry cleaners because it smelled like smoke.

I got my phone and sent Jungkook a quick text, letting him know the trial was today. I hoped he could make it, he was another witness.

Namjoon drove me there, coaching me on intellectual points to add once it was my turn to speak.

I couldn't let my passionate hate for the guy get the best of me, my one goal was to get him arrested, and immediately that is.

Once we arrived I met with my lawyer and most of the Jury was already seated.

It started in ten minutes, and Jackson wasn't here. The Judge took her seat, and Jimin, Namjoon And Jhope took there's.

"Where's the defendant?" I heard the Judge ask.

The security guard whispered something to her and she nodded.

Exactly at 7:03 Jackson rolled in late, sunglasses on and disheveled looking.

The judge was already pissed off, and that was my advantage.

"We're here this day to determine the whether accusations against Jackson Wang depicting his innocence or guilty—

The judges talked for a while and when I spoke I felt I did an amazing job. Jackson looked nervous as he could tell the Judge was beginning to lean into my story more.

When she reviews the evidence she asked him if that was him in the film and he denied it.

She told him lying in court is a criminal ofense but he stuck with the story that I was his abusive girlfriend. She didn't buy that for a second.

With the huge heaping pile of evidence up against him his lawyer showed submission and basically giving up by saying that Jackson isn't mentally stable to lesson his sentence; it's the same as filling for bankruptcy when you're broke.

He lost.

Then another witness came forward and presented evidence of Jackson bribing her to set my house on fire. I wanted to scream at him.

I made eye contact with Yoongi and my lawyer called him up as a witness. To my surprised Yoongi testified against Jackson, telling the judge honestly how Jackson had used abusive tactics to keep him quiet. Maybe he was trying to make things right between us. Maybe.

The judge had seen enough.

"I hereby sentence Jackson Wang to sixty two years in prison on the account of attempted murder, vandalism and destruction of property, violent threats and unconsented harassment and abuse. Soelhyun will be granted the 1.3 million dollars for destruction of her personal property and complete destruction of their coffee shop. Court dismissed."

"What's the bail amount for the court??!" Jackson screamed at the judge.

She scoffed. "1.3 Billion." And with that she walked away.

I ran over to Jimin, hugging him and shaking him. Namjoon And Jhope gave me big hugs as well.

"We'll be able to afford six coffee shops now! And a Mansion!" Jimin screeched.

I ruffled his hair and then I started to scan the crowd exiting the court doors.


I hadn't heard from him in a week now, and I'd assumed he'd been taking a break but I was worried. He didn't get my text the trial, or else he would've come.

"No signs of him?" Jimin asked me drawing me out of my trance.


"Jungkook." Jimin said with a duh sort of tone.

I shook my head "Nothing."

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