12 Ddaeng

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"So then I cut the onions at a precise angle and—"

"Your eyes started to burn?!" Jimin guessed excitedly, he could never let anyone finish their story without guessing the ending. It always made me laugh.

"No no no." Namjoon chuckled at Jimin "The chef looked over at me and said: Namjoon, you're cutting the onion with the wrong side of the knife!"

Jimin bursted in laugher and Namjoon looked over at me for approval. I laughed too just because he was so silly.

"Okay, okay guys we've had enough fun let's get the machines ready, we're opening in twelve minutes." I told them both.

Jimin slid off the counter disappointed. "Tell us another story after work Namjoon."

Namjoon nodded pleased with himself he got the younger to laugh.

I stood at the cash register waiting for Suga to burst in with his infamous "Goodmorning, Sunny! The regular!"

I checked my watch five minutes later and he still hadn't come.

Jimin peaked his head out the kitchen door "no Suga today?"

I shrugged "Maybe he's running late."

Seven minutes later and I opened the store.

Suga came, finally.

He walked straight up to the counter "Soelhyun we need to talk." He looked not as fresh as usual, like he had little to no sleep and spent most of the night crying.

I nodded and turned to Namjoon "cover for me for ten minutes?"

"My pleasure!"

Suga led me to a small table in the back of the shop.

"What's up?"

He was tapping his fingers, anxious. "I don't have anyone else to talk about this with and I know it's pretty pathetic talking to you whom I barely know but—"

"Hey, calm down. Everybody needs someone to talk to, you're fine."

Suga sighed "I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean?"

"Jackson is cheating on me and I just don't know what to do. I thought I could just break up with him but I can't Soelhyun, I'm in love with him and I have nothing else!"

Suga was on the brink of tears. I didn't really know what to say.

"Suga, I'm not experienced at all but my best advice I can give is to just leave him okay? No matter how hard it is just...leave him. You don't deserve unrequited love, and it's too painful to try to persevere it just because you have nothing without Jackson. Start over." I had no idea if that was right or wrong, but Suga was nodding his head in agreement.

I hated to see him so broken, sad. It was so much different from his usual self. His hair was a bit messier that usual, his face flushed but cheeks very pink probably because of the situation. I couldn't believe Jackson could look at anyone else!

He wiped his eyes quickly. "I'm sorry to push my personal problems on you."

I shook my head. "No it's totally okay I'm always hear to listen. I hate to see anyone going through this."

"Sorry I was such a dipshit when we first met. I know your name isn't Sunny." He smiled a little, his cheeks still wet from tears.

I laughed "in all fairness I sorta liked it."

He sighed into his hands "What the hell am I going to do with myself Soelhyun?"

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