34. Abusive Boyfriend

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"No Namjoon don't!!!!" I yelled from across the cafe.

Namjoon heard too late as he plugged the machine into the wall sending coffee beans flying everywhere.

I hung my head in defeat and made my way to behind the counter.

"Sorry." He said visibly cringing at the mess he made.

I tried to force a smile but I just wasn't feeling it. I've been in a testy mood lately and I wasn't sure how long it was going to last.

"Hey," He said in a soft voice "I'll clean up everything and why don't you just take a bre—"

"NO Namjoon I don't need a freaking break I'm perfectly fine and I don't need people pitying me because I fell for an asshole!"

He gulped and bent down to pick the coffee grains. "Okay." He said quietly.

I sighed and rubbed my temples "Namjoon I didn't mean to snap I'm just going through some heavy shit right now."

He nodded "I understand."

I pursed my lips "Thanks man."

Jimin was also in a slump these past few days. Namjoon was the only one who seemed to want to work.

Jimin probably continuously worried about Jhope, and I had stupid guy problems.

"Soelhyun." Namjoon put his hand on my shoulder "Do you need to talk?"

I shook my head. Jungkook is my therapist. "I'm fine I promise."

He nodded.

"Actually... I have a question for you." I had an idea, I didn't know if it was a good one but it was still something.


"Do you still have a crush on me?" I asked him feeling uncomfortable.

He nodded "I do, but it's not something that I don't enjoy. I like the rush." He smiled. "Why?"

"Well then... have you ever had a crush on someone before?"

He nodded "Lots. I've dated girls too."

"How did you get over some of your crushes that didn't like you back?"

He thought for a second. "I usually played it safe with how I felt, but then there was this one girl...and it my friends suggested making her jealous and whatnot. I didn't really think most girls would buy into that. So with time, I began to not care for her anymore."

I sighed "That's the only way?"

He shook his head "Or find someone new." His eyebrows danced, he was teasing me I did indicating I could start with him.

I smiled a bit and went to go ring up more orders.

By noon, Suga had come with Jackson and I couldn't understand why they were here. He doesn't even like the drinks here all that much.

Jackson came up to order and Suga sat in a booth with his head low.

"So you're the pretty elf that is head over heels for my property."

I didn't respond "Welcome to the Drip what would you like?"

"I'd like you to never think about Yoongi, never look at him, or even talk to him. He's mine and I make sure of that every day."

Namjoon was starting to get agitated with Jackson being a jerk. He was going to say something but I shook my head slightly and he stood down.

"With all the being done and said get me two macchiatos and one strawberry boba." He commanded.

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