Chapter 48 One Year

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The following week was hard. I gave into RM begging me to relocate an hour and a half away from the jail, and I constantly had the urge to go back to the prison and check on Jungkook.

I'd watched his hearing on Tv, and it would be another three years till he got out. Which is a very short sentence considering the charges, but they judged it as self defense; and he got three years for the drugs. It wasn't self defense though; because he was defending me, not himself. I knew that. Either way, I'm not going to be mad at Jungkook for protecting me.

I know he told me he didn't care about me and that his intentions were strictly for himself, but that didn't stop how I was starting to feel about him. Too bad it'd be three years since I could say anything, and who knows how he'd change over the years in prison.

I'd have to forget about him. That's what RM said. And I considered it I really did, but it's impossible. Jungkooks my best friend, he went to prison and put those perverts in the grave for my sake. I'm not saying it was the right thing to do, I just don't even know anymore.

I heard a knock at my door, echoing throughout the empty, new, and lonely apartment.

"Hey." I said opening the door letting Jimin and Jhope in. They were helping me move in and decorate. Of course, Jimin insisted on having a "move in" party as well.

Jimin smiled at me "Hey babes, why the long face?"

I forced a reassuring smile "Jimin if you were alone all day after watching Five Nights at Freddie's you wouldn't be cheesing either."

Jimin shook his head "I told you only to watch that when you're with me."

Jhope rolled his eyes "Jimin if the Care Bear Countdown show scares you I doubt you can stand Five Nights at Freddie's."

Jimin crosses his small arms right over his chest "Those Care Bears are demonic!"

"SO IS FREDDIE!" Jhope laughed.

"Okay, okay you two, are you guys going to help me paint the walls or what? I'm gonna turn on some tunes."

They both nodded and started unwrapping the paint canisters, still mumbling what was considered as scary and whatnot.

"Oh Soely!" Jimin called to me from the living room "Did you hear about Jungkook? He's going to only have one year!"

I whipped around to face him "No, three years. Right?"

Jimin shook his head excitedly "His uncle Jin payed BIG bucks to shave off two years!"

I felt like yet again the air had been sucked out of my lungs, but in an amazing way this time. One year? Practically nothing. I'd just have to suffer through a year...

"DONT!" I screamed at Jhope who was about to press a large paintbrush saturated with rich blue paint onto the wall.

He stopped dead in his tracks confused. "I'm going back to Padua with you guys. I can wait a year." I proclaimed.

Jimin's face twisted in confusion. "What? So he gets out sooner, you're still in danger. And you need to think this through."

I rolled my eyes "I'll stay with RM, it's only a year."

Jimin sighed and sat down. "I dunno, I mean it doesn't make sense. What does Jungkook have to do with where you live?"

I did not think that through.

Because long distance relationships don't work.

"Because we still live together, and where would he go once he gets out?"

Jimin started to make the face he did when he doesn't want to hurt my feelings "Doesn't he have move out sometime?"

I shook my head "I don't want to think about it."

Jhope groaned and laid on the floor, spreading his limbs like a starfish. "Y'know, maybe you guys should just date or something, so this stuff doesn't have to be so confusing. I mean, you like each other anyway."

I scrunched my face together "I can live in the same house as a male without wanted to bang him every five seconds."

"What? No! Ew" Jhope looked at me in disgust " I said absolutely nothing about sex."

I rolled my eyes "I'm making a point."

"And five seconds?" He rose an eyebrow and I turned from him.

"I made the decision guys so stop complaining. I'm moving back to Padua with Rm and yeah, I'm not sure why or how I just need to be there."

"It's love" I saw Jimin mouth to Jhope. And I intentionally pushed him over as I walked over by him.

"Wait, wait but seriously; consider this last thing." Jimin looked up at me after picking himself up from falling "You told me he said he doesn't care about you. What if he was being honest, and you'll be waiting a year for nothing? Maybe you should just stay here, start your new, safe life and he'll come to you once he's out?"

I contemplated his words for a minute. He was completely right. I had to be sure.

"I'm going to the prison again, it's been a week and I'm sure he's cooled off. I'll talk to him to be sure."

Jhope sighed into his hands "The man asked for space Soel, I think you should respect that."

I was starting to get frustrated. What could I even do?

"But the shop, I want to go back to work at our shop." I lied. Yes I loved working at the shop but I would never move just for the shop.

Jimin shrugged "maybe we can open a second one near you, we have the funds, and it's definitely a help to the business."

We sat in silence while I thought my options through. "You're right I guess." I admitted without even attempting to hide my disappointment "If there's one thing Yoongi taught me: it's to not put all your eggs in one basket. I can't wait for him to come around, if he's a true friend, he'll come to me. So all I have to do is just... wait."

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