29 Car Accident

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"Jhope got in an accident." Jimin told us.

After Jimin got those words out I felt my knees weaken. I felt Suga grab my my wrist pulling into Jimin's vehicle and in less than five minutes we were at the hospital.

I was practically run walking until we arrived at the counter to ask one of the nurses which room Jhope was in.

She told us the room number, but she also mentioned we couldn't visit him right now because he's in surgery.

So we just had to sit and wait with a heavy aura of worry, anxiety, and dread.

I looked down at my hand just now realizing Suga was holding it tight. I knew he loved Jhope so much and I could tell he was on the edge of freaking out.

"What happened Jimin?" I asked the trembling boy.

Jimin removed his head from being buried in his hands "He was just dropping off some cold medicine for me and some drunk driver..." he couldn't finish and I didn't need him to.

I put my other hand on Jimin's shoulder in attempt to comfort him. I know he's thinking it's his fault but it's not, it's the drunk driver's fault.

So we waited like that for another hour, and finally a nurse came to bring us to his room.

"Is he going to be okay?" Suga asked as soon as the nurse approached us.

"He got hit bad, but as long as he's worked with, has his check ups, and is taken care of we hope we can see some improvement."

Suga bombarded her with a hundred more questions until we got to Jhope's room where we went silent.

Suga inhaled a sharp breath and turned away when he saw him. "I don't know if I can-"

I squeezed his hand a little "it's okay, he needs to see you."

Suga finally nodded and turned around to face Jhope. He was hooked up to all these beeping machines. His face was bruised terribly, and they hadn't cleaned up all the blood on the floor.

Jimin immediately rushed over and wiped his tears to be strong for Jhope.

"Hey sunshine." He whispered in Jhope's ear, forcing himself to smile even though he wanted to cry for him. "Everything is going to be okay alright?"

Jhope nodded groggily then slowly pointed to something on a stand. We all turned to see what he was pointing at: a pink bottle of cough medicine.

Jimin looked back at Jhope to see him smile just a little before getting the words "got it" out.

Jimin couldn't take it anymore, he began to cry.

Suga slowly loosened his grip on my hand and squatted beside Jhope. "Hey buddy...it's Yoongi..." he swallowed and looked away "We're going to get you out of here you just wait okay?"

Jhope mumbled what I could make out "pabo" whatever that meant.

The doctor came in and told us the rest of the details. Slight brain damage so coordination would be off, his trachea is bruised so it would take him a little while to be able to speak normally, one broken rib and a nasty wound on his leg.

"But everything can heal right? And he can be back to normal?" I asked the doctor while the two boys stayed by Jhope's side.

The doctor thought for a second "In theory yes, maybe he'll never be one hundred percent back to normal but he can be close. The brain is a difficult muscle to predict."

I nodded. Just a little bit of hope was all we needed.

I walked over to Suga and nodded "Doc says he'll be back to normal in no time, we just need to take good care of him."

Suga exhaled a huge breath of relief almost making his (rather small body for a male) collapse.

"When can we take him home?" Jimin asked the doctor.

"We'll see how he's doing in a week and we'll update you." The doctor said coming over to Jhope to adjust the machines.

"Can I stay here please?" Jimin asked the doctor.

The doctor sighed "Look, I know you're worried but he's in good hands. There's no life threatening issues right now, so he's stable till morning. The best thing you can do for yourself is go get some sleep."

Jimin hung his head and followed me out the door after giving Jhope a kiss on his cheek.

"He'll be okay." I said to the both of them, however it was more of a hope than a fact.

"I'll drive us back to the ice cream parlor where our cars are." I told Jimin and Suga. I didn't know if either of them really wanted to drive or do anything right now.

Both boys were quiet and sat in the back as I drove back to the ice cream parlor.

"Soelhyun?" Jimin said in a soft voice from the back seat.

"Yes Jimin?"

"Can I sleep over at your place tonight? I don't like to be alone when I'm upset."

I smiled "Of course."

"Suga would you like to come too? The house without Jhope would be-" Jimin stopped himself before he could get worked up.

Suga sighed "I should be fine. Jhope is going to be alright so we should just wait patiently for him to get better."

He thanked Jimin for the offer, said goodbye to both of us, and we split ways.

When I got home Jungkook was already there as I expected. He was worried, it was 2:46 am.

When I came in he was sitting on the sofa nodding off but he stood immediately when he heard the door open.

"Didn't know you were much of a party girl." He smiled sleepily. When he noticed our expressions his own fell and his eyes widened more. "What's wrong? What happened to you two?"

"Our friend was in an accident." I told him as Jimin made his way to the guest room.

Jungkook's eyebrows rose. "Shoot, Sorry about that." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Is he going to be okay?"

I smiled weakly "I hope so."

I walked over to the sofa and fell onto it exhausted.

"You want to talk about it?" Jungkook asked.

I really did. I wanted to tell him about my "date" with Suga, and what happened and just let everything off my chest but Jungkook seemed sleepy. He was just that nice to offer to listen to my personal issues at 3 am.

"You're sleepy, I'll tell you all about it in the morning." I said in a low voice so Jimin could sleep.

He shook his head but his eyes were closing slightly "Im all..." he yawned "I'm all ears."

I chuckled "I'm going to talk you to sleep."

He sat down on the other sofa getting comfortable "It's okay."

I told him about the date in a lot of detail. I smiled through most parts of the story and exaggerated other parts. I told him how I had no idea if it was a date or not, and if I might've hurt Namjoon's feelings. I also told him how we almost kissed, that made me get all tingly over again. And then I told him about Jhope, and what the doctor actually said.

It felt like a huge weight lifted off my chest.

"Thanks for listening Jungkook....Jungkook?" I looked over at him only to see him breathing evenly, his eyes were closed, and his mouth was slightly parted.

I smiled "Goodnight."

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