32 Kissing Her was a Mistake

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Jungkook's POV:

I hoped Soelhyun found Suga. I left her alone and I felt pretty bad for it. The entire reason why we came is so she could catch a break and let loose.

I was surrounded by a crowd of girls so I couldn't see too well. I didn't know if calling Suga to talk to her was a good idea but she needed to hear it from him if he likes her or not.

I just hoped he wouldn't break her heart. If he just gave her a chance he would see what an amazing person she is.

I tried to make my way over when I got a couple peeks at the two of them but some girl ran into me spilling her drink everywhere.

"OH MY GOSH! I'M SOOO SORRY!" She yelled over the booming music.

I smiled a little to show her it was okay and I kept trying to get towards the bar where Soelhyun was but the girl stopped me again.


I shook my head no, my eyes still scanning through the crown. She only got my attention when she put her hand on my arm.

"LET'S DANCE." When I finally made eye contact I was shocked. She was the type of girl that made my knees weak. The type of girl that I dreamed of dating. But for some reason I just pushed right past her to check on Soelhyun.

As soon as I got there I was too late. I caught a glimpse of Soelhyun getting up and leaving in a rush.

That's bad.

I sped up my pace and I started getting mad. I wondered if he was rude, if he hurt her feelings, how did he put it? All I knew was that if he was a jerk, I was going to have to restrain from beating him to a pulp.

"Let's go outside." I told him when I came in to his view. He had his head in his hands and looked up when I tapped his shoulder.

He followed me out the club's doors and I tried my best to compose myself. My arms were crossed right against my chest and I then realized how much bigger I am compared to him.

"What did you say to her?" Just by my tone Suga could tell if he said the wrong thing I was itching to punch him.

"I'm so sorry Jungkook. I really didn't know she felt like I was leading her on."

I rolled my eyes. Not buying that crap. "Soelhyun tells me everything Suga, so that's bullshit. You're the one the kissed her, you're the one that made her think you could possibly be interested in her, so this is your fault and you better stop playing the victim."

Suga sighed "You know the truth is I liked being liked. So yeah, kissing her was a mistake. But sometimes you do dumb things."

I grabbed a fistful of his shirt glaring directly into his eyes "Don't you dare do dumb ass things with Soelhyun. I don't know how you could just treat an amazing woman like crap! If you can't appreciate her than you don't deserve her. You're not on her level anyway."

His eyes widened for a sec but then he took a step back. "I'm in love with Jackson and I'm sorry you can't accept that."

I scoffed "Oh I can accept that, and frankly I don't care. Just stay away from Soelhyun."

Suga shook his head and I couldn't take it anymore. I punched him straight in the nose, and beside the faint throbbing in my knuckles, it felt amazing.

"What are you? Her shining knight in armor? Why do you care?" He wiped the blood trickling from his nose.

I raised my fist and Yoongi shrunk back waiting for the blow. "Shut your fucking mouth, and leave Soelhyun alone." I walked away and I stopped when I saw Soelhyun standing behind the corner, shocked.

I sighed embarrassed she had to see that, and hurt she had to hear Suga call kissing her a mistake.

I jogged after her and we didn't say anything, we just got into the car and I drove her home.

Before we went into the house I wanted to apologize.

"Sorry for today."

She smiled a little staring ahead. "I needed it. Thanks for sticking up for me."

I nodded " How do you feel?"

"To be honest, I just feel numb. I don't really know how to explain it. And the worst part is..." her eyes began to water "I don't know how to get over him no matter how mad I am at him right now. I'm twenty three years old and he's the first guy I've ever liked. It's humiliating. And the fact he said kissing me was a mistake, I wonder what else was a mistake."

I sighed and I didn't really know what to say.
"So it looks bad right now. Who cares? Once he realizes Jackson is some trash he'll be begging to get you back you know." I tried to console her although I hated the idea of her seeing the douche again.

"I don't want to see him for a long time." She said relieving my nerves

"I was hoping you'd say that. He's manipulative and he shouldn't just get to play around with you whenever he wants."

She nodded a wiped at her face.

"Im sorry you've had to put up with me."

I shrugged "You do pay two thirds of the rent."

She laughed, putting my heart at ease. As long as she could still laugh that's all that matters.

I sighed "You need a hug?"

She nodded.

"Come here." I said smiling happily embracing her in my arms.

"Love sucks."

"Yeah it does, but getting kidnapped sucks too, so let's get inside and call it a night." I smiled when I felt her chuckle against my shirt.

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