Chapter 50 Free

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"Jeon Jungkook, number 167803." The cop handed me a file of paperwork and my belongings "You're a free man now."

At this moment I felt absolutely nothing at all. I wasn't necessarily happy and I wasn't necessarily sad. All I felt was completely lost.

What next?

I walked out of the prison building for the first time without a guard trailing behind me in a whole year.

I kept looking behind me, expecting someone to run up on me and put me in cuffs but no one did.

Then I realized I had no way home, and no home for that matter. I was still homeless, and the little bit of savings I had from working at Smoothie Shack when I lived with Soelhyuns was gone. I'd spent it on buying a gun, to put away the three men who were going to go after her.

I sighed and walked over to a bus bench. No one was there, and it was eerily quite. I started to wonder how it would feel to have a family member or a loved one pick you up, like picking you up from the airport or something, and bringing you home to a home you missed and loved.

I changed right in the open. I considered burning my scrubs and prison clothes but I figured that's too much.

"What are we going to do Jungkook?" I asked myself.

I'd been homeless before and it wasn't so bad, but this is different. There's nothing really left for me, nothing to look forward to.

I wanted to think about her, think about what I'd lost. But I didn't. I didn't let myself go there. Soelhyun is better off without me, and if I repeat it enough I'll believe it and I'll have no regrets.

So I just sat there. Thinking about my next move. I'm still so young, I could restart.

I sighed, the problem is I didn't want to. What's the point of living just to live, and not be alive?

I'm not saying I'm hopeless, I'm saying I don't want to hope. And for what? That things were different? Because they aren't. This is the way it is and the way it's supposed to be.

I sat there for hours. I closed my eyes and shifted my body on the uncomfortable bench. My back was aching. But I was determined not to get up and leave the bench. Because where would I go?

Back to prison? I'd rather die. That's the only true freedom and control I had left. But I couldn't, because if word got around to Soelhyun she'd be so disappointed in me. So...disgusted.

I closed my eyes again but I was abruptly awoken by a car honking as it pulled over right infront of me.

I sat up confused. And I hoped to God it wasn't Soelhyun, but at the same time I wanted it to be her more than anything.

The window rolled down and a young man popped his head out the window "Get in, JK"

"Jin?" I squinted trying to make out my uncle's facial features in the dark.

"Correct dumbass, now get in." He winked at me "And you owe me for saving your butt, again."

I grabbed my stuff and got into the car without any complaints.

"RM?!" I said once I saw who was driving the vehicle.

Rm smiled at me "Long time no see buddy."

He pulled out away from the bench and started speeding.

"Where are we heading? Soelhyun's or your place?" Rm asked Jin.

"Since when do you two know each other?" I asked Jin.

Jin giggled "Jk you've been gone for a whole year and a lot has changed. Rm and I are engaged."

I almost choked "If this is some sick joke—

Rm shook his head "Don't tell me youre homophobic."

I glared at him "And since when were you gay?"

Rm glared right back "I'm pan dumbass."

"You can't call me that."

He chuckled "Why? I'm your uncle too! "

I ignored him. "If you're heading to Soelhyun's please stop me off somewhere." I said to Jin.

Jin looked back at me in disbelief. "Isn't Soelhyun the girl you've been talking to me on the phone about for hours on end?"

I felt my face get warm because RM was listening. "So you did like her." He mumbled under his breath.

"Yes Jin but I can't see her okay? Just trust me please."

Rm looked at me through the mirror "Why Jungkook? She wants to see you. If you thinking you're not good enough for her— which you aren't in my opinion, but that doesn't matter— she doesn't care. I just want Soelhyun to be happy, and although she acts like it she hasn't moved on yet. Don't be selfish."

I scoffed at the word selfish "Trust me, if I had it my way I'd be at her side right now but I can't okay? You don't get it, I can do nothing for Soelhyun right now. She can find a well accompli—"

"Jungkook" Jin interrupted me "I sure as hell don't know how this special Soelhyun is causing you to start loosing brain cells but she sounds pretty important to you. Have you considered she might not want some accomplished dude maybe she just wants you? a friend of course. Because no dating until your 26." He said the last sentence sternly .

I chuckled a bit "Shutup. As if either of you two know what girls want. And I already made my decision. Are you guys going to drop me off at Jim's or am I going to have to jump out of a moving car?"

Rm sighed in disappointment and changed lanes, listening to my request.

I'd see Soelhyun again, just not today, and not for a long time.

I was about to close my eyes, when I saw Rm and Jin share a similar mischievous look in their eyes.

"What?" I asked sitting up curious.

"Buckle up, buttercup." Rm was suppressing a laugh "We'll be arriving at her place in exactly two hours."

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