33. I Want You To Beg

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I stared in the mirror and set a damp towel to finish cleaning up the remains of blood over my top lip. My nose was swollen a little, which isn't a surprise...Jungkook is jacked.

Jackson came in without knocking, a habit I hate. He wasn't even supposed to be here, Jhope doesn't like him.

"Did I scare you?" He asked smiling a bit.

I shook my head and rinsed my hands.

He cupped his hand under my chin so he could get a better look at my face. "Who hit you?"

I sighed "Don't worry about it. I deserved it."

Jackson grabbed my wrist firmly when I attempted to walk past him. "As your boyfriend I need to know who did this to you so it won't happen again."

I swallowed, remembering how afraid I used to be of Jackson.

"Jungkook, my friend's friend."

Jackson rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna have a talk with him tomorrow."

"Please, Jackson." I said in said in a soft voice. I didn't want Jhope knowing he was here.

Jackson looked away from me "How did your friend get wrecked?" He said rudely, he never like Jhope either.

"Car accident. Drunk driver."

"Oh well... at least he won't be able to kick me out anymore." He said smirking.

I scoffed "this is his house, you have to leave."

Jackson titled his head a little glaring at me, I shouldn't have told him that.

"Look at you, feeling all grown up." He said in a low voice.

I raised my hands infront of me "Jackson....I'm sorry." My voice faltered a little.

He chuckled and then shoved me at the wall, pinning me.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, I want you to beg."


I woke up with goosebumps, the tiny hairs on my arms sticking up against the cold, tiled bathroom floor.

I tried to get up but I ended up falling over again.

Jackson had punished me yesterday, the faint bruises were painful.

I sat there on the floor for a while. I felt like crying or throwing up. I hit my head over and over until I got tired.

"What is wrong with me? How can I love such a terrible person?"

I glanced at the counter and I noticed my phone sitting there.

I ignored the pain and I got up and dialed Soelhyun's number.

"Oh shit." I dropped the phone remembering what went on between us recently. She'd never want to talk to me.

I ran my hands through my hair frustrated. "She was one of the only friends I had, and I ruined it."

I went to open the door of the bathroom but it was locked. "What the he— JACKSON!!" I yelled pounding the door "JACKSON IM SORRY!"

I pounded at the door again and again but I didn't get any answer.

I went to my phone and I dialed his number.

"Hello?" I was surprised he picked up.

"Jackson." I tried to steady my heavy breathing from almost having an anxiety attack " I'm so sorry baby please let me out of the bathroom."

There was silence on the other end "Hmmmmm." I finally heard. "I'll let you out once I get home."

I didn't dare to complain "Thank you so much."

"Oh and, feeling a little sore this morning?"

I swallowed hard "Mhmm."

"Be careful what you say to me Yoongi, and next time I won't be so rough."

"Yes I'm so sorry."

"You'll make it up to me when I get home. I'm going to hang up."

"Love you." I whispered before the phone went dead.

I heard the front door opening, it couldn't be Jackson this fast.

"Hello?" It was Soelhyun's voice.

"Soelhyun?! I'm in here!" I screamed to her.

I heard her approached the door, then sigh next to it. I could just feel her contemplating whether to open it or not.

I didn't expect her to, but I hear the lock shift and she opened the door. "I just want to make one thing clear. I didn't come to see you and honestly I wish I didn't have to, but Jhope needs me. I'm sure you've been so busy screwing around with Jackson you forgot to get your own friend food."

My eyes widened. I totally forgot. Jhope didn't get dinner, or breakfast. He's probably starving.

Soelhyun knew from my expression I failed and she walked away irritated.

"Disgusting, first day back together and he's already has hickeys all over him." She mumbled from across the hallway.

I slumped against the wall hating myself she saw me like this. Lips chapped, boxers, bruises that were most definitely not hickeys, and tear stained cheeks. Worst of all I stunk.

After ten minutes I left the bathroom and went into the Jhope's room where Soelhyun was reading him the news and he was eating.

"Sorry Soelhyun."

She stared at the news article. "I don't want your apology, I want you to apologize to Jhope for forgetting about his existence while you were screwing with your boyfriend." She snapped at me.

"Also, which part are you sorry for? Kissing me? Or acting like we were close?"

"I wasn't acting—"

"Bullshit." She sang in a bored voice.

Jhope looked at me with only sympathy. He gave me this look when I screwed up my life here and there.

"Soelhyun please." I needed her to understand.

She kept reading the news article as if I wasn't there.

Jhope smiled at Soelhyun when she read something funny.

After a couple seconds she looked up from the article and raised one eyebrow as if she were saying 'Don't you have somewhere to be?'

Jhope whispered something in her ear that made her giggle making me feel awkward.

I sighed and left them two alone, Id make up with her some other time.

I went back into the bathroom and locked myself in, I didn't want Jackson to know I got out, or things could go worse tonight.

I slumped against the cold tiles, and waited for him to come home.

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