23. Hickey

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I rubbed my temples processing everything that had happened in the past three days.

Namjoon likes me, and I maybe kinda sorta like Suga, and Jungkook is homeless? Yes that's about right I suppose.

I snapped out of my thoughts when my alarm clock when off. It was time to work again, not time to wake up or anything. I kept an alarm clock to make sure I didn't go over thirty minutes for my break.

I joined Namjoon behind the counter feeling uneasy again. After that talk with Jungkook I fully understand how I feel and I want to get our relationship back to normal as soon as possible. The problem is is that I had let Namjoon think that I was into him by kissing him but I'm not.

To make all matters worse Suga walked in making my knees feel weak.

He cleaned himself up from this morning and he looked...stunning as usual.

he smiled when he greeted me. I was very confused because the last thing he said to me was "You like me don't you?"

"Hey Sunny," he joked.

"Oh, um...heyyyyy Suga." I replied awkwardly.

He stared at the menu " I think I'll get two strawberry bobas."

I raised my eyebrows "Two? You like the drink that much?"

he chuckled "No someone is joining me today."

"Oh." I let my face fall subconsciously and I rang up his order. I tried to not look as jealous as possible while asked him "Who?"

He swiped his card against the machine "You, we need to talk."

A wave of relief fled throughout me. At least it wasn't with some other girl or dude. " I just went on break Suga I don't think~"

"Yeah, those are unpaid hours, you can talk to her after we close." Namjoon butts in. He really doesn't like Suga.

Suga smirks at Namjoon and grabs my wrist pulling me through the small doors from behind the counter to where I was following him. To be honest, I gave him absolutely no resistance and I was just a little excited.

He brought me to his car and told me to stay as he ran back in to retrieve his drinks.

Once he came back he handed me a drink and sat down in the Driver's seat.

"I think we need to make something clear." he said after taking a long sip of the sweet drink.

"Hm?" I questioned enjoying the view of Suga drinking strawberry boba.

"I don't want to make anything weird, alright? I still want to be your friend I'm not shallow like that,"


"Soelhyun, you do like me right?"

I was about to ask 'in what way?' but I already knew what way he meant. I looked down at my shoes.

Suga laughed "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Some people say I have a skill for attracting people." he made his eyebrows dance trying to lighten the mood.

I SmiledI. " I'm glad you want to still be friends, I'm sorry for making it awkward."

He shrugs "That's the worst part about feelings, you don't really get a say with them y'know?"

I nodded. This means he doesn't like me back, like...at all. Which is okay I guess, it just really sucks.

"Well I'm glad we got that all out. So when did you start falling for me?" he asks smugly.

I feel my cheeks starting to warm " I- I dunno,"

He just laughs and playfully punches my arm "I'm just messing with you." Then he opened his eyes fully staring at my neck making me feel self conscious.

"What is it?"

"Our Soelhyun must have a lot of experience, who knew you'd get a hickey at work."

My heart dropped to my stomach out of embarrassment and I covered the spot with my hair. Oh my gosh.

"Who gave it to you I wonder?" he teased moving my hair back from my neck sending up shudders through my spine.

I smiled awkwardly. "I should really go, Namjoon won't~"

"Namjoon? Namjoon gave it to you didn't he? I mean he only is the most protective guy~"

"Suga!" I said frantically cutting him off " I really should get back to work, thanks so much for the drink!"

He laughed to himself "Alright sweetheart, don't get too busy."

I ran back into the store and gulped down the rest of the drink. There was so much left but I finished it anyway because number one, My face was hot and it could cool me down. Number two, Suga bought it for me, it's not like I could waste a single drop.

When I joined Namjoon back at the counter he seemed to be a little disturbed.

"What's wrong?" I confronted him. I missed the happy, peppy Namjoon that could go out to eat with me without it being weird.

He shook his head "Nothing."

i sighed and looked over at him. I needed to man up and do exactly what Suga did to me ." Namjoon, like you said earlier, I really don't want to make things weird. So let's go back to our relationship before everything happened okay? It's just that I think I...like somebody right now so I'm sorry."

Namjoon shook head. "Don't apologize for my feelings that I pushed on you, that's my fault. But that's something that I just can't do: sit back and watch you fall for someone else. Soelhyun, you might not think so now but I will have your heart even if I have to wait. So for now, we don't have to be awkward, but I'm not going backwards. Because if I go back to friendzone I might stay in it. All i ask for you is to just consider me an option hm?"

I was really surprised with everything he just said but I nodded "Sure Namjoon, I can do that."

I mentally groaned, at least he had enough courage to say that much. I didn't say anything to Suga except agree to stay in the friendzone. But Suga is different, I don't know if he's even ready to let someone back into his life after Jackson. So just like Namjoon, I'm going to have to be patient.

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