30. Take Me Back

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It's been a two weeks since we visited the hospital. The doctors had kept Jhope for a week and three days then we got to bring him back to his home.

During those two weeks Jimin and I spent all the time we weren't working, at Yoongi's house. And yes, I figured out his name wasn't Suga during this time.

Jimin was there because he told us Jhope felt much better when he was present, and I was there because I am the only one who knows how to cook. So for two weeks straight we ate angel hair pasta and no one complained because some days I'd spice it up and other days I wouldn't.

Jhope has been slowly recovering and he can almost speak again.

Thankfully when I would come home after a hard, long day Jungkook would have my place kept together and he always helped relieve my stress.

But I do have to add during these two weeks I've gotten very close to Yoongi. Although I don't know how he sees me still, we did share many things with each other and he kissed me. It wasn't like a comfort kiss or a feel bad kiss he just did it because he wanted to.
So yes now I am very confused but at the same time I'm beyond happy.

"Soelhyun?" Namjoon's voice interrupted my thoughts.

Oh and Namjoon... during these two weeks Namjoon has been really sweet but he doesn't realize at the same time I'm falling for someone else. I definitely feel e thinks he's getting somewhere with me but he just isn't. One day he came to work exhausted and grabbed (gently) both of my hands and asked me if I'd run away with him.


"The coffee is out. I need to go get more beans, do you think you can handle all the costumers?"

I nodded and walked over to the cash register. I guess my mood around other people hasn't been the best. I'd been in my own head a lot. Whether it's worrying about Jhope or thinking about Yoongi I know I could act quite "distant".

Namjoon left without me responding to him because unfortunately he's just used to it.

I rang up a couple orders and I counted down the minutes until my break. I was more exhausted today than usual.

I was hoping Yoongi would've stopped bye but I know he's busy with Jhope.

Instead, Jungkook came.

I smiled for the first time today when he walked in. "Hey Kook."

He smiled "I got a job at smoothie shack."

My eyebrows rose "That's freaking amazing! We are celebrating tonight, I promise! When do you start?"

"Wednesday. And I was thinking I could take over for you today?"


He laughed "Let me work in your place. You're tired right?" I nodded "I can handle a couple grouchy costumers and I know how to work the machine. Hand me your apron and go take a nap or visit Suga."

I smiled because his offer was really tempting "I really shouldn't..."

Jungkook shrugged "Okay. I'll go visit Suga instead." He said turning around. He knew me all too well.

"Fine!" I said tossing him my apron and speedwalking out of the store. Jimin wouldn't mind.

It took me three minutes to get to Yoongi's.

When I got there I was happy to see him cooking lunch for Jhope.

"Thank god you're here! Come here." Yoongi ordered. He was standing over a pot that seemed to be smoking abnormally.

I rushed over and took the pan off the stove. "Leave the cooking to me Yoongi."

"Well what did I do wrong this time?"

"You can't cook meat at the highest heat setting. You'll just end up burning the sides without cooking the middle. Cook it on medium heat and flip it occasionally."

He ran his fingers through his hair exasperated "I'm going to just get hot pockets."

I laughed "No, no you can't give up after one try you know."

He smiled and flicked me in between my eyebrows making me yelp "That's why I have you."

It was little statements like that that had me thinking maybe him and I could work out. Maybe he's finally starting to like me back.

I just smiled and fixed them both something to eat. It's something I want to do always, cook for them. They were always were so grateful.

I told Yoongi his food was in the kitchen, and I brought Jhope's food to him.

"Hey Hobi how are you feeling today?"

He gave me a little smile that just made my day. The bruising on his face that once had been dark and swollen was now just a faint pink. He was healing quickly, probably because he really wants to get better.

"Can I cut this for you?" I asked him. I didn't want him to feel like he's totally dependent or like a helpless child.

He gave me a nod and I could tell he was and is always thankful for the support.

Yoongi came into the room and sat beside me. "Thanks for lunch."

I rolled my eyes smiling.

"Hey wait a second, don't you work today?"

"Yes I do." I handed Jhope his plate.

"How in the world did you end up here?"

I smiled "Jungkook took my shift for me and told me to visit you and good thing I did or else Jhope would've been back in the hospital for food poisoning."

He touched my arm sending shivers up my spine "You know I'm really grateful for you right? I've been so worried about me and Jhope I never once considered how exhausted you might be. And the fact that you do it just because you're so kind...it amazes me."

I swallowed hard and broke eye contact with him. When he talks like this it could get me so embarrassed. But the worst part is is that I'm totally selfish. Of course I have a motive for always being over which made me feel guilty he was praising me for something that isn't true. I'm over all the time because not only do I want to help, I want to grow closer to Yoongi.

I sighed "Can we step out of the room for a sec?" I didn't want Jhope's feelings to be hurt, and I had to tell Yoongi the truth.

He nodded and followed me out of Jhope's room. "You okay?" He squinted his eyes at me in concern.

I nodded "I'm fine it's just... the truth is although I love Jhope and enjoy helping him it's not the entire reason why I'm over here so much."

Yoongi began to smile and then he started to laugh a little "You think I forgot you have a crush on me?"

I looked at him surprised and I could practically feel my face burning. "It's not just a crush." I mumbled.

Yoongi took a step forward and swept some strands of hair behind my ear "I know." He said softly.

I blinked a couple times and looked away. "Do you ever think you could...like me back maybe?".

Yoongi opened his mouth to answer but the doorbell rang cutting him off.

He sighed "Hold on a sec." He went to answer the door and my mouth dropped open when he opened it.

It was Jackson.

Yoongi wAs just as shocked as I was and seemed to have no words to say but Jackson broke the silence for him. "I'm so sorry Yoongs. Please, take me back."

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