6 Namjoon

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Another day of whipping of hot drinks for expecting customers. Business had been growing a lot lately, and poor Jimin is exhausted. His fingers are sore from burns, he reeks of coffee, and he's just tired.

The line was long as usual, and when I rang up the last person I thought Jimin was going to collapse.

"Wanna switch?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "You only know how to make one drink Solehyun."

I shrugged and turned back to the cash register. He was the one who decided to open so early.

"Excuse me." A man asked waiting in front of me.

"Oh, my bad sorry." I didn't mean to get distracted. "What can I get you this morning?".

"Actually I'd like to speak to your manager." He asked sweetly.

"Oh, well I'll go get him now then."

I walked into the kitchen to find Jimin sitting on top of the counter, head against the cabinet.

"Soelhyun, we really need more employees." He whimpered.

I nodded. "Summer is coming up, every kid wants a job. But right now someone wants to speak with you."

Jimin lazily got up, out of the kitchen.

"How can I help you?" He asked perking up. His customer service was almost as beautiful as him.

"I saw your sign, and I'd like to apply for the position. Whatever it is, washing dishes, cash register, anything. Although I can't cook, but I can make coffee."

Jimin's eyes were wide, it's as if he saw an angel. I could practically hear him thinking ABSOLUTELY! He's cute and we need another worker!!!

"Absolutely!" Jimin said.

The man smiled, "my name is Namjoon by the way."

"Can you start right now?" Jimin asked surprising him.

Namjoon then nodded. "Sure, I'm free right now."

Jimin slipped to the back room and pulled out a uniform for the new worker.

Namjoon then changed into it and walked behind the counter.

"Don't know if you heard but my name is Namjoon and I guess we'll be working together." He held his hand out towards me for a hand shake.

I shook it. "Thanks, we need all the help we can get. Soelhyun by the way."

Jimin popped his head out of the kitchen. "Soelhyun, show him how to work the machines, and how we clean the bathrooms. I'll show you how to make several of the drinks."

He nodded happily. He seemed very sweet, I was glad he joined the team.

Yoongi waited patiently for his boyfriend to return home. He paced back and forth. He finally decided to check his watch, hoping it wasn't too late.

"Shit." It was 11:46pm, and Jackson had told him he'd be home at nine.

He called Jackson, four times. He didn't see him in the morning, although he got coffee anyway. And he was glad he did, because some other fool felt he can go into his coffee shop before it opens. Ridiculous.

He picked at the cold food on his plate he had been waiting to eat, but had forgotten about. He stared at the plate across from him, full of food. The bottle of wine untouched.

He finally decided just to go to bed. Jackson hadn't slept in the same bed with him for four days. And he didn't even know why.

His best friend told him Jackson could be cheating on him, but Yoongi knew that wasnt possible. It just wasn't.

He slid into the cold sheets and set his alarm for seven. He still planned to go get coffee in the morning, even if he didn't see Jackson.

He laughed a little to himself. Thinking about the way Soelhyun's face changed when he walked into the shop. She would squint her eyes at him and place her hands on her hips, sometimes she'd even roll her eyes. She could be so amusing.

He sighed against the cold pillow. The bed was just too large and too cold for one person. To his surprise he didn't shed a single tear. He used to cry, when they were a new couple. Jackson would leave for weeks and not say anything. Making him worry and feel neglected.

The worst part about it was that he couldn't make a big deal out of it, or Jackson would snap at him.

He closed his eyes and hugged himself, the blankets weren't providing any source of heat. Either that or he just felt cold, inside and out.

A/N: ATTENTION!!! The next chapter is out of order! I published chapter eight before seven, so make sure you skip a chapter THEN go back to read chapter eight. Sorry for the inconvenience!

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