Chapter 45 Jeon Jungkook

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I called him as soon as I got home. I listened to the phone ring and ring until it hit his voicemail:

"Hey! This is Kook! Sorry I missed your call, if it's really important call back again and if not just text me. Bye!"

I sighed and sat on the couch. For such a happy day my home felt lonely. The front of my house was horribly damaged but the inside was fine. I'd have to get it fixed this week.

I turned on the Tv and watched the news. The company Jackson was under is under huge fire right now and losing lots of fans and investors.

Jackson himself is going to be locked away for a long time, and his fans are signing a petition that his bail amount was biased and too high.

The Judge stood by her decision. He wasn't going to cut corners just because he's an idol.

I turned off the Tv, warmed up dinner and tried Jungkook's phone again. Nothing.

"Is it possible he's ignoring me?" I asked myself.

"No, not possible." I assured myself.

It had been such a long day anyway, might as well go to sleep. Tomorrow I'd have to get busy. I'd need to start looking for a new place and a new structure for the Drip. Should we relocate? Or fix it where it was. So many decisions and I didn't want to think right now.

I left my bowl where it was and I slipped into bed after closing the door to my bedroom.

I then checked my windows to make sure they were unlocked this time, and they were. When the fire happened, someone had gotten into my room and locked them from outside. Creepy fans.

I closed my eyes and surprisingly sleep came easily.


I was in bed. I heard a noise so I sat up. There was some sort of tap-tap-tapping at the window.

So I looked. It was the girl from the hospital room. I screamed. She ran.

I got up and went to the door of my bedroom. It was locked.

Who's there? I asked. Silence.

Nothing was there. Just me, my bed, my window. And that tapping.

And then I smelt it.


My lungs closed up immediately. Someone appeared on top of me, choking me.

Yoongi? Jackson? A fan? I couldn't make out the face.

Then the room blew up in flqmes. I still couldn't breath. My tears felt like acid. There was no air left. I gasped one last breath—

I sat up abruptly breathing heavily. I breathed hard as if the dream was real, as if my room was actually on fire. I was sweating, crying and still gasping for air.

"I need to get out." I said shakily. I hugged the pillow next to me tightly to restrain from screaming.

I'd never have nightmares. But that was terrifying.

Where was Jungkook when you needed him?

I decided I needed to go. It would have to be Namjoon.

Jimin stayed with Jhope these days, and lots of times Yoongi was over there because he still doesn't live with Jackson.

I gave him a call and ran to my car.

When I opened to door to get to my car I saw Jungkook. He'd walked here.

I stood there shocked.  "Where— What happened? Are you okay?"

Jungkook had a look in his eyes. Something I didn't recognize. Something scary.

He didn't say anything he just walked up to me and pulled me into his strong arms.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said. For what? What did he do?

I didn't say anything, I hope he couldn't tell I had just balled my eyes out because of a nightmare. I probably looked a mess, he didn't seem to care.

I wanted to hold him longer but he pulled away. what was this? What is going on? Right now, right here, what are these emotions I'm feeling that I can't even describe? Guilt? Hate? He wasn't looking me in my eyes, it was serious.

"Talk to me Jungkook. What's going on?"

He ignored the question "have you been crying ? This is my fault, your home." He looked pained. He wanted to reach out to me but I didn't. I had commanded space earlier and now all I wanted was to take those words back.

"What? No Jungkook, don't say that this isn't your fault."

He shook his head "If I would've been here, this wouldn't have happened. I could've protected you." I could see he was getting angry. He turned to me now looking me in the eyes and he put his hands on my shoulders. "I thought I almost lost you Soelhyun."

I blinked back tears. "I'm fine. I promise. What happened to you?"

"It doesn't matter. You're safe now."


"I'm sending you to Namjoon's. You'll be safe there."

"No." I said confused "What about you? I'm staying with you." I told him.

He sighed "You can't stay with me Soelhyun I couldn't protect you, and if you get hurt again" his voice broke and he collected himself "than I don't know what I'd do."

"Jungkook let's figure this out for a second."

He shook his head "Its only a matter of seconds."

I wanted to ask him what the hell he was talking about, but then my question got answered. Three police trucks pulled up infront of my home, Jungkook was already expecting them.

I was shocked, confused, and scared.

"Jungkook? What's going on?" I heard my own voice failing me now. He just got back, what were the police doing here?

Jungkook cupped his hands around my face gently. "Soelhyun you need to listen to me. Go live with Namjoon and don't worry about me okay? I did what I had to do and I don't regret it. You gave me a place where I was safe and felt hope, I just repaid the favor."

I wanted to scream at him. He couldn't possibly saying he was leaving me was he? I needed to figure things out with him. Because our friendship was beginning to alter and shift but I don't know why.

"Jeon Jungkook!" A cop yelled charging at us "you're under arrest for the murder of Kim Bahook, Mark Tuan, and Lim Jaebum!"

He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, sending me further and deeper into confusion.

"I love you, Soelhyun. Forget me."

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