20. Risk

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Namjoon's POV:

I checked the time once more. Soelhyun was never late, not even once.

So it was just Jimin and me. He was cooking in the back and I stood staring at huge glass doors waiting to ring up orders.

I tried not to think of the nagging thought that Soelhyun isn't at work because of what happened two nights ago.

She probably was extremely embarrassed when I told her, poor thing.

I turned around to get dish rags. The counters don't clean themselves.

I heard the door's bell chime, and I whipped around to be prepared to ring up the next order.

Instead of a customer Soelhyun walked quickly behind the counter where I was. I noticed she wasn't dressed in what she usually wears for work and her hair looked like she had gone on a car ride with the windows down. It was very sexy.

"Goodm—" I said but didn't get far. She had headed straight to the bathroom.

I wondered why she was so late, who dropped her off, and why she came her in a dress.

Five minutes later she comes from out of the bathroom looking like a new person.

"Well you fix up nice." I told her. I still did notice her cheeks were extremely pink. Who had made her so embarrassed?

She smiled and looked down at the floor. "Thanks. Sorry for being late."

I shrug "As long as little boss doesn't find out it's cool." I really wanted to ask her about what held her up but it wasn't my business. We're both adults and should be able to have some level of privacy.

I was actually surprised she wasn't acting weird judging on the fact that I basically confessed to
her in my car.

What if... she's blushing because she's around me?

I mentally laughed at myself. Yeah you wish Namjoon, she doesn't look at you like that.

"She will." I mumbled under my breath wishing I hadn't. I don't even know how it slipped.

"She will what?" Soelhyun asks me while stacking coffee cups.

I shook my head "Nothing."

I had to bring up the elephant in the room. Soelhyun was on edge because of me, because of my feelings.

"Look, you don't have to be shy towards me."

"Hm?" She looks up from the cups "Oh, I'm not." She said plainly while turning on the coffee machines.

"Oh. Well I just wanted to tell you that I don't want to make anything weird."

She completely stops and looks up at me.
"Namjoon, what the hell are you talking about?" She raises her eyebrows and smiled a little.

I was taken back. Was the memory so bad she didn't even want to act like it happened? "I— Um... Two nights ago I told you how I felt." I said plainly.

She scrunches her eyebrows thinking then she slapped her hand on top of her forehead. "OH! Oh yeah nothing's weird I'm sorry I totally forgot about Saturday."

She forgot. So if it's not me she's so flustered for then who the hell is it? I never liked to be impatient but Soelhyun was driving me crazy.

Each day I like her and more and more. I wasn't about to do this unrequited love type shit.

I cleared my throat. "So what's on your mind?"

She opens her mouth to "spill the tea" but then she closes it and looks away. "Nothing." is all she says.

I sigh in frustration. If I'm going to get Soelhyun to like me I need to get out of the friend zone as fast as possible. I just feel like there's someone else in her life I'm unaware of.

Soelhyun was reaching for the new bag of beans on a higher shelf. Her shirt slightly rose exposing a small sliver of her toned stomach.

"Need help?" I asked from behind her reaching for the beans, our body were less than centimeters away from each other.

"Thanks." She said taking the beans from me not even thinking twice about anything that happened.

There were absolutely no customers so I took a risk. One I shouldn't have.

Soelhyun's back was once again facing me, and as much as I'd like to tell you I kept my composure I didn't.

She whipped around startling me from my rather thirsty thoughts. "Hey I'm going to go to the storage room real quick. You wanna help me bring in the barrel of beans?"

I mentally dance. It's practically all I've wanted, alone time with her.

She walks infront of me to the storage room. I may or may not have stared at her ass.

You see the thing is is that I'm attracted to her in all the ways. I have genuine feelings for her as well.

She walks over to the barrel and grunts while trying to push it. "Gonna stand there or help me move this bad boy?"

And this is where the risk I regret so much takes place.

I come over to her gently pull her away from the barrel of beans by the waist. She looks startled but she doesn't do anything except raise an eyebrow. I ignore it and put her against the wall.

"You have no idea what you do to me." I tell her.

She's about to say something but I connected my lips with hers.

To my surprise, she kisses me back. She actually works her hands up around my neck so I figure she's enjoying it.

I knew we shouldn't be long, but when will ever get this moment again? I don't know. But I sure did make the best of it, what I could.

I began leaving kisses along her jaw and along her neck.

It was going great until "Na- Namjoon I think...I think we should stop." She says pulling space between us.

I try my best not to look disappointed and then I start wondering if it all was a mistake.

She smiled apologetically, brushes herself off, the begins to push the beans when Jimin comes in.

"How long does it take to push one barrel of coffee beans with two people?" Jimin complains.

We both quickly apologize and push the beans into the kitchen.

I try not to look over at Soelhyun, I don't know how she is so composed after making out with me then stopping for some reason.

It confused me, I couldn't configure how she was feeling at all.

I just went back to the cash register, and continued to wait for customers.

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