24 Move In With Me

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I walked home from work today. I didn't ask Namjoon if he wanted to get dinner, and he didn't ask me.

On my way home I made a stop. I went to the exact place I last saw Jungkook's tent and scanned the dark forest around me.

Where is he?

Then I saw a small light off in the distance. It was very tiny, but I did my best to follow it. The closer I got to it, the bigger that small, shining dot became.

Soon enough I recognized it as a lamp, connected to a tent: Jungkook's tent.

I stopped briefly before going any further.

It's as if I could hear Jungkook's voice in my head telling me 'Mind your business'.

I sighed and started to turn around, I probably shouldn't just show up without any notice.

"Soelhyun?" I heard his voice behind me, he knew I was here.

I turned around and smiled awkwardly. "Hey Jungkook, sorry for stopping by without any notice I just wanted to...." I didn't really know what I came by for to be honest. I just felt terrible he had to live in a tent.

He shrugs "No it's cool. Did you need to talk?"

I was going to refuse but then an idea hit me: an amazing, helpful, perfect idea.

"Can I make you a meal at my home?" I asked. Now of course this wasn't the idea I had, I had to wait to present my amazing idea to him over dinner.

"Sure why not?" He said as he turned off the lamp and followed me out the way I came.

"My house is just around the corner, that's why I was walking."

"It's nice you live so close to work."

I nod as we turn the corner to my home "It can be convenient."

As we approach my home I pull out my key from underneath the flower pot and open the door.

Jungkook laughs and I turn to him. "What?"

"You keep your spare key under a flower pot? You're begging to get robbed Soelhyun."

I laugh as well "I guess I should change that huh?"

I was very thankful I had forced myself to clean up yesterday because I would've been really embarrassed if Jungkook had to see how the house usually looked. I mean, I'm not dirty in any way, it's just that things can get a little disorganized. But when you live by yourself it isn't much of a big deal.

I told Jungkook he could have a seat on the sofa while I whipped us up a hearty bowl of chicken alfredo angel hair pasta. It's like, the only thing I know how to cook and it impresses people every time.

After a couple minutes I made the table and Jungkook joined me.

He looked impressed by my cooking and started eating immediately.

"Woah, this is amazing." He said with his head up closing his eyes; I could tell he was really enjoying it making me smile.

"I've mastered one dish and one dish only. I can't even make ramen right. People don't understand ramen is actually a science. The noodles have to be the perfect texture and how much broth should we have? When do we put the vegetables in? It's too much."

He laughed "You're trying to tell me you can make this but not ramen? Something is weird about you Soelhyun."

"Me? Says the mysterious guy who asks all the questions but gives no answers!" I joked.


I waited until we were almost done eating to propose my idea. I have to admit I was a little nervous to ask him.

"So Jungkook I've been thinking..." I twirled the saucy noodles around with my fork.


"Would you... would you consider moving in with me?"

He choked on his pasta a little.

"I mean, I know I barely know you but it's just temporary. Maybe you can get a job and eventually we can split the rent? I just want to give you a place and a friend you know?"

Jungkook sighed. "Thank you for everything Soelhyun but I shouldn't be a burden."

I shook my head "You're really not! And it'd be nice to have some company."

He was quiet.

"Please Jungkook, Just consider it."

He nodded and put on his jacket "Thanks for dinner."

"Goodnight." I said defeated as he left.
I thought it was a great idea but I don't know why he didn't. Guys could be so resistant, they never really want any help but they need it.

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