2. First Customer

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"That's right, work it girl!" Jimin told me, he had his small fingers rubbing his chin examining me as if he had hair there.

"You think this is okay?" I asked pulling against the snug uniform hoping it would give me some more breathing room.

He nodded. "Oh definitely babe, the tighter the uniform the more male costumers we get!"

I sorta frowned at that and he just laughed.

"Look, it's a new business and we need all the support we can get, even if some are perverts." He giggled and I couldn't help but laugh. Jimin was unbelievable.

"And besides, maybe you'll find yourself a boyfriend. Well, hopefully one of us does." He stared off a little. "Anyway! We're going to be opening those doors soon, I'll start preparing the beans and you get your cute looking self over to that machine!"

I did as I was told and I began tapping at the cash register. It was only Jimin and me, working at The Drip. We're looking for more workers but Jimin insisted we opened today, he could be so sparatic at times.

"Oh! And Soelhyun!"


"Remember that the first person that walks into this shop gets that prize in the counter m'kay?"

I nodded. I couldn't screw too much up. I mean, how hard could it be? All I had to do was tap in some numbers and hand back money.

But what if the cashier breaks and I have to do mental math? I mean, I can do simple addition but I might be in a rush or nervous and if they give me a twenty and 42 cents I don't even know—

The bell rang. Someone was coming in to buy coffee.

I smiled to myself. You got this.

The man looked rushed, which means I should be quick. I wish he wasn't rushed though, so I could tell him about his prize without him getting irritated.

He didn't even look like he was in the mood to be bothered with such a prize.

Could I get a Carmel macchiato please?" The handsome but intimidating man asked hurriedly.

I nodded. "Yes, but you are our first costumer." I told him "which means you get one free coffee everyday until the end of the year!" I waited for a smile to show on his face.

"Ah I'm flattered." He said sarcastically "Although I don't drink coffee, I ordered this for my boyfriend."

I nodded feeling awkward. I didn't expect anyone to want to return the prize. "Well give it to your boyfriend maybe?"

He took the prize and shook his head. "It's alright, I'll keep it. It'll give me an excuse to see you every morning." He said before winking and walking away smoothly.

I stood there sort of baffled before I rang up the order. Was this guy really trying to flirt with me after literally just saying he had a boyfriend?

Jimin came from his station and slid the cup. He was mid-turning around when he stopped abruptly "He's our first costumer?" His head whipped back around in the costumer's direction.

I laughed a little bit, "Jimin, try not to look so desperate; he's taken."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "This is just In case we got the order wrong." He said scribbling his number onto the back of the receipt.

"If this is how you're going to act with every cute costumer then you'd better stay in the back." I laughed to myself,

"Girl you need to learn when and where to take initiative." He sassily walked back to the kitchen and I rang up the man's number.

He came over and looked at me as if he was searching for something in my expression. "Could I get your number?" He asks in a serious tone.

I think of what Jimin told me, "Take initiative." But the thought dissipated when I remembered he has a boyfriend.

"You have a boyfriend." I told him. Once a cheater always a cheater. This counted as cheating right? I didn't really know, I've never had a boyfriend to be honest.

He looked surprised and determined before walking away. Determined at what? I couldn't tell.

I shrugged it off and walked back to the cash register.

"Well that was fun." I said dryly.

Jimin sat down on the counter and stared at his phone. "When do you think he'll call?"

I shrugged "he probably threw the receipt away."

Jimin pouted. "You think he'll come back tomorrow?"

I shook my head "No way."

Jimin sulked back into the kitchen leaving me to stand and stare out of the glass doors waiting for another costumer.

I started to replay what had happened fifteen minutes earlier. I didn't even catch his name...

"Oh shit." I said placing my hand on my forehead. "He's totally going to think I was the one who gave him the number on the back of the receipt." I said loud enough for Jimin to hear.

Jimin's head popped out of the kitchen. "It's okay, if he texts me I'll tell him."

"Okay." Although I did hate that he would get the satisfaction that he "wooed" me when he saw "my" number on the back.

I sighed and tried to focus on wiping down the equipment. "Let's just hope I won't see him tomorrow morning."

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