37 It must be the Alcohol

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I woke up to the sound of the door opening.
Jungkook was back and he coming over my way.
"Glad to see you resting for once. Hungry?"

I smiled looking up at him and I nodded.

"Okay. What's the move? Olive Garden, red lobster, chilies, Applebee's?"

I shrugged "What do you feel like."

He sat down and thought.

"Oh! How about we go to a Norebang!" (A karaoke room in Korea)

Jungkook snapped his fingers in agreement "Okay Norebang, let's get it!"

I got dressed and texted Namjoon, Jimin, and Jhope the adress.

"It's okay with you if Jimin, Namjoon, and Jhope join right?" I asked him.

He nodded "Although I'm not a fan of Namjoon but if you like him there must be something good about him."

I laughed "You gotta get to know the guy. He's super sweet and makes the dumbest jokes that makes me laugh my ass off."

Jungkook rolled his eyes while hopping into the car. "So do you think you like him or something?"

I shook my head "He's just a friend." Besides, I didn't know if I could get over Suga any time soon.

Jungkook nodded and drove straight for a couple minutes before turning into the Norebang where the three boys were already there.

We waved and joined them inside.

Jungkook and Jhope ordered plates and plates of food and beer while Jimin and I chose a room.

We started up the system and Jimin threw himself onto the plushy sofa.

"This is really nice." He said arching his back into the cushion.

I nodded and sat next to him.

"Solehyun." Jimin said softly making me look up at him.


"I'm really worried about you, you know." His eyebrows scrunched together in concern.

I sighed. "You don't have to be Jimin, I'm okay. You know I'm strong right?"

Jimin shook his head "I saw the way you looked at him. And you're not fooling anyone, yesterday was the first day I saw you get drunk. Some people can be so sad they can make themselves sick. You don't always have to say you're fine, it's okay to be not fine."

I nodded letting the tears out that I had tried to hold in so bad. I've been hurting more than I ever have before

Jimin pulled me into a hug just like how I hugged Yoongi when he was hurt about Jackson. I never imagined myself to be crying over my ex...I don't even have an ex to cry over actually.

"It'll only get easier with time Soely, you just have to confront your feelings first. Figure out the next step and focus on it. Then, the hurt will start dwindling away."

I nodded into his sweater. Guys are much better at giving advice than girls.

"Imagine if we had actually dated and he dumped me, I'd be even more of a mess." I laughed a little pulling away from Jimin.

Jimin smiled. "Don't be afraid to cry sometimes, or say what you really think."

I nodded. "I just want to forget you know."

Jimin shook his head. "Forgetting wont change anything. Learning from it will. If you love Yoongi, you'll want him to be happy. He needs you as his friend, and to figure out his own feelings. But, you should never have to rip yourself to pieces to keep someone else whole."

I nodded. Jimin did have some common sense in that cute head of his.

He sighed back into the cushion and smiled. "Besides, what if Jungkook and Jhope become close, and you start dating Jungkook? I mean, Jhope's my boyfriend and Jungkook with you...that's like, double dates every day!"

I pushed him further into the sofa "Shut up! I don't want anyone hearing that and Jungkook and I are just friends."

Jungkook and Namjoon walked in with huge plates of food and bottles Soju.

"They're out of beer." Namjoon whined.

I laughed and chose the first song while the boys ate.

"They call me artist! They call me Idol!!~" "Why you sad?! I dunno nan molla!" I sang my heart out to one of my favorite songs.

I almost died of laughter when Jungkook sang Yes or Yes and TT by a girl group called twice.

Namjoon rapped to some songs and Jimin usef his angelic voice to seduce his boyfriend making all of us gag.

After too many beers, a lot of chicken, way too many songs and ugly dances we finally decided to head home.

As I cleaned up I could've sworn I saw Yoongis face in the door window but he disappeared so quick.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. "It's just the alcohol."

"Does your head hurt?" Jungkook asked from behind me.

I nodded " My brain's spazzing out on me." I managed to smile a little.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around my shoulder "Let's get going then." He said steadying me.

I nodded and waved goodbye to the rest of the boys and Namjoon ran up to Jungkook.

"Don't get any wild ideas Kook. I know you live together and all but you better not hurt her."

Jungkook gave him a friendly laugh. "Goodnight Namjoon."

I followed Jungkook to the car and I turned around just to check if Yoongi might be there.

I smiled to myself and turn around when I saw no one there.

"It must be the alcohol."

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