26 Sleepover?

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We heard Namjoon let himself in as we were busy popping popcorn over the stove. Suga found it funny that I bought popcorn that popped over the stove instead of buying the microwaveable kind.

I told him that popping it in the microwave is boring.

Suga awkwardly greeted Namjoon and so did I. I wasn't exactly sure why he felt he need to be over, but in the back of my mind I have a feeling he's jealous.

"Hey guys." Namjoon joined us in the kitchen. "Stove popping popcorn." He nodded impressed.

"It was her idea." Suga said making me smile.

"Have you eaten dinner Namjoon?" I asked him as he helped stir the popcorn.

"The popcorn should be enough." He smiled.

I nodded not really knowing what to say with both of them in the same room. Then my mind subconsciously drifted off to how Suga placed his hands over mine while teaching me to knead the dough, but that didn't last long because Suga said something I didn't catch.

Namjoon nodded in response. "The popcorn is done!"

I took it off the burner and poured it into two big bowls.

"Want to share and give Namjoon his own bowl since he hasn't eaten and we have?" Suga asked me casually.

"No, no it's fine I don't need this much I can share with you or Soelhyun."

I smiled even though I did want to share with Suga of course. This entire evening has been going so well and I almost felt as if I was getting closer to him. It didn't really matter if I had to wait, but it would be nice to have no obstacles, and Namjoon was definitely an obstacle.

"Okay, you two share and I'll have my own." I wasn't going to share with Namjoon and leave Suga out.

Namjoon nodded "sounds good."

"Want to play board games first?" Suga asked me.

"Yes!  That sounds great!" I went to my bag to retrieve the games Uno and Sorry, two of my favorite games.

"Okay," I sat between the two forming a triangle circle ish shape. "Which one."

Suga and Namjoon spoke at the same time making me laugh.

"Since this night is dedicated to Suga, we'll play Sorry first."

"Why is it dedicated to Suga? Why were you over in the first place?" Namjoon said while laughing, he probably didn't want to seem like he was jealous.

"Jhope, his best friend that also lives here, asked me to come over and cheer him up."

"Cheer him up?"

I opened my mouth to explain but I shut up when I saw Suga shift uncomfortably, he probably didn't want to think about Jackson.

"I'll be right back." He said in a bummed tone.

I sighed as he got up and left to his bedroom.

"I'm sorry did I-?"

"No, no it's fine he's just going through stuff right now." I told Namjoon to make him feel better. But to be honest if he wouldn't have been interrogating me maybe Suga wouldn't be thinking about Jackson.

I set up the game in silence and I waited a bit.

"Maybe I should go check on him." I told Namjoon.

As I got up I felt his firm hand grab my wrist, but gently. "Is Suga... the guy you like?"

I swallowed hard and looked away "Yes."
I felt him let go of my wrist and I knocked softly on Suga's bedroom door when I approached it.

"You okay?" I asked softly at the door. I knew he could hear me. "I'm gonna come in all right, so don't be naked or something."

I opened the door cautiously not surprised to find him sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

I didn't say anything except sit beside him and place my hand on his shoulder in attempt to comfort him.

He surprised me by leaning into me, his chin now touching the back of my shoulder. I subconsciously wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

His own shoulders were shaking quietly and that's when I realized he was crying.

I didn't really know what to say, so I just remained silent. I didn't know that he was still heart broken, he acted so strong in front of me and others no one would know he was dealing with a bad breakup.

Suga didn't notice but I saw Namjoon peek his head inside the room probably wondering what's taking us so long. He retreated to the front room when we made eye contact.

"I'm sorry." Suga eventually whispered, his breath warm against my neck.

I shook my head slightly "It hurts more when you hold it in."

He pulled away from me, making me already miss the warmth from his body.

He nodded and wiped his eyes quickly "I didn't mean to ruin the night."

"You didn't, I came here knowing tonight is a hard night for you but I basically forgot about that because of how much fun we're having."

He smiled a little "Me too actually. Thanks for being a great friend Soelhyun."

I smiled although my heart hurt a little "Anytime." I've never felt the want to just be in someone's life as their partner. I kept thinking of things I would do if I was his girlfriend to cheer him up sweetly but I can't cross those boundaries as his friend.

"Namjoon's getting lonely, c'mon." I told him and he followed me back out to the living room.

"Oh you two are still here?" Namjoon asked "I thought you guys left." He said playfully to lighten up the mood.

I laughed "How about we just watch a movie?"

Suga nodded and Namjoon shrugged "We'll play board games next time."

"Next time?" I asked, both Suga and I looking at Namjoon with raised eyebrows.

He shook us off and headed over to the couch and we followed him.

We put in the hunger games and Namjoon fell asleep first.

Suga looked over at me "I didn't know this was a sleepover."

I laughed "Me either, but I'll get going now. Jhope texted me he'll be here in five minutes."

Suga nodded "I had fun today."

"Me too. Goodnight." I took my stuff and left the house quietly and I saw Jhope pull up in the driveway with Jimin.

He got out of his car and walked up to me "Did you guys have fun?"

I nodded happily "It was a great time. How about you?"

Jimin and Jhope exchanged a happy expression.

"Do you need a ride home Jimin?" I asked him.

Jimin shook his head "I'm gonna stay over, see you tomorrow at work."

"Well have a good night you two." I said as I waved goodbye and headed home.

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