16 Spill the Tea

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I pointed at the familiar figure that had made eye contact with me a split second before he scurried into his tent.

Jeon Jungkook, was apparently camping...in plain view...during the school year.

I sighed and looked over at Namjoon. "That was Jungkook."

"Oh?" He said, driving as the light turned green.

I nodded sitting back in my seat. I wondered what would compelled a guy like Jungkook to camp during this time.

His story is odd, and he's full of surprises for only being nineteen.

"Still thinking about him?" Namjoon asked staring at the road ahead.

"Huh? Oh, um...yeah. It's just... I know he told me to mind my business and all but he's so confusing you know?"

Namjoon shakes his head indicating a "no." "I don't understand why you're so mentally involved. I mean, he's just a customer. Maybe you should stay out of his business."

I was a bit taken back but I didn't say anything. Namjoon seemed to be slightly irritated for a second so I let it go. Maybe he didn't like Jungkook just like Suga.

I pushed the thoughts about Jungkook out of my mind so I wouldn't be boring company.

"Thanks for coming to eat dinner with me." I told him.

He smiled "People usually say that after they're done eating."

I laughed.

"So what's your deal?"

"My deal?" He asked chuckling. "What do you mean?"

"I dunno. Why you wanted to work at The Drip, any family here?" I shrugged.

"Well, I guess I should start off with that I'm a twenty five year old producer that wanted something to do on his free time."

"Wow." I said impressed.

"And all my family lives in Canada, so it's just me. I moved here a month ago, and the only people I know are you and Jimin, and the people I produce music for."

"Wow, pretty small crowd."

He laughs "of course I intend on making more friends in the future."

"That's good, if you need me to keep being your dinner buddy then you can count on me." I smiled at him. Namjoon liked cheesy things like that.

We pulled into the small restaurant and Namjoon opened the door for me of course. I don't know why he still bothered to do these things he was just too polite. I hope he can feel more casual and chill around me later.


Namjoon drove me home. We had a great time, much better than last time, but something seemed to be bothering Namjoon. It was like he really needed to say something to me but he just couldn't.

We past by Jungkook's tent again. I subconsciously tried to find him in that area but we passed by too quickly.

"Joon, is there something bothering you? Because if there is you can tell me." I told him as he pulled into my driveway.

He sighed as he stopped the car and took out his keys. "It's nothing."

I frowned "It's totally not nothing. I can tell when something is brothering someone. Spill the tea."

He still looked reluctant.

"Joon, please! You're my friend and you can trust me!" I hated to nag, but then again I really wanted to know.... I am in other's business more than I should.

He unbuckled his seatbelt as he exhaled a huge breath of air. "It's just that...the way I look at things and the way you look at things is different."

He continued noticing my confused expression. "When I first asked you to go out to eat with me I was asking you out on a date, but it's like...from the second you met me you friend zoned me. And I really didn't want to say this because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I just don't think you see me as much of a man that's all."

I blinked a couple times pretty surprised. So that's how it's been all this time. Poor  Namjoon probably hurt everytime I "dude zoned" him.

"No, no that's not true. I do see you as a great man I just never really thought..." I was at loss for words. Have I already stated this kind of stuff is not my speciality?

"I see the way you act around Suga. And the way you're so worried about Jungkook. It makes me kind of jealous to be honest. They get to see all your emotions. Shy, giddy, concerned...it amazes me how easily Suga can make you blush."

I felt my face heating up just thinking about it. I didn't even know I could blush.

"Namjoon," I said cutting him off "I...I should really get inside." I squinted my eyes and pressed my lips together uncomfortable. What else was I supposed to say? I needed to think...

He sighed running his fingers through his hair "sorry I ever said anything. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He was looking at the ground.

I gave him a weak smile and excused myself from his car.

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