3. First Text

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I heard Jimin squeal from the kitchen.

I ran in, praying was okay. "What's wrong?" I said examining the situation.

Jimin was sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the counter staring at his phone.

"He texted me." He said practically glowing.

I rolled my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. "What'd he say?" It was a little too early in the morning to deal with this.

After our odd first costumer, we got a little more business yesterday. But it was still a really slow business day, we're hoping for more costumers today.

"He said: hey beautiful. And that's it!" He said practically glowing as he said it.

"What should I tell him?"

"Maybe start off with telling him who you are."

Jimin scrunched his lips. "Oh yeah, that's true. But what if I scare him off, and he doesn't come back?"

I shrugged "He has a boyfriend, so I don't understand why it matters."

"OMG he texted again!!" Jimin's eyes were wide. "I'm thinking about stopping by for a coffee. That's what he said"

I sighed "Jimin, just make sure he knows it's you."

Jimin shooed me off and began tapping aggressively at his phone.

I pulled on my apron, not because I'd be doing any cooking today but Jimin promised he would show me how to make some things on the menu before the store opened.

"Ready yet?" I asked him as I looked over our menu. "I want to try to make that." I pointed to one of the hot breakfast crepes but Jimin wasn't looking.

He suddenly shot up from the counter and hopped down gracefully. "He's on his way." He said pushing me towards the cash register. "And loosen that uniform up, wouldn't want any guy looking at you the wrong way." He laughed at himself.

I was thankful for that, and I did so. Being able to breath was an upgrade. Five minutes later the same man walked in from yesterday.

"What are you doing here? The store isn't even open yet." I told him sternly. I heard the kitchen door behind me creek open.

"You don't sound as eager to see me as you did over text." He said smugly.

I nodded "yeah that was actually my friend, I didn't give you my number."

He looked embarrassed, making me feel amused for some reason.

"Oh, well I'm here for the regular." He said swiping his card against the machine.

"What do you mean the regular? You've been here once."

"Remember my order from yesterday?"

"I guess"

"Yeah, just whip that up for me sweetie."

My eyebrows jumped and my hand rested on my hip. "Sweetie?" He just smirked and took a seat, the same spot as yesterday. "Jimin, one caramel macchiato!"

Jimin gave a thumbs up and I stood there quiet, listening to the huffs and puffs of the coffee machine.

"So whose your friend?" The man asked.

I groaned. Why was he talking to me.? "His name is Jimin and you can't date him because if you aren't loyal to this boyfriend of yours you won't be loyal to my friend."

The man scoffed "Woah, you sure know a lot about me for only meeting me once. But anyway, I don't want to date your friend."

I relaxed a bit, maybe this guy wasn't bad, maybe he's just having fun. "What's your name?"


"Because if you're going to be a regular I at least want to know your name." I insisted.

He nodded. "Suga."

My eyebrows rose. "You're telling me your name is Suga?" That's it, this guy was pulling my leg. Why did he have to win the prize? I didn't want to see him everyday for a year. He hasn't done anything wrong really, but I wish he'd get his coffee at McDonalds or something.

He nodded genuinely. "What, are you going to ask for my number now?"

I scoffed. "It's as if you don't remember our conversation yesterday. You know the part where you asked me for my number?"

Jimin slid the coffee my way and made his way from behind the counter and over to Suga.

"I just want to thank you so much for coming here, being a new business and all. You've already got my number, so call me sometime hm?" He asked sweetly.

Suga took the cup of coffee and exhaled, "Sorry, I kind of have a boyfriend."

Jimin nodded understandingly, hurt regardless.

Suga left the store, not before sending a wink my way, making me irritated .

"You okay Jimin?"

Jimin nodded "It's okay, I know he has a boyfriend, that's not the problem. I just wonder why he flirts with you and rejects me so easily." He said innocently but I still felt that pang of guilt.

I put my hand on his shoulder "Guys like that don't want good guys like you who make coffee. They want someone to screw over and then the next day they leave them." I was terrible at comforting people. I was terrible at anything that had to do with giving advice or anything romantic related.

Jimin pouted "He didn't do that with his boyfriend. I mean, he's so sweet. He buys his boyfriend coffee every morning. I want that type of guy."

I opened my mouth to speak but a flow of customers walked in; the store had opened.

I rang up orders and on my break I swept around and wiped off the tables. There wasn't any costumer like Suga, the only one who had both of our minds on him.

"You think he'll come tomorrow?" Jimin asked, staring out the window.

"Are you going to ask me this every day?" I laughed a little, using my napkin to fling the crumbs off the table into my other hand.

He shrugged. "I just want to be here to say good-morning, and make his day.... and his boyfriend's coffee."

I smiled and ruffled his hair. "If it counts for anything, you always make my day."

He smiled a little at that and took off his apron, "I'm heading out early today so you close at noon. My brother is coming in to town."

"Which? Taehyung?"

He nodded happily.

"Tell him I said hi!"

"And tell me if Suga comes around again!" He said collecting his belongings and turning out the doors after waving bye.

At noon I packed up my things and closed the store. I wouldn't admit it out loud but, I actually hoped to see Suga tomorrow morning for some reason.

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