25. Another Dinner Date

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Suga's POV:

Jhope came into my room without knocking. He brought me breakfast and had a sympathetic look on his face.

I was going to ask him what the big deal was but then it hit me.

Today is January 27th, it was supposed to be my fifth year dating Jackson.

I swallowed hard, the thought of Jackson making me loose my appetite.

"You okay?" Jhope asked gently.

I shook my head "No." of course I'm not okay, I miss him like crazy.

"Want to talk about it?" Jhope nibbles on the price of toast he brought for me to eat.

I shrugged. "I just...wish I could've erased that day."

"The day you guys broke up?" He was half way through the toast.

I nodded. "I don't really care that he cheated anymore I just want him back. I mean, what if he was truly sorry? He probably has already moved on."

Jhope put his hand on my shoulder "You can't do this to yourself, Jackson doesn't deserve you. He cheated on you, once a cheater always a cheater."

"That's not always true."

"I just can't believe he didn't come around to apologize."

Jhope was quiet for a couple seconds then I felt his hands wiping my face. I didn't even notice I was crying. I had forced myself to not think about Jackson but today his presence was ubiquitous.

I breathed out a huge breath "Thanks for breakfast, I'm just going to take a nap."

Jhope shook his head "Youre not going to sulk in your bed if that's what you're thinking, you just woke up."

I sighed "So what exactly do you figure I am going to do then?"

"Spend the day with me." He smiled "and Jimin."

I raised my eyebrows "You really think I'm in the mood to do some third wheeling?"

Jhope shrugs " Sorry Jimin and I had something planned before I realized the date today."

I shook my head "I really don't want to ruin your date so just leave me at home I'll be fine." I told him reassuringly.

"Are you sure?" I knew he didn't want to leave me alone but I also knew he was really excited to spend time with Jimin so I didn't want to be his burden.

I nodded and smiled although I was feeling really down.

"Well alright then, I'll just be getting ready. Call me if you need anything."

He closed the door and after fifteen minutes the doorbell rang.

"Must be Jimin." I mumbled to myself.

I heard Jhope rush from his room to get the door. "Hey Soelhyun!"

I sat up from my bed 'Did he just say Soelhyun?'

"Hey Jhope! I brought all the stuff." I heard her say.

"Awesome! He's in his room, he'll enjoy your company."

"Great, thanks for inviting me. Oh! Jimin is right behind me."

"No thank you for coming! I'll go finish cleaning up until he gets here."

I ran my fingers through my hair. Jhope probably invited her because he knows we're friends and he wanted her to cheer me up, but I just wanted to be alone today. I didn't want Soelhyun to see me in such a mood.

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