Chapter 41: Old Bread

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My phone was flooded with hate messages, the messages were disgusting. Names, threats, everything.

Jungkook was curious of what I was looking at but I didn't show him, he shouldn't have to worry about me.

"What?" He asked tentatively. He knew I wanted to seem like I was in control, but to be honest I wasn't.

"It's nothing. Just an insult or two."

"Okay, well I don't want to make a big deal out of this but if you're being cyber bullied you should let me— or someone know."

I nodded and got up from the sofa. I needed to act now.

"I'm going over to Jackson's for the last time. If he won't comply I'll get the evidence and take his ass to court." I told him.

"Why go to him first? I say skip that part and just get to the part where we lock him up."

"I don't think so. If we can get him to comply without involving a judge that's the preferable option. Remember, I still stabbed the guy."

Jungkook shrugged "It was self defense."

"And you can't get involved either. You've been involved in some pretty illegal acts too with that drug trading and all."

Jungkook scowled.

"Fine, but let me go with you. Suga will be there, and Jackson isn't necessarily sane."

I shook my head "I can handle my own battles, I'll let you know what's gonna happen later." I walked out of the house but then I turned around "and Jungkook, I'm not saying I don't need you because I do. I'm saying I have to do this one thing for myself."

He nodded although I could tell he was worried. When did the kid become such a parent?

I took my car to Yoongi's where I figured Jackson would be hiding out, and not surprisingly i was right.

I felt bad Jhope had to be around them, they should move back into Jackson's house but I'm sure that's where Katlyn is that's why he refuses.

I let myself inside; I so used to being here everyday I didn't even consider knocking.

I drew a deep breath preparing myself for toxic Jackson.

He was sitting on the sofa and stood up immediately when I walked in.

To my surprise he raced towards me in a fit of rage. "How could you try to have my boyfriend turn against me you whore?" He spat at me.

I was a bit taken back but then I collected myself, and I didn't back down although he breath smelled like old bread.

"Why did you destroy our shop? If you don't give me answers and this amount of money" I shoved a sticky note with a large number printed on it "I'm taking you to court."

Jackson stared at me then backed up, he then started to laugh a hideous laugh. He was surely mocking me.

"You think I did that? No sweets, my fans did that. I don't need to give you anything."

"No you did it. We have video proof."

Jackson's face altered. Then he swiftly pulled out his phone and captured a picture of me looking baffled. "How will the judge react to me suing you first to get a restraining order on you for stalking me?"

"What?! I never stalked you."

"That's exactly what a crazed fan would say. You know what would happen if I released your face to the internet? My fans would murder you."

I rolled my eyes "You already did, I got a brick thrown through my window, another reason why I'm suing."

Jackson scoffed "I didn't released your picture, I released your address."

"Oh gee, that's way better." I said sarcastically.

Yoongi walked inside the living room where Jackson and I were currently bickering.

"Jackson please stop this, you're hurting Soelhyun and Jungkook."

Jackson told Yoongi to shut up and focused on me. "I'd love to see you try to put me in jail." He slowly advanced towards me until my back was pressed against the wall, and I could feel his hot moldy breath against my neck as he rested his arm over my head, against the wall.

"Get away." I yelled at him but he didn't move.

"Do it, you won't," he challenged me, his smirk drawn across his face making him look like a real life villain.

"Back up off of her!" Yoongi screamed at him.

Jackson didn't listen, just the closeness of him pressed up against me made me want to vomit. He smelled like must covered up with ajax.

I regretted not bringing Jungkook with me, or a weapon. What could Yoongi do for me? Nothing.

Jackson finally had enough satisfaction in seeing my torment; he released me from the closed space and walked away after screaming get out to me, and surprisingly Yoongi as well.

I didn't hesitate, I left.

I brushed myself off and noted to take a shower the second I got home. I also needed to call Jimin and see if he found enough evidence.

Yoongi walked over to me. "You alright?"

I nodded. I felt impartial towards him.

"I'm gonna go home. Do you have a place to go?" I hoped he did, I was finally taking baby steps to move on. I didn't want him having to stay with me.

"No." He confessed. "Is there any way I could stay for you for only an hour or two, just to figure things out?"

I sighed

What's there to figure out Yoongi? Leave him or stay with him, but don't drag me into your relationship.

"I'm sorry but I just can't Yoongi. You destroyed the evidence to put him away because he's your boyfriend, so don't come running to me putting me endanger when times get tough. You chose him, not freedom...again."

I turned away from him. I wasn't mad, I was tired. Yoongi is a chapter in my life I have to close, I have to move on.

He nodded "I get it, I'm stupid." He went and sat on the curb, hugging his knees to his chest.

I didn't turn around, but before I walked away I wanted to make myself clear.

"What was so wrong with me you couldn't have given up Jackson for me? He treats you like shit, so how could you possibly love him? I was willing to give you everything Yoongi....and now that's your loss." I wiped away the very last year I'd be crying over him.

He didn't say anything, he wanted to though. I felt it.

I walked away and drove back home. Jimin called me while I was driving telling me we definitely have enough evidence.

"Good, then we take him to court immediately."

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