8. I Love You

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"What do you want?" Jackson pulled out a seat in front of Yoongi in The Drip.

Jackson studied his boyfriend's face. Yoongi looked tired, stressed, and sad. It wasn't a good look on him. Jackson was attracted to the confident, cocky Yoongi. The man he had helped him to be. Not the man he had started out with.

Before dating Yoongi, Yoongi suffered with severe depression. They met at one of Jackson's concerts Yoongi's best friend Jhope had forced him to go to.

Jackson wasn't particularly fond of Yoongi at that time, but they crossed paths again later. Yoongi was slightly drunk, crazed after a wild time at the bar. He ran into Jackson and told him plain as day "You're hot, I'm hot, let date."

Ever since, then they've been together; two years now. But time seemed to be running and Jackson just couldn't meet Yoongi's every need these days.

Jackson swallowed and tried again when Yoongi was just silent. "What's bothering you, babe?"

Yoongi drew imaginary circles on the table and didn't meet Jackson's eyes. "Where do you go at night?"

Jackson sighed. Not this again. He thought. "You know where I'm at."

Yoongi shook his head. "I'm not asking for anything Jackson. I just want to know whether you still love me or not? If I'm going to have to keep waiting and waiting for to show up only to eat a cold meal by myself and sleep in a cold bed only to wake up by myself?"

Yoongi let a single tear run down his cheek.

Jackson pressed his lips together. He didn't realize how much he was hurting Yoongi.

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He slid the phone out to read the caller ID: Katlyn.

He pressed the red button killing the vibrations and Yoongi didn't notice.

"Of course I love you, I've just been busy and I'm sorry for not letting you know. I'm coming home tonight okay? Let's get out of here and I'll drive you home okay?"

Yoongi smiled. He'd pay a thousand bucks to hear Jackson tell him that and mean it. He didn't even have to ask if Jackson was cheating on him. Just by hearing those words he knew Jackson couldn't say that to him and be cheating on him. He couldn't.


Jackson dropped Yoongi off at their apartment. He made his way back over to his studio.

His phone buzzed in his pocket on his way over, it was Yoongi.

"Yeah what's up?" He asked.

"I'm making seafood stew for dinner, your favorite so don't be late." He told him happily.

"Alright I'll be in around six so you get that stew ready." He smiled.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He hung up the phone and pulled into his studio where Katlyn was waiting for him.

She got into the car, her arms folded. She was mad.

"You couldn't reply to my calls?" She looked at Jackson with an irritated expression.

He ran his fingers through his hair remembering he hung up on her.

"Sorry baby I totally forgot."

She shrugged. "Yeah it's alright i just missed my appointment but you know it's no biggy." She said sarcastically.

Jackson sighed "Look I'll make it up to you. I'm going to treat you to a wonderful dinner at my place. How does seafood sound?"

She looks over at him and smiles a bit. "I do love a good seafood stew."

He nodded. "See, I got it all under control."

Jackson sent a text out to Yoongi before he drove to the hospital for Katlyn's appointment.

Me: Is it okay if my coworker joins us for dinner? Her family is out of town so she asked and I wouldn't want to say no.
12:45 pm

Babyboy👅: Sure.

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