7. Thanks a Latte

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Jimin sighed into his hands. "He's just gonna take a while to get used to."

I nodded as we both stared at Namjoon flailing ingredients everywhere. He was by far the clumsiest person I've ever met.

"Na— Namjoon?"

"Hm?" He smiled in my direction.

"Maybe you could... like, hold it. You know, like grasp it really well." I said while smiling to not seem rude.

"That's a good suggestion it's just that the ingredients are really slippery!" He studied the cinnamon bottle as if it was some sort of mystery.

Jimin and I shared a look. "Okay well maybe you're better suited at the cash register." I smiled  at him. The poor thing was really trying, but he was just making a mess.

Namjoon nodded "I love calculating numbers actually."

Suga walked through the large glass doors. He looked tired.

"Goodmorning Suga, too early as usual." I tried to cheer him up, it didn't work.

When he didn't reply I just decided to talk. "The regular?"

He nodded. "Who's He?" He was looking at Namjoon, challenging him for some reason.

"Namjoon is our new employee."

Suga nodded as I rang up his order. He sat in the back and instead of calling for him to get up and come get his coffee I went to him.

"Everything alright?" I asked as I set his drink down. I had time, if he wanted to talk or anything.

He sighed and took the drink. "Actually no."

I took that as a sign to sit down and listen to whatever he was going through. His usual demeanor was cocky, so I didn't know if I could handle sudden vulnerability.

"What's up?" I had a good thirty minutes to attempt to comfort him.

Suga looked at his drink, unblinking. "Have you ever been cheated on?"

I shook my head. "Never even had my first kiss."

He smiled a little, still staring at his cup. "It's just...I have this terrible feeling that my boyfriend isn't telling me something. Either that or I'm going paranoid from missing him."

Aww, poor thing "when's the last time you saw him?"

"That's not what I meant. I mean, I see him almost every morning but I miss him. Like the old him, the Jackson that actually made our relationship seem like it wasn't one way, you know?"

I nodded, I had no idea what he meant though.

He shrugs "Our apartment is so lonely, I don't think he's stepped foot in it for over a week."

"So you're boyfriend is really busy, but it doesn't mean he's cheating on you."

Suga sighed "I know it's just... I don't know what to do to make the thoughts that he might be cheating on me go away."

I nodded. "What are you doing for the next hour?"

He looks at me confused. "Nothing."

"Call him, tell him to come here. Let him drink this cold coffee and just talk to him. It'll put your mind at ease."

"You think so?"

I nodded. "You need to know for yourself so you can stop worrying and be your normal annoying self." I smiled at him, ruffling his hair as if we were close friends. I don't know why I did it his hair just looked really soft and he needed to be cheered up.

He laughed it off and dialed his boyfriend's number.

I returned behind the counter and waited for customers, the store had opened.

I looked over at Namjoon, who was organizing the ingredients alphabetically. I wanted to tell him they'd just get out of place but he looked so focused.


"Him?" His Head rose above the counter he was hovering over.

"Wanna do me a favor?"

"Sure thing Soelhyun, what do you need?"

"We're out of heavy whipping cream, mind running to the grocery store to get me some?"

He smiled. "Yes ma'am, one heavy whipping cream coming right up!" He took off his apron and was out the door. I didn't even get the chance to give him the money for it.

After twenty minutes a handsome man that looked like a celebrity walked into the shop. A couple costumers looked over and raised their cellphones.

"Must be Suga's boyfriend." I mumbled to myself.

"How can I compete against that?!" Jimin whined looking at Jackson.

I shrugged "he's cute or whatever."

I tried to see the expression of both men but the customers were giving me no leeway.

Before I knew it Namjoon was back with bags.

"What is all that?" I laughed.

"I brought us lunch and two gallons of heavy whipping cream."

"Wow. I didn't even know they sold those by the gallons! Thanks Namjoon."

He smiled "of course!"

Jimin took Namjoon to the back to begin whipping up (literally) whipped cream for the drinks.

I watched our store, every seat full. Some customers I knew and others I didn't. I studied their faces. Some on their first dates, others breaking up, some hanging out with friends, and others alone. I smiled. The Drip has provided a nice atmosphere where people could go and share their problems and joys. It's all I really wanted when we first opened up the shop. Seeing returning customers and hearing about their days made mine. It was bittersweet actually.

I noticed Jackson and Suga getting up, hand in hand leaving the store.

I smiled to myself "so they worked it out."

"What do you look so happy about?" Namjoon asked as he came out of the kitchen.

I shrugged "I dunno. It's just this place really, seeing relationships start and mend here. Something about that is so comforting."

He chuckled "I suppose you like poetry and taking nature walks as well?"

"Huh? How did you know that?"

"Ahh, you're a romanticist!"

"Yeah a little." I laughed.

"Why don't you ever invite your boyfriend here? Have your own "comforting" date?" He teased me.

"Well, it's either the fact that I'm working all the time or the fact that I actually don't have a boyfriend."

His eyebrows shot up. "I find that hard to believe."

I laughed "which part? Because I'm a hard worker and a lonely romanticist."

He nodded.

"Well since it's a brewtiful day, want to get dinner with me after work?"

I laughed "You think the coffee pun is going to win me over?"

He shrugged "I'd figure I'd give it a shot." He raised an espresso shot cup making me laugh again.

I nodded "Alright enough with the cheesy puns, sure I'd love to."

"So 8:00?" He smiled.

I nodded. "Too bad the shop closes so late. But hey, better latte than never."

Namjoon smiled to where his deep dimples showed. "Ahh I've rubbed off on you."

I rolled my eyes "Yeah thanks a latte now I can't stop."

We both burst out in laughter making Jimin yell shut up to us from inside the kitchen.

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