5. Another Returning Customer

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"What the hell Jimin?!" I yelled at him. He was inside the kitchen so he probably didn't hear me, especially over his music.

I rubbed my sore back from the terrible fall I just took, all because Jimin decided to mop ten minutes before we open.

Jimin's head popped through the kitchen doors to see what the commotion was all about.

"What's the matter?" He was oblivious.

"You mopped first thing in the morning! I almost broke my ass slipping on the suds!"

He giggled at my pain and cooed a "Sorry" before slipping into the kitchen again.

I groaned and then smiled. I couldn't even force myself to stay mad at Jimin for more than three minutes. He was adorable.

I got some scotch tape and I taped a "NEED MORE WORKERS!" sign on the door.

It's sorta hard work with only two employees available every single day.

A car pulled into the parking lot in front of our store.

I frowned. It better not be someone wanting a coffee because we open in ten minutes not now. I should really lock that door...

Suga got out of his car and walked into the store. "Morning Sunny." He said casually.

"Sunny? My name is Soelhyun, Suga." I walked behind the cash register, I honestly don't know why I still entertain him.

"Yeah, Yeah. I need the regular." He sat down at his spot.

I groaned. "Am I really going to have to start my day off with this the entire year?" I asked myself loud enough so he could hear.

His eyebrows jumped up as I rang up his order.
"Don't even act like you don't like my company."

I sighed and just went back to the kitchen.

The bell on the doors rang again.

"Who is it now?!" I exclaimed coming out of the kitchen. A smile formed on my face when I saw Jungkook, smiling at me in a school uniform.

"Mornin' Soelhyun!" Jungkook held a brown paper bag in his hand.

I brought the coffee over to Suga and greeted Jungkook. "What's in the bag?"

"A thank you for giving me a ride yesterday. Oh! And here's the money."

I smiled and told him to keep the money as he handed me the bag.

"Want anything to drink?"

"I'm on my way to school, I usually get milk there."

I nodded. "So you're a high schooler. Well, I don't want to make you late for your studies so you stay out of trouble and run along." I shooed him out the door as he waved.

When I turned around Suga was still there. Sniffing the drink.

"I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" I was addressing the coffee.

"Yeah, I thought the store wasn't open. You shouldn't have let the kid in." He said with an irritated expression.

My eyebrows rose and I felt my snarkyness rise within me. "Oh really? So you can come and go whenever you please but other people can't?"

He nodded "yes! I won the prize." He flashed the coupon I gave him making me roll my eyes.

"You stayed just to tell me that? Isn't your boyfriend waiting?"

"No... I needed you to um... put more whipped cream in here. Yeah, that's it." He was making excuses, he probably stayed just to see what Jungkook was up to.

I shrugged and took the coffee from him. "That'll be an extra seventy five cents."


"What? You think I have extra ingredients to spare because of you receiving less attention?"

"What?! I don't need your attention! And you must have extra ingredients judging on the fact you can offer the kid a drink." He was doing that thing that Jimin did when he didn't get his way, pouting.

I laughed.

"What's funny?"

"Look, take your coffee and get going Suga. Jealous or not we aren't open."

He gave me an hurt look and took his coffee heading for the door.

"Bye Suga!" Jimin sang from inside the kitchen.

Suga didn't turn around but raised his hand, like some sort of wave.

I turned around to see if Jimin was peeping out of the kitchen; he was.

"Soelhyun, I think we might have to switch jobs." He told me. He was my boss after all.

"How do you figure?" I really enjoyed working the cash register and I don't know how to cook so his reasoning must be out of this world.

"Because it seems that if I stand at that very position I might attract one of those beautiful men that you have gotten ever so close to lately." He joked around.

I laughed and pushed him back to the kitchen where he belonged. "Oh shut up."

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