Chapter 47: Liar

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Namjoon places a plate of food infront of me and turned on his big TV.

"I know it's not what you're used to, but you'll have a new apartment in no time. However we should consider relocating ways from here." He told me as he began to eat what was infront of him.

"I can't leave." I told him plainly and I began to eat out of curtesy, not because I'm hungry. I couldn't have felt more sick to my stomach let alone did I want to eat.

"But it's not safe here. I told Jungkook I was going to do my best to protect you and I can't do that if I know you're still here in danger."

"Thank you but I'm finding an apartment a block over and there's nothing you can say to make me change my mind. Jungkook is in jail because of me and I'd be a sick person if I at least didn't visit him once a week."

Namjoon looked exasperated. "Have you considered the fact that he might be stuck there forever? Soelhyun he murdered three people there's no way he's getting out so just move on and protect yourself!"

I shook my head "Fuck you." I grabbed my bag and sped over to Jimin's. I didn't care if Yoongi was there I couldn't stay another minute with that jerk.

Once I arrived Jimin crashed into me with a hug "I was just about to come to you." He said excitedly "Jungkooks going on trial Wednesday. I heard his lawyer is going to plead self defense, and if that doesn't work they're going to plead mental disability."

I smiled "what's our chances."

"60/40 in their favor, and he'll at least get two years."

I nodded. That's nothing compared to a life sentence.

"Thank God. When can I see him?"

Jimin smiled "Now."


It was hard, walking in the dark room seeing guards aligned along the walls, standing at their posts, in case Jungkook attempted to hurt me.

He would never hurt me.

There was a large plastic screen separating us, and a phone with wires attached to it on each side.

I had to remind myself to calm down when I pulled out the chair to sit in front of him. The sight of him in handcuffs, a jumpsuit far too tight for him, and bruised under eyes startled me. Even in this state he was handsome. I'd never noticed how handsome he was before.

Regardless, he wasn't made for jail, he could die.

I watched my hand shakily pick up the phone; and although I had absolutely no idea what I'd say, I couldn't just stare at him the entire time.

I was thankful Jimin had the connections to get me here, so I won't waste a second.

"Jungkook." I breathed into the phone "Can you hear me okay?"

He picked up the phone and placed it to his ear mimicking my motion.

He nodded. He could hear me.

He didn't seem to know what to say either, it seemed as if we both had a lot we intended to say but when we faced each other nothing came to mind.

"How are you?" I asked him finally. How are you? Why in the heck would I ask him that? Of course he's not fine. I'm so stupid.

A smile pulled at his lips "I feel like a million bucks." He joked but it was obvious that wasn't the case.

"I want to do something Jungkook." The words I were searching for cake flooding in "Just let me help you okay? I can figure this out if you let me because you don't belong here. You're innocent I know you are." I felt my throat closing up but I ignored it. No more tears.

He shook his head "Soelhyun I don't want this okay? Can't you just forget about me and focus on yourself? I already told you you're still not safe, and getting me out will do you no good, I am guilty. I killed three people. There's no hope for me, but there's still hope for you—

"No stop." I demanded him. "You're only saying that because you want me to walk away and look out for myself but I can't when I know you're here because of me. Honestly I can't stand this Jungkook." My voice started to break "just come with me, hm? You can help me find a new place and we could stay together and open a new shop. We could start over, maybe even get a dog and—

He cut me off this time. He reached out in attempt to wipe the single tear trickling down my cheek but his hand fell when he realized the glass separated us still.

"It's a very tempting offer." His slanted smile made me feel at ease dipsite the situation.

"So take it. I need you and right now you need me. What's the issue?"

"Soelhyun" he looked away from me " The issue is honestly don't care about you anymore. I didn't kill the guys for you I killed them because they were bad people. Honestly, I never wanted to be your friend. I just needed a place to stay and you were stupid enough to let me. I got so sick of hearing your shit that's why I left. So you pestering me about this is annoying. Just seeing your stupid face irritates me." he was talking like someone had taken over his thoughts and words. That wasn't Jungkook, he'd never say that to me.

He didn't mean it.

However It still felt as if someone had punched me straight in my gut. I was finding it a very hard to believe. "I don't believe you." I snapped at him.

Jungkook looked me in the eyes this time. "It's true."

I was shaking my head no no no and the tears were free falling this time. I didn't have control, I couldn't stop them. He would never intentionally hurt me. His story didn't add up and yet... he wouldn't even look at me. What if...what if he meant it?

"You told said you l-loved me." I was gripping the phone. So many horrible emotions flowing through my veins making me feel sick.

Jungkooks face altered just in the slightest.

"Tell me it's a lie. Tell me you're lying to me so I'll just be angry at you and move on...that's what you're doing right?"

"Let's make this clear" he said with his head low "I don't want to see you again." He put down the phone and stood, facing away from me.

I slammed my fist against the screen that protected him from me "Liar!" I screamed at it as if he could hear me.

He made a motion to the guards and they took him away leaving me standing there glaring at the glass screen feeling broken inside...again.

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