21. Risk part2

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Soelhyun's POV:

I jerked my wrist away from Suga and ran into The Drip.

I couldn't process what he just said...my whole body felt like burning jello. Well, basically lava.

I heard Namjoon greet me but I walked straight to the restroom to clean myself up.

"Damn." I stared at my face, red as a beet. Even the tips of my ears were bright.

I tried to ignore my face and I just fixed myself up some. I couldn't get the scene out of my head, "You like me don't you?"

Once I came out of the bathroom I began to furiously stack cups.

Do I like Suga? Oh hell no. Not even a possibility. Impossible.

"Well you fix up nice." I hear Namjoon say from behind me. I didn't really want to talk right now, but that wasn't his fault.

"Thanks. Sorry for being late." I didn't even make eye contact with him, my face was probably still cooking. Stop thinking about Suga.

He shrugs "As long as little boss doesn't find out it's cool."

I nod. Jimin has been pretty ruthless these days with making me clean and all.

I wondered if Suga was coming back to get coffee, which was bad. I didn't want to see him, I couldn't see him.

"She will." I hear Namjoon mumble under his breath confusing me.

"She will what?" I ask him while stacking coffee cups.

He looks startled then he shakes his head. "Nothing."

I felt weird tension with Namjoon. I don't know why but he just seemed so off today. I caught him looking st me quite a bit and I wondered if my five minute fix up in the restroom was enough to not look too terrible.

"Look, you don't have to be shy towards me." He blurts our randomly.

"Hm?" I look at him confused why he said something like that. He's the on acting all weird I'm minding my business. "Oh, I'm not." I replied plainly while turning on the coffee machines.

"Oh. Well I just wanted to tell you that I don't want to make anything weird."

With that I stop what I'm doing and look at him. I really don't have the patience to figure out his mind games. "Namjoon, what the hell are you talking about?" I didn't mean to sound so harsh so I smile a little to put his mind at ease.

"I— Um... Two nights ago I told you how I felt." He told me.

I had not the slightest clue of what he was referring to until I remembered when he dropped me off two nights ago. "OH! Oh yeah nothing's weird I'm sorry I totally forgot about Saturday."

He looked slightly offended. "So what's on your mind?"

I was about to tell him about Suga, but he just reminded me that he kinda sorta likes me so I figured it would be rude. "Nothing."

I just turned from him and attempted to get the beans on the top shelf. My shirt rose up making me feel self conscious because I could feel his eyes on me.

"Need help?" He asks from behind me. I felt him reaching for the beans, his body heat warming my back.

"Thanks." I said glad he backed up.

I realized there weren't enough beans in the bag so I needed to go get some

I turned to Namjoon and I only felt weird because the way he was looking at me and biting his lip. I pretended it didn't happen "Hey I'm going to go to the storage room real quick. You wanna help me bring in the barrel of beans?"

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