Ch 40 It isnt safe anymore

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"He broke the phone, now what?" Rm mumbled.

"We head over to check on that footage. I'll go." Jimin said.

"Want company?" I wanted to make sure he was okay, so much had happened to the poor guy.

He shook his head "I think I want to say a proper goodbye to the shop."

I nodded.

"It's not goodbye." Jungkook said sternly "Because were going to drain Jackson of every dime he's got to rebuild it better than ever. You hear me? We're going to get the Drip back."

Jimin smiled a little "Thanks Kook, you're a great guy. If I wasn't with Jhope I'd definitely hit you up." He laughed a little at himself before leaving.

"I'm gunna get going too, maybe I'll go see what we can salvage at the store." Rm told me and I waved goodbye while putting away the glasses of lemonade.

"Can't I please just go over and talk to Jackson? I promise I won't get violent." Jungkook asked me.

I smiled at him, thankful for someone like him in my life. "Kook, I love you but I know you definitely won't be able to control yourself."

He shook his head "Not true. Totally not true."

"Okay, what if Jackson insults me, what are you going to do?"

"Blow his ass into bits." He responded immediately with a serious expression.


Jungkook groaned and tossed himself against the couch. "I hate feeling useless. I need to do something."

I sat down next to him. "You're far from useless, you've helped me this far. What's happening now is out of our hands."

He shook his head "It's probably my fault, for almost fighting the guy."

"No Jungkook, you were sticking up for me. That's gotta count for something."

He sighed and went quiet, although the quiet was interrupted quickly by a brick crashing through my window startling the both of us.

"What the hell?!" Jungkook shrieked hopping to his feet. He ran over to the brick that was now lying on the floor, careful not to step on the glass shards that now littered my carpet floor.

I tentatively walked up behind him. "What the heck is going on?" I asked him as if he knew the answer.

He picked up the brick and turned it over, there was a note.

"Damn, they couldn't have called?" Jungkook pulled the folded note off of the brick.

"Here, I guess it's for you."

I took the note from him and sat back on the sofa while Jungkook ran outside to see if anyone was still there.

The note was plain and simple, probably from some crazed Jackson fan.

Stay away from our oopa you whore!!!

I blinked at it a couple times then messaged my temples. This was a threat. And I am in danger.

Jungkook jogged back inside the house. "A red car just sped away, I couldn't catch them."

He noticed my distraught expression. "What'd it say?"

He didn't wait for me to speak, he walked over to the sofa and unfolded the note.

"Jesus." He breathed after putting the note in his pocket. He got out his IPhone, and took pictures of the brick, the window, and the note.

"I'm going to vacuum this up, then let's figure this out."

After five minutes of the horrible sound of the glass getting sucked into the vacuum like a blender, Jungkook sat next to me.

"Soelhyun I can't imagine how scary this is for you."

I nodded. "I just can't believe this is actually happening."

"I hate to say this but I don't think you're really safe anymore, at least not until we put Jackson away."

I was on the brink of tears but I didn't want Jungkook to see me cry, not again. I just didn't know what I did to deserve this, everything.

"But until then I'll protect you, I promise." Jungkook told me. He was only nineteen, what could he do for me?

"I'll be fine." I turned away from him. I needed to actually get this fixed, and quick.

"I know you will, but Soelhyun I really think you need someone in your life to help you refute all the crap you get. I mean, you don't know how badly I just wanted to beat Jackson and Yoongi into a pulp for what they did to you. And on top of that Namjoon as well, he doesn't know when to back off. You're just too nice."

I sighed and turned towards him. "What does this have to do with putting Jackson behind jail?"

He purses his lips together " I just don't want you to only think of me as a kid. You only talk to me, and you don't let me help. I'm not going to stand bye anymore and watch people hurt you. I don't want anyone else being responsible for your tears."

I stared at him for a sec, he was serious? "Damn Kook, you've been watching too many chick flicks, that actually made my heart flutter a bit ." I joked. "But seriously, I need to focus on Jackson. I don't think you're a kid Jungkook, it's just that I'm twenty three and I should be able to take care of myself."

Jungkook sighed and broke eye contact. "Of course, that's the priority right now; sorry for making it seem like you couldn't handle this."

I was going to say something but my phone's notification starting dinging like crazy.

"Probably Joon." I said unlocking my phone only to find a string of anonymous hate direct messages on Instagram.

I dropped my phone in shock. "Shit."

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