19. Then We Had Sex

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I breathed in an unfamiliar scent. It smelt amazing, manly actually. I blinked my eyes a couple times and sat up.

I was surprised to see I was in a room that wasn't my own and then I got scared.

Suga and I...no...we didn't...we wouldn't. We most definitely did not!!

Suga knocked on the door.

I quickly rubbed my eyes and fixed up my hair. "Come in!"

Suga walked in with a large glass of water. "Feeling better?"

I nodded. I needed to ask him. I couldn't remember anything after stuffing my face with mushrooms. "Suga...did we have..."

He lifted his eyebrows waiting for me to ask the  question that seemed so hard to get out of my mouth.

"Nevermind. How did I get here?" Oh yes, that was a much better question.

Suga brought the huge glass of water and sat down besides me. "Oh, you don't remember?"

I shook my head bringing the glass to my lips.

"Well, after we all went home... you asked me if you could stay over, which I thought was pretty weird but I agreed. Then...." he looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Then?" I asked on edge, drinking more water.

"Then we had sex."

Once again water shot from my nose making Suga crack up.

"Soelhyun I think you have a gift for snorting things."

I looked at him wide eyes. "Are you pulling my leg right now?!"

He burst out in more laughter. "Well duh. You just got sick so I took you here since you wouldn't give me your address."

I sighed a breath of relief. Sex was most definitely for after marriage. Marriage in general, not with Suga of course.

"Thanks." I said calming down.

He shrugged "no biggie. Why did you eat the  mushrooms anyway?"

I sighed "I dunno, I guess I was just really nervous."

Suga smiled "I made you that nervous?"

I scoffed although he was correct. Well, partly.

"No I was just nervous because it was my first date."

He rolled his eyes, "that has nothing to do with it."

"Yes it does." I rebutted.

"Breakfast!!" I heard Jhope call.

"C' mon. Jhope gets an attitude when I take too long."

I followed him out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen.

Jhope made a huge batch of cinnamon rolls and eggs.

"Looks amazing." I told him.

"Thank you ma'am, hope you enjoy!"

I cursed under my breath realizing I'd be late for work.

"Um, actually I should take this to go. Just remembered I have work." I said apologetically.

Jhope smiled "No problem darling. Suga, give her a ride please?"

Suga nodded and grabbed the keys off the key chain.


I nodded figuring I'd just brush my hair and brush my teeth at the shop. ( Yes I have an extra toothbrush at work don't judge me.)

I slid into Suga's car and looked over at him.

His hair was messy from not being brushed from the night before, and he was wearing a plane black T-shirt and skinny jeans.

"I look pretty beat up huh? I didn't get much time to get ready either, so I'll just drop you off." He said after noticing me staring at him.

I nodded and stared out the window.

"Why do you look at me like that these days?" He asks me.

"Like what?" I kept my face facing the other way, my cheeks were getting warm. I wish I could stop them.

He shrugs. "You just used to be so sassy towards me and authoritative. I don't know what I did but you seem uncomfortable these days."

I looked over at him. "That's not true!"

He raises one eyebrow and pulls into the driveway. "Oh really?" He touches my cheek with the tip of his fingers  making me flinch "What's up with that then?"

I swallow hard. My whole face was on fire but I couldn't look away now, it was too late.

"What's up with what?"

"Your cheeks are as red as as ever."

I force myself to roll my eyes "Mushroom allergy."

"They weren't red this morning."

I sigh. "I should get to work."

I got up by he grabs my wrist as I turn around to face him. He studies my face for a second then his eyebrows shoot up. "Shit Soelhyun." He says squinting  at me.


"You like me don't you?"

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