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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟽𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟽
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 3

Kodiak and his sister have waited a while for the new girl to wake up and give them her name. Out of the both of them, Amber was impatient sometimes. She was almost ready to pull the girl's hair and wake her up. "She hasn't woken up in days. Why is she still asleep?" She held her patience.

Kodi shrugged. "How should I know?"

"Well, how much chloroform did you give her?!"

"Not the whole damn bottle!"

"You're so stupid!" Amber rattled. "The Boss is coming back soon and we could have lived alone perfectly without any problems, but NO. My nut-sized-brained brother wants to be the good guy and take a stray shifter into the house."

"Amber, enough!" He yelled aggressively. "Look, when she wakes up, we will give her some food and gear and send her on her way. Okay? Quit complaining."

Amber grunts in a frustrated tone and shifts into a medium-sized barn owl to fly out the skylight of the cabin. Kodi shook his head and sighed while looking at the girl still asleep on the couch. "What are we gonna do with you?" He asked, acting as if she could hear him. "My sister is mad because I was trying to be helpful... All I do is screw things up." He sat in a chair by the couch and ran his fingers through his thick dirty blonde hair.

Kodiak sits back and rested his head on the chair and stares at the wooden ceiling. Ever since The Boss took him and his sister in, he felt like lost his chance to be free. Being alone out there with Amber was freedom. Now that he is under a roof, he doesn't have that chain fully broken away. He wishes that he rejected Boss the moment he saw him. "Why did I trust that guy?" He asked himself. Kodi leaned forward and rests his elbows on his knees. "I would still have my freedom if I didn't accept Boss' invitation to his home."

The girl is still laying there.

Kodiak scanned the shifter on the couch one last time. The scars and her prosthetic leg. The curious side of him edges closer to her bubble to see what this fake limb is made of. A fiberglass socket, screws, tape, and a broken chair leg. He took the choice to extend his boney masculine hand and touch the chair leg piece.

Right there is when his eyes caught one blue eye and one brown eye staring straight at him, glaring in the most disturbing way possible. He jumped back. This new girl is a shifter just like he is, and she can turn Kodi's power against him easily.

"Whoa, hey, hi." Kodi says. "I, uh--" He tried to speak. The girl lunged off the couch and ran for the front door. Kodi was right behind her. "No, no!"

"Leave me alone!" She screamed. Immediately, Kodi slammed the door while the female darted back to the living room and grabbed the round tray sitting on the coffee table. She held it up high above her head, ears pinned, tail twisted around her leg.

Kodi raised his hands up at her. "Look, I don't want to hurt you," He told her calmly.

"Yeah, right!" She snarled.

"Look! I'm unarmed." He showed her his empty pant pockets and hunched over to appear defenseless. "See?" The female lowered the circle-shaped tray as Kodi steps closer without any sudden movements. It's sort of scary to think she'll attack him at any time.

"Where am I?" She whimpered.

"My cabin. I found you wandering around the woods."

Her eyes narrowed at Kodiak. "Wh-What...?"

"I rescued you from the outside. It's pretty dangerous out there, you know." He told her.

Now Kodi is starting to realize that he made a mistake. Now that this shapeshifter is awake and alert of what's going on, she is going to figure out that she was-- "Kidnapped?!" She snapped, gripping the tray tighter.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 4: Tʜᴇ Tʜʀᴇᴇ Tʀɪʙᴇs  ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now