38 || 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄

87 13 2

Warning: graphic writing


𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬 1 & 2

Raphael had some alone time in his tent while trying to think about the positive side of the war. He looked over some old belongings in his bag; just a few oversized pants and a customized sweater. Raph removed his mask and put it in the light outside to see the faded red dye lose brightness. He walked to one of the oil drums that were used to make fires so people could gather and warm-up and users inside it. The charcoal and burned wood pieces were still there. Raphael gazed at the red mask one last time and buried it in the black ashes, dying the mask he's had since he was young into a real ninja mask. He dusts it to get access charcoal off and ties it back on over his head.

Then to finish the look, he marked one black dash underneath each eye. He isn't just Raphael, the hothead and softie, he's Raphael the hard-headed and new soldier of EdgePort. And EdgePort needs soldiers who will do whatever it takes to make peace again and live without any problems other than defending from bandits and infected.

Raphael took cover from the storm before his new look began to smear.


𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 3

Rep put the horses into a steady trot down the road and kept a lookout for anything that might be a threat to him and the shifters. He stopped the horses. "Are you sure you guys are up for this?"

"Yes." Amber and Kodi say at the same time. Osa followed behind her leader's horses and took a look around the place she saw. So many wrecked and burned cars, overgrowth of plants, crowded roads, and a sudden surprise. Rep stopped the horses quickly.

"Whoa." He pulled Stamina's reins. A man ran into the middle of the road and appeared to be hurt.

"Help me." The man said quietly. He is dressed in a torn-up hoodie with the hood itself covering his head. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with him.

"Guys, hold on tight." Rep gripped the reins and looks at the three teenagers.

"Are we gonna help him?" Kodi asked.

Rep shook his head. "He ain't even hurt." Rep kicked the horse's sides as hard as he could, getting them into a full sprint to run past the man. "Hyah!" The man blinked out of his character and pulled a gun from his belt, pointing it directly to the one person who wasn't on a horse. Osa ran beside Stamina and Lucky. That's when she felt a sharp pain enter her shoulder, breaking her collarbone, then only half the bullet exits her shoulder blade. She was so full of adrenaline, she hardly felt it. Blood soaked through her clothing.

The man fired again, but this time grazed Lucky's neck and got himself run over due to being a bad shot. More men came front behind cars and threw whatever debris they had at the travelers and soon knocked the twins off of Lucky. Osa couldn't run anymore because the more she ran, the more blood she pumped out of her system. Kodi and Amber yell once they hit the ground, then scatter to find a hiding spot. Rep hopped off his horse, took out the bow and arrows he had and fired what he had at the bandits. The horses ran off.

One arrow, two arrows, three arrows, up to seven arrows had been used in the direction of each bad man. Just as he was about to go find his three companions, a brick was chucked at his head. It felt like his entire brain bounced off the inside of his skull and forgot what was happening. His eyes and head throbbed and soon regained his focused vision. "Ugh..." Rep shook his head and felt two sets of hands grab his arms, throw him into a store window and push his head toward the shards of glass still sticking out the window frame. He strained, grunted, and resisted to have his neck placed over a sharp edge and growled aggressively at the two men trying to kill him.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 4: Tʜᴇ Tʜʀᴇᴇ Tʀɪʙᴇs  ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now