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𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟸𝚗𝚍, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟽
𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬 1 & 2

Criss and Regan did the usual perimeter check every hour to make sure intruders and the infected had no way in if they ever found a way into the community. The girls held heavy-duty guns that could give a kickback when they were fired. "So, did anything happen between you and Nate yet?" Criss asked Regan to her left as they scanned the manmade walls.

Regan laughed lightly at Criss. "No, why?"

Criss brushed her hair away from her eyes so she could see her friend clearly. "You're both very intimate."

Regan moved along the perimeter more with Criss following behind her. "Uh, not much. I'm very young but that doesn't mean he and I can't have fun together."

"Not much?"

"Yeah, not much."

Criss raised an eyebrow and wanted to giggle a bit because knowing Regan, she'll say anything to make brains think. "Well, this side of the walls looks good. Let's check the left back corner."

Regan nodded. "Good idea. I guess one of the guys that guard the gates said they've been having small issues over there."

Criss isn't afraid of being infected as much as she was before, but she is concerned for the people here if there is a problem with the walls. "Really? How so?"

"We're gonna find out," Regan replied.

The two girls took their job seriously and made it to the left back corner of their home. The corner is made up of stacks of cars, broken beams from buildings, barbed wire, and whatever else is used to keep a wall up. It's dark and eerie here where the cars are stacked-- perfectly set between two abandoned buildings in the street. Behind this wall is nothing but a ghost town. Regan and Criss peek through the wall to see a lonely street light, a few run-down cars, and a decomposing deer body that must have been attacked a few months ago.

"All looks good here," Criss says. "So there are problems over here? Did they say what?" She looks at Regan.

"April said a few weeks ago before we arrived that one of the guards doing a check got into some trouble. He was so terrified he didn't speak to April. Today, he's still scared." Regan explained. "But it doesn't make sense... something should have been done about this wall already."

"Hm..." Criss saw a hole small enough for her to squeeze through but didn't want to go on the other side. Until she saw something out of sight through the gap... it was moving. "Regan, look!" Criss pointed out. The girl used her second soul named Adrien to see who or what this thing is. It's a man lying on his stomach a little ways from the wall, begging for help. "He's hurt."

"No, Criss." She touched Criss' shoulder. "We can't go over there."

"But he needs help!" Criss tried to go through the gap.

Regan yanked her arm back. "No matter what, we don't go on the other side without April's permission! What if it's a trick?"

"He's got blood on his face! Whatever is left of the human race we have to save it!" Criss pulled her arm away from Regan and went through the gap.

Regan whimpered. "No, Criss! Get back here!" She sharply whispered, beginning to grow terrified for her friend. "I'm gonna get April and Leo if you don't." She says. Criss ignored Regan, holding the gun close to her body as she walked up to the man on the ground. Regan couldn't do anything but watch. "Criss, please!" Regan cried. A sudden movement caused Regan to scream in shock when she saw a second man come from behind Criss, using the barrel of his gun to knock her out cold and drop to the asphalt. "CRISS!!"

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 4: Tʜᴇ Tʜʀᴇᴇ Tʀɪʙᴇs  ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now