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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬 1 & 2

The morning sun peeked over the city, saying good morning to those who stood in the light. It was a beautiful day to start with, but now that April ran out of time with the Bendovians, they'll be arriving at EdgePort at any moment now. "Everyone, hurry!" A woman held her child in her arms and rushed to the front gates of the community where everyone stood their ground to meet up with the Bendovians.

Michelangelo wasn't going to let April off the hook so easy since she put him in a dark room to mourn, let Leo and Criss into the open, and might still have more secrets. Mikey held Shado close to him, guarding her and his family standing behind him. Kitty and Raphael held on to Harlow, Regan and Nate had each other, and Casey and Roan stand tall to face the gates. Duke hoped Vv was okay and didn't come in contact with these men.

"Everyone stay calm," April said to them. Then, she heard banging at the large community gates.

"Miss O'Neil! Let me in!" Sam laughed behind the gates.

Mikey looked over the young children, men, and women, even the smallest mutants hunkering behind people they don't know. They're so scared. This group must be awful. April's guards opened the gates, and people in EdgePort murmured and whispered, reminding each other to not stare, speak when not spoken to, and no talking.

The gates opened all the way. Mikey and Raphael have never seen so many people holding different-sized guns and standing behind one man with what looks like a wooden club. They're all dressed heavy, weapons at their sides, and evil smiles and smirks. "There's so many," Raphael leaned over into Mikey's ear.

"No kidding," Mikey whispered.

Sam walks forward and presents himself. "I'm back! Does anyone miss me?" He asked the entire community. No one answers. Kids held in tears, women made no eye contact with Sam, neither did the bravest men and mutants. "No? Well, that's a shame. I missed you guys."

"What do you need, Sam?" April spoke out to him. "You were here last month." She came in front of him.

"April..." Casey worried for his friend.

"Don't speak," Regan said.

April looked into his eyes. Sam pointed his club at the young woman standing tall for him and spoke. "My new recruits. My weapons, my food, my all!" He growled putting his arm out, gesturing to the community. His raspy voice echoed throughout EdgePort. "You failed to bring me those things, sweetheart."

"But Sam, we--"

"Shh..." Sam hovered his fingertips on April's lips. With April, he was a pervert with her... He thought she was beautiful and attractive and he admits inside his head that he will get in her pants one of these days. "I know what you're gonna say and I don't give a sh*t."

O'Neil shook in her black shoes and looks at her whole community. She didn't want to do this but had to in order to keep the peace. "Maddy." April looks at her assistant of EdgePort and gave her the order.

"Miss April..." She said sadly.

"Now, Maddy."

Maddy, the alien who had been doing what she can to make people comfortable had to do the complete opposite. She took in a deep breath and looks out the crowd of people. "Marcus, Trevor, Ryan, Darius, Amanda, Charlie, Tora, come up." She announced. Sam waited patiently. The names that were called are Sam's new soldiers and will be his soldiers whether they like it or not. Three of them are mutants. "You guys have to go."

The girl named Amanda begged not to leave. "Please, Maddy. I don't want to leave! I can't leave my brother." She cried.

"I'm so sorry, Amanda. There's nothing I can do..." Said Maddy.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 4: Tʜᴇ Tʜʀᴇᴇ Tʀɪʙᴇs  ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now