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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 2

Michelangelo was the first to begin his new day and see the community filled with survivors down the streets of his home.

He noticed the look of this place is organized-- well, in its own way. There are a lot of tents of different colors-- kind of looking like triages. Each one was set up against the abandoned buildings of this city. Probably about every few tens, Mikey noticed oils drums were used as fireplaces and lighting during the night.

Michelangelo sees that most mutants stuck together in groups and the humans were in their own cliques. He scanned the area carefully, remembering every detail about this community full of different bipedal species.

Mikey then stepped out of the tent to accompany his horses. "How was your first night?" He asked Cash, obviously not expecting him to talk back. The bay-skinned horse nickered softly and eat a handful of straw from Mikey's hand. "I say mine was okay." He says.

As a usual every morning routine, O'Neil was kind enough to see how everyone is doing. Of course, she isn't able to get to everybody, but she did make sure to see how Mikey is. She walked up as her old friend pet Cash's muzzle lightly and whispers to him quietly. "Good morning, Mikey."

Mikey turned from the horse and grinned. "Hey, April. How are you?"

She sighed, placing a hand on Cash's side and giving him a very friendly pet. "Just seeing if everyone is alright. It's a habit I grew into."

"Ah," He mutters. "It's seriously crazy that you're in front of me, April. Thanks for letting us stay here."

"Not a problem." She crossed her arms and thought for a small second. "Hey," April cleared her throat. "We got breakfast ready for you and your friends when they wake up."

Michelangelo was already able to inhale the sweet smell of bacon and over-easy eggs sitting in pans. He'll make sure to get a bite of that. And April said not to worry about ration cards today because she still needed to get those for Mikey's group. "Thanks." He said with a smile.

"Oh, and Mikey...Tonight is a small get-together at the playground just around the block down there." April pointed away from the front of the community and toward the back. "You and your friends should come if you're feeling it."

"A get-together? What kind?" Mikey asked. He noticed himself not showing any signs of being excited over a party-- it sounded like a party. There is just one small problem: Mikey doesn't party like he used to anymore and believes he won't go back to that for a long time.

"Music, dinner, people," April answered happily. It sounds like O'Neil was excited to be hosting this party tonight. She's probably happier than ever because she has her old friends here with her. Well, one of them.

Michelangelo sighs and gave Cash a couple more pets before facing April calmly. "I can't..." He said. "I-I-I'm not who I used to be, April. Maybe Vv and the others will go. I'm really sorry." He explained and felt like he ruined her day but she understood him just fine.

"I understand, Mike. Maybe another time?"

He lost eye contact with April and nodded with little movement while leaning against Cash. Mikey needs some time because finally getting out of the bad outside and being in a safe inside can be overwhelming if it transitioned quickly. Time is all he needs right now. Shortly after the conversation, April left Mikey alone to think over his plans and thoughts. He did this inside his tent. Regan, Shado, and Sunny slept in their cots and so did the couple in the other tent next door. He figured to wait until they woke up before starting their day.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 4: Tʜᴇ Tʜʀᴇᴇ Tʀɪʙᴇs  ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now