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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 1

Clementine, Kitty, and Patience went off together as a brave trio to get rid of the limping infected in front of the Cabela's. Leonardo watches from a safe distance behind some bushes with the rest of the group. Raphael and Casey were ready to help the girls out if they got into trouble while they made a run for supplies. Leo could see Patience kick the knees of the dead freaks and impale a knife into their heads. Clem whacks them upside, and Kitty knocks them to the ground and then finishes them off. When the girls got to the front doors of the Cabela's, Leo sighed in relief and hoped they'd do just fine and smooth inside the store.

𝐂𝐥𝐞𝗺'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 1

I haven't been in a store like this in years unless a family member of mine had to pick up a new weapon for hunting season. Kitty and Patience switch on their flashlights, casting a long ray of light on whatever the tool caught in front of it. I nearly jumped when a taxidermied moose stood still on a mount behind a border. I move my light up and around it, getting a look at the other stuffed animals on the fake mountain. Mountain goats, lions, bears, deer, it was sort of sad to see. The multiple types of fish that once swam in the glass tank on this display are dead and floating around inside the filthy water.

I hear Patience gulp. "Good thing Osa isn't here." She shook, putting her light on fishing poles, rifles, and clothes. She gasped in excitement, running to the shelving of supplies to take down whatever she can to bring it to Leo and the others.

Kitty held her knife and light at the same time as she scanned an old target shooting game that the store owned. She tilted her head when she pulled the trigger on the play gun and got an earful of red lights and noises coming from the game. "Ah!" She backed up. Patience and I come to her spot and cover her mouth before anything in here came to pay us a visit.

"Shh!" I breathed and listen for anything in this abandoned store. Nothing roared, stomped, or broke after that. We were glad nothing came from the back of the store to join us in the front. "You okay?" I asked.

Kitty nodded and pointed at the old game. This was something the public would play with their kids, shooting the teapot with a red light on it, same with the deer and rattlesnake on the ground. "People actually played with this crap?" She wondered, looking at the animatronic figures stuck in place.

"Yeah," I say.

Patience cleared her throat and showed off the number of guns she had in a bag on her shoulders. Kitty and I were amazed at the gold we struck and just smiled. We thought this wasn't enough, so I went back to the front where the sun shined through the glass doors to gather my own stash of guns and ammo. We were just getting all the jump scares in the world because Raphael didn't know how to come through Cabela's quietly.

"Raph! What are you doing here?!" I sharply whisper, holding an empty gun bag.

"Leo heard the scream. What happened?" Raph asked. Kitty and Patience greeted the turtle by giving him the information. Just a small scare.

Raphael nodded with his hands on his hips while getting his first look at the popular sportsman store. "Wow." He relaxed his arms. "This is amazing."

"Yeah, it's uh-- what's left of the store," Patience said. Her light flickered so she shook it up to keep its light. "There's so much merchandise that we could use."

Raph replied, "There are cars outside. Can we just use one of those to carry everything?"

"You gotta think, man," I told him, pointing to my own head. "You and Leo are big and the rest of us are the right size to fit into a car."

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 4: Tʜᴇ Tʜʀᴇᴇ Tʀɪʙᴇs  ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now