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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬 1 & 2

Michelangelo has never been so raged toward someone such as April. He never thought in his right mind that she'd be someone who punishes her own people and keeps secrets. This is Hopewell all over again, only that this time the leader is an old friend who turned on her people and mutant friends from New York. There's got to be some sort of explanation for April putting Mikey away, a reason April shut Mikey down from every question he had for her. This isn't fair. For once, why can't there be happiness that lasts forever without pain coming to destroy it? He's been trapped in crippling depression and never realized it. He misses everyone and everything and what it used to be.

Mikey breathed out and felt himself go to sleep on the floor inside the cold room and he began to see images. He could see his brothers and friends in the prison they stayed in a while back and saw some kind of jewelry or tracker attached to his body. It blinked a red light and alarmed his eyes inside the dream. Mikey woke up and saw his old watch strapped tightly around his wrist. The tracker! If he can somehow trigger it to call an alert, someone from his group might come. He had an idea of how to get it going since his vital signs are connected to it, but it wasn't going to be a pretty sight.

He knows that Leo has the old watch from Osa and he hoped that the tracker still worked.

He stands up and looks at the wall, he places his hands on it and aims his head directly at it. "Please be worth it..." And strikes his forehead on the structure to feel his skull bounce off. Mikey hit his head so hard, he started seeing stars.


𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝗼'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 2

Regan's horse, Streak got me home safely through the back corner, which is being guarded by April's men. They asked why I was outside the walls and I responded in an innocent manner, saying I lost something-- which is a total lie. When I got back inside to the community and found people going on about their day, I saw Raph and Kitty walking back to the tent. "Raph, Kit!" I called and hopped off Streak.

"Shado!" Kitty smiled. "We're glad you came back in one piece!" She looked around for the others. "Where's everyone else?"

"They went after Leo. He wouldn't listen!" I explained, panting heavily as my dog sat down next to my feet.

Raph put his hand out. "Wait, he's still out there looking?"

"Yes. We ran into some trouble with these men and they started shooting at us from every possible --" Kitty covered my mouth as I kept rambling about our battle with men outside of our home.

"Sh!" She hissed. Kitty looked around to make sure no one heard us and pushed me into the tent. Raph follows us as he held Harlow. "Continue."

"Men, guns, hospital!" I blurted, running my hands through my hair.

"How many?" Raph asked.

I shrugged and made an educated guess. "I dunno. Twenty, maybe thirty or more."

Kitty questioned me. "How did you get here? Why didn't you stay with the girls and Leo?"

"I can't fight just yet, so the girls followed Leo into this hospital. Streak brought me home." I replied, still shaken up from what I saw out there.

Kitty looks at Raph and waited for his say in this conversation. "We need to go out there or talk to April."

"Mikey just went to go talk to April," Kitty said.

"Is he back?" I asked as they shook their heads. "I'll see you guys later..." I said, getting up from the cot and going outside to find the leader of this place. And right next to me, Sunny is stuck at my hip.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 4: Tʜᴇ Tʜʀᴇᴇ Tʀɪʙᴇs  ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now