Meeting him.

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Hey, so this was inspired by my older book. In which that book was inspired by Lyonsgirl's Calming The Chaos! The image above is Lucy and Natsu's usual outfit. Though imagine Natsu wearing a fitting black tank top under the jacket as well as a black cape. Lucy's top covers her entire waist. Please make more of these types of stories where Natsu either doesn't trust and hates the guild or he is Achnologias, son. So here is the challenge use the tag #chaosnatsu so we can find your story.

"Stingy old man only knocked off one thousand jewels," I grumbled. I looked at my new whip.  I was looking for a new whip. The one I have now is broken and useless. The one I bought was some rare celestial whip. Apparently, all you have to do is add a bit of your own magic power in and the whip will extend to any length and be powerful with hitting your opponents. I think the shopkeeper said it was called Fleuve d'étoiles. I stomped through the streets of Hargeon while continuing to mumble complains to myself.

With a sigh, I decided to stop for a little rest. I supposed it was worth the money, even if I am down to fifteen hundred jewels. I stopped at a spot that overlooks a few shops and sat on the railing. "Where should I go now?" I asked myself.

I knew I didn't have anywhere to go back to. Joining a guild would be really great and a dream come true, but I don't know how to get into one.

There's one I absolutely want to join, but I don't know how to get in let alone if they will even take me. Unfortunately for me, joining isn't an option right now. I don't even know where the guild is located.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear a girl yell at her friend.

"Hurry up! I heard Salamander is here!"

"Who's Salamander?" her friend asked.

"Are you kidding me? Don't you know who Salamander is? He's a famous mage!" The girl yelled.

That made my interest peak. Why would a famous mage come to a town like this? I thought. I decided to follow the girls to see this Salamander.

I followed the two girls to a huge crowd. A male in the center. As soon as I saw him, my heart started to pound, my cheeks flushed, and I couldn't look away.

I could only see and think of him. He had my undivided attention. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd. He smirked and gave me a wink. I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. Barely containing my squeak, I held my hand over my heart out of reflex. The area around me began to get overheated. The other girls tried to move away from it but wanted to stay close to this man.

Is this love? I asked myself. I decided that it was, and I would follow him anywhere. I ignored a voice telling me something wasn't right. That was until I heard an actual voice.

"Why are you using a love charm?" The deep and masculine voice asked.

My eyes widen in shock. The voice was amazing. It made my heart skip a beat, and I felt something shatter in me. I looked at Salamander again as he turned to the man with the deep voice.

That was when I saw the charm he was talking about. I sucked in a sharp breath and glared at 'Salamander'. I turned my attention to the newcomer. He was handsome. He was very handsome actually with dark mysterious eyes. Those eyes held very little, but very strong emotions. He has amazing spiky hair. His hair is pink, but he somehow makes it look good. He's wearing a black cloak, so I can't see the rest of him or his clothes. I get glimpses, just not enough to actually make the outfit describable. Though I can tell you it's black and gold.

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