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Usually, when I wake up it's because of the sun on my face. Not today though. I woke up to Natsu shoving burned toast, runny eggs, and I think burnt coffee in my face. It wasn't the best way to start the morning, but at least Natsu is excited about something.

I decided that I will just get some donuts on the way to the guild. Happy was behind my hair, as usual, humming a tune to himself about fish. Today Natsu wasn't wearing his cloak, it's a small change, but I feel like it's a start of him opening himself to the world.

He always made sure that his body was covered by the cloak, but that's gone today. I wonder why.

When we found a bakery we got a bunch of donut holes, in multiple flavors and types. Natsu loved the dark chocolate glazed donuts. I giggled and gave him another one to munch on. "You really like those don't you, Natsu?"

He glanced at me with his usual glare, that hadn't changed. He had a bunch of crumbs on his cheeks so I licked my thumb and got it off. Once I got it all I licked the crumbs off my thumb. "It reminds me of your chaos. Dark and sweet with a slight bitterness."

Happy had giggled at us, but he gave a devious look when he saw the blush on my cheeks. Moving his paws to hide his smirk he started to purr so when he spoke the purr would be in his voice. "He liiiiikes you~."

Hearing that Natsu turned sharply towards Happy and glared. He lifted his hand and flicked Happy on the ear. Being as dramatic as Happy is he began to bawl his eyes out because Natsu hurt him.

People of the town watched our interaction with confusion and glee. They weren't as distant as they used to be. Maybe it's because of the parade. Or maybe it's because they feel safer from Natsu for some reason.

When the guild was in view Natsu removed himself from us, as usual, as we walked through the door. Natsu would go through the Master's office window and make his way towards his table.

Mira spotted me the moment I walked in and took me to the back. "Get dressed. You're entering the Miss Fairy Tail pageant."

Other girls had already chosen an outfit and left me with a sparkly black and blue dress with a red silk ribbon around the waist. The dress only went to my mid-thigh, but it flared out and it was the prettiest dress I have seen yet.

"Why didn't anyone take this one?" I mumbled as I put it on in a changing room. The dress fit perfectly and I want to know why.

"About that." Lisanna began with a nervous laugh. "Natsu had taken this one in earlier and threatened that anyone takes it they answer to him. When Mira asked why he said, and I quote: it's for the woman."

Lisanna explained. Happy had come in to help me, but his tail got stuck in the zipper and the ribbon. He is being a good sport about being in pain, but I can tell it's going to go soon if we don't get it out soon. Walking out and towards the girls to try and help, but all failed. Erza even went as far as pointing a sword and threatening the dress and tail. After Erza it was the males turn, but Natsu wasn't having it because he knocked over all the men to get to us.

We barely felt anything, but I knew he used his magic to make it easier to take Happys tail out of the zipper. That was all needed to get us unseparated. "Thank you, Natsu!"

Natsu glanced at Happy before he helped finish dressing me. Happy decided to do my hair, and I didn't care. I'm proud of these boys, I'll gladly wear my hair anyway Happy does it. The room was quiet, but it was as busy as ever. All stares it felt were on us, our little group. It wasn't until the whole guild was open to the public that something felt off. Natsu hid, I hadn't seen Gajeel or Laxus. I was the only dragon slayer visible, it was making me anxious.

I hadn't realized that I was holding Happy in my arms until I heard him gasping for air. Looking down I saw he was a very deep purple I released my hold quickly, but not where he fell on the ground. "Sorry Happy."

"Aye....are you okay Lushy?" Lisanna came over and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"You can talk to your family you know." She giggled. Erza came up in a maid like attire and glared down at me.

"Little whore is not feeling good? Maybe it's because she knows she is Dragneels charity case. Or maybe she knows she is the ugliest here and will never win. Perhaps it's also because sister dearest doesn't want her?" Erza said in a baby voice. Her eyes held a firm glance as she stared down at me. I just glared into her eyes.

"Or maybe it's because I am in the presence of something that reeks of desperation," I mumbled. She didn't hear me because she smirked and walked off. We were all backstage waiting for our turns, I had to come up with something quick to match my attire.'s worth a shot.

"Now for one of our newer members," I heard Max call out. That's my cue since I was the last one here. "She is the Fire Dragon Slayer and who you know as the Tamer Of Chaos! Give it Up for Lucy of Fairy Tail!"

With that, I lit my feet on fire and 'flew' on stage. When my feet touched the ground I lit my body on fire, making it bright enough that the sparkles would shine. I had a microphone in front of me so I grabbed it. "I'm not a diamond in the rough, but an onyx pearl in an oyster." Then I made Phoenix wings behind me and lifted myself up and spelled Fairy Tail in flames and stars.

I wasn't finished my act, but I was pushed off the stage. When I looked the person in the eye everything went dark. I don't know how long it was, but when I was able to see again I saw Natsu right beside me. If I thought he was angry before then I think he is pissed now. Just the look made me gulp softly. I listened to what happened after I was pushed off the stage. Laxus and his group, along with Layla, are making the boys fight for the girls' safety. Said girls were trapped in Evergross' stone eyes spell until Erza was out of her shell because of her right eye. I don't get what that means, but I'm not a statue.

Natsu looked down at me and sighed irritably. Apparently, Laxus had his arm around me and it was what really sent Natsu over the edge.

When I tried to get out of the guild I was stopped by an invisible barrier. "It seems Dragon Slayers can't pass through." I looked at Levy before thinking. I snapped my fingers. I focused on my Celestial Maiden magic and made it overpower my original magic. "Maybe if you did that you could pass through?"

"I could most likely try. If I can't then we will have to use your brains." I said to Levy. I walked through again and the same result happened. So we spent ten minutes waiting for Levy to crack the code. The moment she did I was out faster than a bullet. Happy was on my neck holding on, that was until we were forced to move away.

When I looked up I saw a tall man in a spandex-like shirt with an over vest while wearing joggers. What confused me was his helmet covering his eyes.

"Lucy and Happy vs. Bixlow."

Tamer Of Chaos. (New version.)Where stories live. Discover now