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I was next to an unusually stiff Natsu and just as unusual quiet Layla. Happy seemed just as confused as I was so we just sat there trying to figure out why they seemed off.

Erza was the last to arrive, and she didn't pack light. She had a wagon behind her that was ten times her size. Gray was trying to talk to me as he tried to gather information about beating Natsu.

Layla ended up pushing him off the bench from how fed up she was with him. I went to get the train tickets, but Natsu brought me down again and glared at Gray. "Tickets."

Gray shook before he ran to by the tickets, but ended up having to come back to ask Erza where we were going. Once he got that he bought the tickets. Handing them out he tried to glare at Natsu, but only paled and ran away when Natsu glared back.

"So you must be Layla, you seem to have a nice hold on Chaos over here," Erza said to me. I shook my head in disappointment as I didn't respond to her. It didn't sit well with Erza since she went to punch me to answer her. "Answer me when I talk to you!"

I felt Layla flinch and I glared at Erza, but it did nothing to the redhead. "Maybe if you got our names right I'd answer you. Maybe if you were patient and polite you would have been given another chance."

I said in a calm and deadly voice. My body shook as I stood up to stare her in the eyes. My brown ones becoming lit with the fire of rage. Her body seemed slightly intimidated, but she held herself higher.

"Well, Lucy, maybe you should have corrected me. Maybe then I wouldn't have snapped." She hissed out. Something must have scared her because she backed up and bit her lip. I looked at Natsu, only to see him in the same spot. I looked back at Erza. "What are you? A monster?"

This time it was Layla who stood up, her arm covered in crystals. She brought it up to Erzas face and said something that, even with my dragon hearing, I couldn't hear. But I guess whatever she said got through to Erza because she was paler than paper.

Soon after the train came and we all boarded. We found a cart that was completely empty so we took it. 

I looked at Layla to find her already sound asleep. Lucky. I turned to Erza, Gray, and Happy only to find them staring at Natsu.

I looked to see what the staring was about, but I instantly felt bad. He was hunched over in his seat and looked pained and sickly. Every few minutes, Natsu would let out a pained groan.

"Who would've thought Dragneel had motion sickness?" Gray asked in astonishment. Erza shook her head with an awed look. Gray then decided to look at Layla and sit next to her.

"That's why we always walked," Happy said in disappointment. 

Natsu tried to growl but stopped when it looked like he was about to throw up. "Poor, Natsu," I said. I looked over at Erza and Gray, who sat across from Natsu, Happy, and I. "Will it help if he lies down?" I asked. Though I had to repeat myself multiple times.

Gray shrugged. "I don't know. And honestly, don't care. He deserves this."

Erza nodded again. "If someone does, I'm sure he will harm them once he's off the train. But I also agree with Gray. He deserves it."

I gave them an angered look but said nothing. Turning my attention back to Natsu, I called, "Natsu." He didn't respond to me. Sighing, I roll my eyes. "Happy," I said, "can you go sit with Layla?"

"Aye!" Once he was there he sat himself down on her stomach.

Grabbing Natsu's arm, I pull on it and made him lay down with his head on my lap. "Does that make you feel a little better?" I asked quietly. His only response was a little grunt. I smiled at him. He soon gets into a more comfortable position.

They shook their heads. It was a bit of an awkward silence, but Erza quickly broke it. "So how long have you known Dragneel?" she asked.

I started stroking Natsu's hair as I responded. "About a week." Their eyes widened. "Tell us about the mission."

Erza suddenly turned serious. "I'll start from the beginning," she said. "I was at a pub where mages go to trade information. While I was there I overheard a group of men talking about unsealing something called Lullaby. One man, Kage I believe, told the other men to go back to Erigor. He said he would be able to unseal it by himself."

"It must mean Lullaby is pretty bad if they have to unseal it," Gray states as he fiddles with his clothes.

Erza nodded. She suddenly became very angry. "If only I had remembered his name that day, I could have dealt with this then," Erza yelled.

I gave a look of confusion. "What name?" I asked.

"Erigor," she ground out. "His guild used to be a legal one, but when the council outlawed assassination requests, they went against the counsel's orders. Now they're a dark guild. Erigor is their leader, and he only takes assassination missions, which gave him the nickname the Grim Reaper," Erza explained.

I felt Natsu grab the hand that was on his head. He moved it a little and let go. I raised a brow at him. Why would he do that? Then I realized that sometime during Erza's explanation I stopped stroking his hair. Sighing, I complied with Natsu's silent command. I turned to look out the window. I thought about everything Erza had said. Lullaby, I thought. It sounds like what mothers would sing their kinds to go to sleep. It sounds familiar though. Where have I heard it from?

I heard Gray and Erza talking quietly. Happy would say a comment or two every once in a while. Why's he been so quiet this whole time? It was a while before we got to our stop when we piled out. I carried Natsu out to help him. I can't help but feel we are forgetting something.

Nearby I saw Erza rent a Magic powered car. Natsu had taken this time to get us in the air and towards where we had to be.

I sucked in a breath. "That's right," I said. I turned to Erza and actually screamed. "Lullaby is death magic."

"What?" she asked in shock.

I heard an impatient sigh from ahead of me. I watched Happy snuggled into my chest. My eyes widened as I looked down at him. When in the heck did I start holding him? I told Happy what I knew so he could repeat it to Erza. "I read about it in a book. Lullaby is a flute decorated with a skull with three eyes. It was made to cast a spell on people to make them fall asleep. Then an evil wizard named Zeref got a hold of it. Zeref amplified its magic so anyone who hears it will fall into an eternal sleep."

"I told you that will you need protection," Natsu said.

I glared at him. "How so?"

"Death magic will kill you." He said as if it was obvious. It was but I'm taking a risk to prove I can handle myself.

Then suddenly I remembered that Layla was still on the train.

I flew back to the other two to tell them about Layla. I will stick with Natsu.

But I feel like the station they are going to isn't the target. We went to Clovertown where the guild masters meeting was being held at. We will protect the masters.

If only I knew what was going to happen to Natsu and I before it happens.

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