Oración seis

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Before I start I just wanna say my cousin just passed away today. That was after I posted the last chapter that I found out. Thank you so much for all the love and support you all give me for this book.

Lets read my akumas...

I stared at Lisanna as she was glaring at the rest of the group that had followed Happy home.

I glared at them all. There was Layla, Gray, and Erza.

Layla and Gray flinched, but Erza only winced. I sighed before I pinched the bridge of my nose. After Natsu and I showered I came out here dripping wet. I like feeling wet after a shower it's soothing.

"Why did you come in uninvited?" I asked in my soft mother like voice. The voice you knew you are in trouble, but you won't be in as much if you come clean.

They looked at each other and forced Layla to speak. Just because she is my twin won't make it any better. "Master asked us to get you. As well as...Dragneel."

Gray sat himself down. He seemed impressed with the house. "Yeah, he said he wants you guys to join us to fight some dark guild. Why he asked for Dragneel is beyond me. I could take them in one strike." He looked at me with a cool smirk. I nodded not paying any attention to him. "Cool place Dragneel."

"Juvia would agree. That still doesn't explain why you all came in without me letting you in." I snarked. He slumped in the chair embarrassed.

This time Erza hopped up to the stage. She glared daggers at me before smiling a sweet smile at me. She placed her hands behind her back. Casual.

"We also wanted to see where Dragneel lives," she said in an authoritative voice. Rolling my eyes I pushed passed her and looked at Layla.

Layla is always the honest one. So I will trust her more. Plus I trust her more than the other two. "We assumed you wouldn't mind."

Nodding I sighed. I need to make sure they know I don't want them coming without permission. I sat them all down and told them that I am allowed to come here because I live with him and Happy. Layla just giggled not caring that she lives alone again. I had them promise that they will knock on the door and wait for someone to invite them in. That goes for everyone else in the guild. Natsu glared at the thought of the others coming to his home. "Don't let them come." 

"Now what about this dark guild?" Ignoring Natsus hissy fit.

"The Oración Seis. What do you know about it." Gray asked. I felt the floorboards move ever so slightly. I knew it was Natsu. I felt it in my gut. He stood beside me as he listened to what being talked about.

"Oración. It sounds a bit like organized. Seis is Spanish for six. So I'm going to assume that there has to deal with something involving six." I see Layla look at me in confusion. Gray looks lost, even if he looks like he knows exactly what is going on. Erza looked pleased.

Happy came in the room. Happy sported his usual green backpack. The only thing different was the orange vest he now wore.

I smiled at him all as he smiled back. Looking at Natsu I smiled at him and patted the spot beside me. He sighed and sat behind me playing with my still drenched hair. "I apologize, Luce." blinking back to reality I saw they looked ashamed. I laugh softly.

"Shall we finish this at the guild?"

With that, we left to go to the guild. It wasn't long before Mira and Lisanna happily educated us on the Oración Seis.

Apparently, we are the only ones going. A couple other guilds are coming along. Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and finally Cait Shelter. I am a little nervous because I don't want to end up with a lot of people who are super strong. I'm strong, but not by a lot.

"I'm not going." Natsu hissed as he went to head out the door.

"I'm going," I said. He stopped for a moment before he sighed and turned with a huge glare directed at me. Everyone flinched at the intensity of the glare. I winced, but I shrugged and went out of the guild, only to be grabbed and placed over a shoulder. "Natsu put me down."

I got no response, but I was placed on a wagon when I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Natsu glanced at me before he began to laugh at me. Happy came and lifted him in the wagon causing Natsu to get sick. I was slowly able to sit up and not feel like I was going to puke my brains out. I moved Natsu's head on my lap as I played with his hair. It wasn't long before the others came in.

Three hours in and Layla couldn't help but start to whine. "This is not comfortable. Why am I forced to come along?"

Erza babied my older sister saying that they are almost at one of Blue Pegasus' vacation guild. Just as she promised we were there.

I had Happy take Natsu by the door. The three of us stayed outside waiting for the other people to arrive. Didn't take long, but I learned that Layla must have gotten on some girls, named Sherry, bad side. I was slapped being thought I was Layla.

Natsu was held back by me and Happy so he didn't attack. I was quick to explain what's going one to the pink haired girl. She was quick to apologize for me not having love or whatever. All these people are weird.

Suddenly I saw a small girl running towards the building. She wore a blue and yellow striped dress that ended above the knees. She had wing-like decorations on her arms and ankles. Her long blue hair flew behind her as she panted. As she was close enough she tripped and would have landed if I hadn't caught her.

"I'm sorry. Thanks for catching me. I'm Wendy Marvell and I come from the guild Cailt Shelter." I saw her look around nervously. "Please don't send me back! It would be embarrassing to have to go back. I can do a lot of support magic and healing magic." Wendy said desperately.

I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and nudged her to the room with the others. I saw a white cat who reminded me of Happy. I paused and saw Wendy do the same. I picked the exceed and gave her to Wendy. "I believe she is your partner?"

"Carla? You followed me?" Wendy asked surprised. Natsu was behind me as Happy woke up from his name under my hair.

"Of course, Child. I won't allow these ruffians taint your innocence." She looked at me to give a small nod. "I do trust this one."

Wendy introduced herself again as Natsu got close to her face,  making the poor girl nervous. I hit his head and pulled him away. He has been allowing me to this a lot. "Sorry about him. He does that when he likes something." Wendy looked confused as Carla looked beyond annoyed. "Carla?"

"What is it?" She snipped.

"He isn't into romantic relationships. He tries to stay away from them." She only nodded and relaxed. Happy was blushing and shyly kicking the ground. I knelt down and gave him a rose so he could give it to Carla.

"Uh....hi. I'm Happy, Natsu's and Lucy's exceed." He gave Carla the rose. I know I should be paying attention to what is going on, but I'm curious as to how this plays out. "I'm sorry but even this rose isn't as beautiful as you."

Happy was about to take the rose back, but Carla took it while she looked away from him. Her white fur on her cheeks tainted pink somehow. "Thank you, Tomcat."

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