Master Chaos

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Alright, everyone, some of you have asked me how I came up with Tamer of Chaos and how I made the storyline. The answer is on where a fanfic called Calming the Chaos was made and to be honest I fell in love with the book and I wanted more, but they published the last chapter, on a cliff hanger mind you, back in 2017. I didn't want to make a story like hers but I still made one. SWCTC was the first edit, but I didn't like it and I kept revising and redoing it until I got this one right here. If you are interested in making #ChaosNatsu real on your page you can always ask me to give you a hand. 

The group was supposed to be gone for a week, and in that week I won't let everyone who stays back from the trials to sit back and relax. Master made that very clear on that because whenever he leaves for something like this he always ends up coming back to the guild hall trashed and the members complaining about things being too much work. So I am going to make them train with Natsu watching them. 

I fingered a black and red dragon mark that was over my heart. The mark of Natsu's mate. His true mate. I had to ask a few of the members who were the guilds doctor so I had someone to help me with knowing if and when the signs of pregnancy were to occur, and what I should do. My and Natsu's seasons lasted for two full days. Natsu's quickest season. 

"See you kids soon," master called as he left the guild. As soon as he left everyone stopped what they were doing and sat on their butts and began to get drunk. 

"Aki, tactic number six," I said to Natsu who was in rafters. A glimpse of a red and yellow dragon mark on his forearm made me blush slightly. I wish I had been allowed to have mated with him when Layla and Laxus had, it was a dream I had ever since we had trained with each other. When he got on the ground he glared at everyone and pointed to me. We had come up with some tactics that we could use to make the others do what we wanted them. Number six was the lightest and least violent of all of them. As the guild now looked at me I smiled and stood beside Natsu. "Master Makarov had left the two of us in charge, well Natsu since he is S-class and I because I have been training with Master for the last few weeks on how to run the guild. He has given us strict instructions that you are not to be lazing about or even partying without reason."

"Any who disobey the rules will answer to me," Natsu hissed. 

I nodded and lightly shoved him to the side. "Now please go on a mission or train, for the time being, Natsu has been in a cranky mood for a while and we don't want a cranky Natsu now do we?"

I had spoken in a baby voice, but it was enough to make everyone literally scramble out of the guild and left only Natsu and I alone. Happy and the exceeds had gone with the others to Tenrou island. "Finally, now let's get going." 

"Sorry, Aki, but we both agreed you will handle the guild and I do the paperwork, Master had left a lot unfinished or incorrectly so I got to do them." 

Natsu looked at me but he nodded and went towards the door that is Masters office. We went in and I took a seat and began the process of getting the work done. 

Natsu had left after a few hours of being in the office to get us some food since I only had a few more things of paper left to look through and sign the papers with the stamp of Fairy Tail as well as a few notes for when things were to be needed for the guild. The Tenrou team had left at one this afternoon so that meant it was an easy day for us. I had realized that the guild was pretty big, but we would still need more members in case something were to happen to the team that is out there. 

As I had just finished the last of the paperwork Natsu came in with a salad and steak in his mouth. "Geez, you're such a glutton." 

He glared at me but placed my salad on the desk with a small look of concern in his eyes. "Talk to me."

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