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When we heard that Macrov expelled Laxus from the guild, along with Layla, many did these crazy things to get him to change his mind. The craziest thing I saw was that Freed, a man with long green hair, cut off all his hair.

I was told to stop working so hard for the guild and to take a day off. Though I did try to fight them all I was quite literally pushed out of the guild. I was surprised that I hadn't seen Natsu or Happy around at all today. I decided that I would just go to the park and watch the people who go by and relax.

Walking out of the guild I made my way through a crowded street. Or I tried to. I kept getting asked to sign autographs by signing it as the Tamer Of Chaos. I tried to get them to let me sign it as the Celestial Maiden or Lucy of Fairy Tail, but no one allowed it.

People asked for photos and my opinion on the latest Sorcerer Weekly couple contest. I had no idea what this Sorcerer Weekly thing was so I just shrugged and gave a gentle smile.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look it's the Tamer Of Chaos! She is the one dating Chaos!" A little girl said as she made a run for me. A sound of neighing horses reached my ears before I saw the carriage come closer to the girl.

She would have been run over had I not used my speed and push her and myself away from the carriage. I ran for the carriage and jumped onto the back. My heart was pounding like never before, but I steeled myself and climbed on the roof of the thing and crawled in the driver's seat.

I saw a flash of red out of the corner of my eye, but I didn't pay any mind to it. I grabbed the reigns and pulled them towards me until the galloping horses came to a gentle trot. I started them with the man who was running to catch up.

"Oh thank you, miss!" A smile graced my face. "Aye, you look familiar. Have we met?"

"I am sorry mister, but no." Folding my hands in front of my chest I glanced at the little girl from before. "As for you." The small girl gulped and shook. Forcing my face to look more gentle I saw it set her more at ease. "Next time you decide to cross the street without your mom check both ways. What you did was reckless and very unsafe." The girl pouted and looked down ashamed. She learned her lesson so I bent down and gently lifted her head so we could look eye to eye. "I want you to say you are sorry to your mom and both of you come back to me."

The mother was already near us and she was in tears. Her blue and green eyes were filled with hot tears. "I'm sorry mommy. I won't do that again."

"My little Angel! I was so scared! Thank you, Tamer Of Chaos!"

Waving my hand dismissively the girl came back towards me as she waited for what else I had for her. I went in my boot and grabbed a pin that I had kept there for a long time. It was something my aunt had given me. It was a blue butterfly that has its wings spread wide, almost as if it is ready for flight. Blue flashes were blinding me, but I tried to ignore them for the most part. "Here. So you can remember that an act of kindness can save a person's life. You saved my day from boredom."

"Thank you!" She squeals and handed it to her mother. She then gave me a red dragonfly hairpin. "Happy birthday!"

With that, she left. My eyes blinked. Happy birthday. Is it really today? Soon many other people said the same thing. So much for a relaxing day. I made a run for it to the guild to hide from these townspeople. As soon as I entered I slammed the doors hard. Everyone was looking at me weirdly until the doors began to bounce me.

The males were quick to grab things and stack them up against the door as Elfman took my place at holding the door. After ten minutes I was on the ground safe and sound.

"Mira and I want to know what happened." Lisanna sweetly asked. I don't know why, but she hasn't really been all over me like she had in the beginning. Maybe she doesn't have a crush on Natsu? I don't know but I am glad that we became friends.

When I told my tale of what happened in town many people had busted out laughing.

"You forgot your own birthday?" Cana slurred.

"I try not to remember them." The guild went silent. "Never had Layla and I had a good birthday since we been between Uncle and Father. She still celebrates, but I gave up long ago."

I began to cry because I was frustrated and embarrassed by my past birthdays. I just want to go home and eat a pie, only because I am not allowed to work at all today.

"We don't want you here right now," Lisanna said with her hair hiding her face. "We don't like people who are good for nothing liars."

She thinks I am lying? I saw everyone look at me like that. I want to fight back, but I don't feel the usual strength I always feel when I had been in this situation in the past four months. Though at times like this it was because Natsu was with me or it was about him. My eyes widen in shock and scurried to the open window and flew off in the sky to Natsu's cottage. Not like he'll be back any time soon.

I laid in my bed for a while before I got to baking my stress out. I made a huge cake, that kind of looks like a wedding cake. I got the frosting and began the delicate process of icing the cake. (Ima let your imagination run free for the cake. 😈)

After two long hours, my masterpiece was finished. My smile couldn't have been wider at that moment. I would have stared longer at the huge cake, but my head was soon covered in a sack and my body being lifted. Muffled sounds soon came and went, but I heard a male say that someone else should be more careful of my cake.

If my body wasn't struggling before it sure was now.

"Let me down! Unhand me!" Were some of the things I screamed. "If my cake is destroyed I will skin you alive."

I knew that my chaos mist, as I like to call it, was coming off in waves. It was a long time, for me at least, before I heard a door open and me being set down.

I felt the sack on my head be lifted and I waited until it was off fully before I attacked my kidnapper. Or I would have if I wasn't so surprised at seeing Natsu and Happy. Looking around more I saw a decorated room, then noticing that it was the guild hall. A banner over the bar said: Happy birthday, Lucy!

"Surprise!" I heard everyone yell. Everyone was in the guild looking happy and excited. Lisanna was the one who walked up to me and grabbed my hands.

"Happy birthday, Lu!" Tears were falling down my cheeks as I jumped the white-haired girl in happiness. "Believe it or not, Natsu was the one who planned this and literally made it happen. We all tried to help, but he only allowed us the cake, ice cream, and gifts."

My body turned to Natsu and I began to cry as I gave him a bear hug.

"Annoying woman." Being smashed with my cake, the one I made mind you. I heard him laugh as I just glared and pushed him into the rest of the cake.

"Don't ruin a beautiful moment!" With that Natsu threw cake at my face, hitting Happy in the process. Happy threw a handful of icing at me as I thew cake at Natsu.

"Sorcerer Weekly was right. They are the number one couple in Fairy Tail."

"WE AREN'T EVEN DATING!" A cake ball was thrown at the side of my head, knocking me down. "You'll pay!"

Natsu stopped me and handed me a small bag. I looked at him but took the bag. Shaking my hand free of cake chunks I grabbed the item's inside.

What I found was an opal necklace with a red dragon with a black and blue dragon under it. Almost in a yin-yang symbol. My eyes began to water. "Took too long to get the exact money, annoying."

I just giggled and hugged him. "Thank you. This is the best birthday I ever had."

Hey Akumas! I might do updates on my YouTube for these books of mine. If you like the idea of when the next update is please follow me on YouTube @Primsgirl89

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