My nightmare came true

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Sorry this is not an update. I WAS FUDGING TAGGED! Thanks a lot EstherOmoyele for making my nightmare a reality.

Note my sarcasm.

Don't think I am mad I'm just joking around. Oh wow you people are actually getting to know how I actually am...  uh oh.

okay so before we start I want to say that I had gone to the ER last night. Seems like I got myself a yeast infection. I'm fine, for the most part, so don't worry about me.

Now for the gosh darn tag.


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1. My user name meaning? Seriously? I was twelve when I made a Google email. I was having a hard time trying to find the right way to have it. So I used my mom's birth last name and put 89 since they were side by side. Easy right? But then I started to use it as a cover up. I love my stage name because no one will know my real identity unless you are friends with me.

2. Favorite book? That's is hard because I am a book nerd. Hmm maybe I'll go with I'm not saying ;)

3. My icon and background? Wow this is getting personal isn't it? Well my icon is just me. And my background is just cute.

4. What types of books I write? Oh I try for action, fantasy, mystery, and romance. I am currently trying to make my own book and get it published on paper.

5. Recomend 3 books? Can I skip? Ugh fine. How about Poison Princess, The Sweetest Spell, and Embrace.

6. Secret about my Wattpad? I don't have any. At least I don't think I do.

7. Tag











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