Layla, meet Natsu

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Layla had gotten up from her seat at the bar after saying she would be going shopping for appropriate clothes. I had to keep her from going out in that formal dress, so I grabbed her arm and brought her to Mira.

"Give her a new outfit please." I had to repeat myself a couple times but in the end, she nodded and took Layla in the back. In the meantime, I went around collecting dirty dishes from tables.

I put them all in the sink and left them so Mira could clean them. When I turned around I saw Layla in a pretty green tube top and a  black skirt. Her boots were thigh high leather boots.

"It's only temporary. Oh! She just joined the guild. Show her Lay~!" Layla sighed and showed her left shoulder where the guild mark laid. It was a light purple with a black outline. I gave a soft smile. "She is also for Team Lucy!"

Layla glared at the white-haired girl, but Mira didn't notice. "You don't need to know, Lu."

I glared at her and Layla flinched. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the guild, or she tried to. Happy had grabbed me and brought me away from her. Natsu had begun to walk towards me with a deeper scowl on his face.

"You're not taking Lucy!" Happy screamed.

"Is that a talking cat? It's flying?" Layla mumbled. Happy gripped my shirt tighter. The others were watching amused, unaware of Natsu being below me. Natsu looked up and let's just say he got a peek at my underwear. At least until I asked Happy to put me down.

"Happy isn't a cat. He's an exceed. He can talk and he does fly." The room began to get warm as I was getting annoyed. She has been gone for two years and she doesn't know much about the magic world. Why do I know more when  I have left for a year?

"I see."

"Why do you need the woman?" Natsu forced out. I sighed as I placed a hand on his shoulder, everyone else backing away in fear, and made him look at me.

"I can handle this." Natsu only glared, but he backed away. Layla looked between us and the guild, slowly understanding this isn't very normal for Natsu. She then walked closer to me, but that had made Natsu growl. She paused but continued towards me. Happy had hidden behind my hair, as usual.

"I need Lucy to show me around and take me to her apartment. I don't mind you coming along." I saw Natsu went stiff, but he kept it under control. He just walked out of the guild. "I assume that's our cue to leave?"

"Aye sir. I still don't want you taking Lucy from us." Happy stated. I giggled and lightly scratched his head.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"You better not Lushy. Natsu and I will be angry and hurt if you did." Happy said as he leaned into my touch purring. He jumped up and flew above my head. Layla right behind us as we spoke.

It's kind of weird to see Layla in clothes that she was wearing. Happy was saying she should wear more revealing, but I think she should show less. We argued for a while before we came to my apartment and waited.

I gave Layla some jewels to get her a couple of outfits. "You have to go on a couple jobs to keep yourself with money. How did you even survive on your own?"

As rude as it sounded we both knew it was plain curiosity. Layla giggled as she remembered how she survived. "I sang on crowded streets and made some figurines with my magic. They thought I was rich so I had to 'rough it up' so to speak. Next thing I knew I was getting money and offers to stay at a house if the weather was bad."

I blinked. "But didn't you say you trained?"

"I did, Lu. A different type of training. I tried to find ways to bring ourselves to freedom, but since we are under age we can't do much. No other blood relative is alive. Uncle Haru died five years ago which led us to live with our father. Father not wanting you for some reason sent you back to uncle Jude. Since I am the oldest I will be getting the family business when I am of age. Unless we have physical proof of what he did was real there is nothing we can do to get away from the man."

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